Curriculum vitae Hans Willem Blom

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Curriculum vitae
Hans Willem Blom
Born 25 april 1947, Zandvoort (Netherlands)
University education:
Faculty appointments:
Landbouwhogeschool (Agricultural University) Wageningen (kandidaats-A degree)
Universiteit van Amsterdam (doctoraal degree [MA] Political and Social Sciences)
Ph.D. Universiteit Utrecht
Associate professor Political Science and Political Philosophy (Faculty of Social Sciences, EUR)
Associate professor Social and Political Philosophy (Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University)
Assistant professor Social and Political Philosophy (Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University)
Lecturer Methodology and Philosophy of Science (Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University)
Lecturer Methodology and Philosophy of Science (Faculty of Economics, Netherlands School of
Instructor International Relations, Department of Political Science, University of Amsterdam
Courses taught:
Introduction to Political Science
History of Political Thought
Contemporary Political Philosophy
The Notion of the State (also in the Dept of Law)
Methodology and Philosophy of Science
Introduction in the Philosophy of Economics (also in Dept of Economics)
Selected issues in Contemporary Political Philosophy (liberalism, theories of justice, civil society, ideology,
international order)
Philosophy of Social Science
Selected issues from the History of Political Thought (Cicero, Hobbes, Spinoza, Hume, Condorcet, Mill;
republicanism, contractualism, Scottish Enlightenment, Kameralistik)
Issues from the History of the Social Sciences (Adam Smith, E. Durkheim, M. Weber, J. Habermas)
Workshops in the Huizinga Instituut, Research School for Cultural History (Amsterdam)
Published some seventy scholarly articles, and 15 books as author/editor
Co-founder and board-member of the Erasmus Center for early-modern Studies
Fellow of Huizinga Instituut, Researchschool for Cultural History (Amsterdam)
Fellow and Programme Co-ordinator at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and
Social Sciences (2004-5)
Solmsen Fellow at the Institute for Research in the Humanities (UW-Madison) (2002-3)
Visiting professor Universidad de Buenos Aires (1998)
Visiting fellow RSSS, Australian National University (1998)
Visiting fellow King’s College Cambridge (1992)
NWO project research grants for the appointment of a young researcher (Dutch seventeenth century political
theory (1982-1986); Grotius and Hobbes on sociability (1998-2003); Replacement grant 2002-2003;
Internationalisering Onderzoekscholen (2005-2008); Program-grant Conquest, Competition and Ideology
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Curriculum vitae Hans W. Blom
Special projects:
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Development of International MA Programme in Philosophy
Preparation of a University Language Center for International Exchange Students, and managing
its initial phase
Course development Philosophy of Economics
Adminstrative positions:
Vice-Dean Faculty of Philosophy
Dean International Affairs Faculty of Philosophy
Chairman Degree committee
Major governance responsibilities:
Library committees
Various functions in the Faculty Board
Various functions in monitoring of interfaces between Philosophy and other departments of the University
Chairman University Committee language training for exchange students
Member University Senate
Membership and affiliations:
Editorial Board European Journal of Political Theory
Editorial Board Hebraic Political Studies
Managing editor Grotiana (Van Gorcum)
managing editor Studies in the History of Ideas in the Low Countries (Rodopi)
External referee for History of Political Thought, Kluwer Publishers, Netherlands Foundation for Scientific Research
advisory board Cités - Philosophie, Politique, Histoire (PUF)
editorial board Geschiedenis van de Wijsbegeerte in Nederland (Damon)
editor Rotterdamse Filosofische Studies
editorial board and review editor Acta Politica (Boom)
Native Dutch, English, French, German (proficient)
Spanish (good) Italian (basic)
Polish (rudimentary)
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List of publications 1971-2005 Hans W. Blom
Monographs and editions (page 3) / Articles (page 4) / In press (page 9)
Other publications (page 10)
Conference papers and lectures (page 12) / (Co) organisor International Conferences (page 17)
Monographs and edited books:
1. Spinoza en De la Court: politieke wetenschap in de zeventiende eeuw (Mededelingen vanwege het
Spinozahuis, nr. 42) Leiden, 1981.
2. Methode en object in de rechtswetenschappen, Edited and introduced (with R.J. de Folter), Zwolle:
Tjeenk Willink, 1986.
3. Pieter de la Court in zijn tijd. Aspecten van een veelzijdig publicist Edited and introduced (with I.W.
Wildenberg), Maarssen/Amsterdam: APA 1986.
4. A bibliography of Dutch seventeenth century political thought. An annotated inventory (with G.O. van
de Klashorst and E.O.G. Haitsma Mulier) Maarssen/Amsterdam: APA 1986.
5. Van alle markten thuis. Afscheidsbundel voor professor R.J. Zuidema. Edited and introduced (with
P.H. Admiraal) Den Haag: Universitaire Pers Rotterdam, 1987.
6. Bedrijfseconomie: hoe bestaat het?, Edited and introduced (with J.J. Vromen) Leiden: Stenfert Kroese
7. Bicameralisme [Acts of the ICHPRI-congres, Den Haag 21-24 augustus 1990], Edited and introduced
(with W.P. Blockmans and H. de Schepper) Den Haag: SDU Uitgeverij 1992, xii + 502 pp.
8. Deventer Denkers. De geschiedenis van het wijsgerig onderwijs te Deventer. Edited (with H.A. Korp
en M. Wielema) Hilversum : Verloren 1993.
9. Causality and morality in politics. The rise of naturalism in Dutch seventeenth-century political
thought. Diss. Utrecht 1995. Reviews: J. Israel (GWN, 1995); F. Ankersmit (BMGN, 1997); M. Spies (17e Eeuw,
1996); S. Visentin (Il Pensiero Politico, 1996)
10. Algernon Sidney, Court Maxims, Edited and introduced by H.W. Blom, E.O.G. Haitsma Mulier and
R. Janse. Cambridge University Press, 1996.
11. Festschrift Michael John Petry, Special issue of Geschiedenis van de Wijsbegeerte in Nederland, 9
12. Leo Polak, Special issue of Geschiedenis van de Wijsbegeerte in Nederland, 10 (1999).
13. Quentin Skinner / Yves Charles Zarka, Hobbes. The Amsterdam Debate. Edited and introduced by
Hans Blom. Hildesheim: Olms 2001.
14. Hans W. Blom & Laurens C. Winkel (eds), Grotius and the Stoa. Assen: Van Gorcum, 2004.
15. Monarchisms in the Age of Enlightenment: Liberty, Patriotism, and the Public Good, edited (with J.
Ch. Laursen, and L. Simonutti) Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007 (in press)
16. Hans W. Blom (ed), Piracy, Property and Punishment: De iure praedae of Hugo Grotius. Assen: Van
Gorcum, 2006 (in preparation)
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1. ‘Enige beschouwingen over recente theorieën van binnenlands geweld’, Mens en Maatschappij 1971,
p. 40-46.
2. ‘Geweld’, Transactie 1(1972) p. 8-12.
3. ‘Geweld geweld aangedaan?’, Transactie 2(1973) p. 8-12.
4. ‘De structuur van de onvrede. De ideologische achtergronden van de Franse mei-revolutie in 1968’
Onze Jaren 45-70 99(1973) p. 3158-3160.
5. ‘Filosofie en sociale wetenschappen’ Acta Politica 9(1974) p. 54-63.
6. ‘Een legaliteitsschaal’ Beleid en Maatschappij 2(1975) p. 30-32.
7. ‘Waarschijnlijkheid’ Acta Politica 10(1975) p. 206-213.
8. ‘Sir William Petty, een zeventiende eeuwse empirist, Acta Politica 11(1976) p. 1-32.
9. ‘Hard onderzoek kan ook anders’ Transactie 5(1976) p. 8-10.
10. ‘Methode en beoordeling in de economie’ Kennis en Methode 1(1977) p. 280-285.
11. ‘Politieke wetenschap in de Gouden Eeuw. Kritiek, geschiedenis en theorie in het Nederlandse
zeventiende eeuwse politieke denken’ Acta Politica 13(1978) p. 305-330.
12. ‘H.A. Simon’s wetenschapsfilosofische werk’ Intermediair 14(1978) p. 39-40.
13. ‘ "Sinn" en "Bedeutung" van Max Webers methodologische opvattingen’ Theoretische Geschiedenis
6(1979) p. 35-41.
14. ‘Herlevende waardevrijheidsdiscussie: een nieuwe methodenstrijd?’ Wijsgerig Perspectief (thema
nummer over ‘Filosofie en Economie’) 19(1978/9) p. 142-147.
15. ‘Political Science in the Golden Age. Criticism, History and Theory in Dutch Seventeenth Century
Political Thought’ The Netherlands’ Journal of Sociology 15(1979) p. 47-71.
16. ‘Methodologie en politieke economie’ Kennis en Methode 3(1979) p. 390-410.
17. ‘De grondslagen van de politieke wetenschap - de wetenschappelijkheid van de politicologie’
Wijsgerig Perspectief (thema nummer over ‘Moderne politieke theorieën’) 20(1979/80) p. 61-66.
18. ‘Politieke verplichting’ in M. van Schendelen & P. Lehning (eds), Actualiteit van politieke filosofie
Amsterdam, 1981, p. 95-110.
19. (met W.W. Mijnhardt), ‘Skinner, de spanning tussen geschiedenis en politieke filosofie’, in
Theoretische Geschiedenis 11(1984) p. 33-40.
20. (met C.J. Bax), ‘Het Alkmaarse euthanasievonnis: een reactie’, in Nederlands Juristen Blad 59
(1985) p. 270-271.
21. ‘Spinoza précurseur de la méthode analytique dans les sciences sociales’, in Il Pensiero Politico
18(1985) p. 18-38.
22. ‘Politics, virtue and political science: an interpretation of Spinoza’s political philosophy’, in Studia
Spinozana 1(1985) p. 209-230.
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23. (with J.M. Kerkhoven) ‘A letter concerning an early draft of Spinoza’s Treatise on Religion and
Politics’, in Studia Spinozana 1(1985) p. 371-378.
24. ‘Het perspectief van de politieke filosofie’ in H.W. Blom & R.J. de Folter, Methode en object in de
rechtswetenschappen Zwolle, 1986, p. 123-143.
25. (with J.H. Kerkhoven) ‘Van correspondenten en correspondenties. Spinoza en De la Court’, in H.W.
Blom & I.W. Wildenberg, Pieter de la Court in zijn tijd Maarssen, 1986, p. 137-160.
26. ‘Introspection and all that’ in P.H. Admiraal & H.W. Blom (eds), Van alle markten thuis Den Haag,
1987, p. 171-182.
27. ‘Virtue and Republicanism. Spinoza’s political philosophy in the context of the Dutch Republic’, in
Helmut Koenigsberger (hrg.), Republiken und Republikanismus im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit.
[Schriften des Historischen Kollegs, Kolloquien 11] München: Oldenbourg 1988, p. 195-212.
28. ‘Spinoza et les problèmes d’une théorie de la société commerçante’, in: Studia Spinozana, vol IV
(1988) 281-302.
29. ‘A Dutch context to late 17th-century republican thought: Gulielmus Van der Muelen’s dissertation
on sovereignty’, in: Il Pensiero Politico 22 (1989) 66-73
30. ‘Zin en onzin van de economische methodologie’ (with A. Vandevelde & J.J. Vromen), in:
Economisch Statistische Berichten, 74 (13 december 1989) 1228-1231.
31. ‘ ‘Uit ethiek en politiek geboren’: economie en rechtvaardigheid’, in: Maandschrift Economie
(themakatern: Filosofie van de economische wetenschappen), 53 (1989) 355-364
32. ‘Economische Methodologie’(with A. Vandevelde en J.J. Vromen), in: Economisch Statistische
Berichten, 74 (17 mei 1989) 488-489.
33. ‘ "Our Prince is King!": The impact of the Glorious Revolution on the Political Debate in the
Netherlands’, in Parliaments, Estates and Revolutions, 10 (1990) 45-58.
34. ‘Natuurrecht en geschiedenis. Historiserende en relativerende tendensen in het vroege werk van
Lambertus van Velthuysen’, Groniek 110 [Special issue ‘Politieke theorie en geschiedbeeld’] (1990), 5161.
35. ‘Lambert van Velthuysen et le naturalisme: Autour de sa lettre à Jacob Ostens’, in Cahiers Spinoza,
1991, nr. 6, pp. 203-212.
36. (with J.J. Vromen) ‘Inleiding’, in H.W. Blom & J.J. Vromen (eds), Bedrijfseconomie: hoe bestaat
het? Leiden: Stenfert Kroese 1991, 1-14.
37. (with J.J. Vromen) ‘Nabeschouwing’, in H.W. Blom & J.J. Vromen (eds), Bedrijfseconomie: hoe
bestaat het? Leiden: Stenfert Kroese 1991, 185-190.
38. ‘Alice in ondernemersland’, in H.W. Blom & J.J. Vromen (eds), Bedrijfseconomie: hoe bestaat het?
Leiden: Stenfert Kroese 1991, 139-154.
39. ‘Le contexte historique du De Jure Ecclesiasticorum’, in: Lucius Antistius Constans: Du Droit des
Ecclésiastiques 1665. Trad. V. Butori, revue par J.Lagrée et P.-F. Moreau, Présentation de H. Blom et C.
Lazzéri. Université de Caen, 1991, ix-xxi.
40. ‘Droit naturel dans une société proto-bourgeoise. La contribution de Lambertus van Velthuysen
(1622-1685)’, in Anuario, 4 (1992) pp. 155-165.
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41. ‘Ethos and interest’, in: H.W. Blom, W.P. Blockmans & H. de Schepper (eds), Bicameralisme, Den
Haag: SDU Uitgeverij 1992, 147-157.
42. Bicameralism -- history -- theory -- problems’, in: H.W. Blom, W.P. Blockmans & H. de Schepper
(eds), Bicameralisme, Den Haag: SDU Uitgeverij 1992, 19-33.
43. ‘Spinoza’s politieke en moraalfilosofie’, in: Etienne Kuypers (ed), Sporen van Spinoza
(Leuven/Apeldoorn: Garant 1993) 115-145.
44. ‘Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas. Burgersdijk’s moral and political thought’, in E.P. Bos &
H.A. Krop, The philosophy of Franco Burgersdijk. [Studies in the History of Ideas in the Low Countries
I] (Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi 1993), pp. 119-150.
45. ‘The moral and political philosophy of Spinoza’, chapter 9 in G.H.R. Parkinson (ed.), The
Renaissance and Seventeenth-century Rationalism [Routledge History of Philosophy, vol IV], London:
Routledge & Kegan Paul 1993, pp. 313-348.
46. ‘ "Imperium Germanicum", Habsburg and the low countries: despotism and the end of the ancien
régime’, in Heiliges Römisches Reich und moderne Staatlichkeit, Wilhelm Brauneder (Hrsg.). Frankfurt
a/M, etc.: Lang 1993. pp. 195-219.
47. ‘De la Court e l’ "interesse di Stato" ‘, in: Scienza & Politica 9 (1993) pp. 25-48.
48. ‘Kijken naar de toekomst van de economie’, in E. Heijerman e.a. (red), Vuile Handen. Basisboek
praktische filosofie, Utrecht 1994, pp. 157-168.
49. ‘Olandesi ‘borghesi’ del XIX secolo: la separazione della cittadinanza economica da quella politica’,
in R. Gherardi, G. Gozzi (ed.), Saperi della borghesia, Trento 1995, p. 399-421.
50. ‘Citizens and the ideology of citizenship in the Dutch Republic: Machiavellianism, wealth and nation
in the mid-seventeenth century’, in: Yearbook of European Studies 8 (1995) pp. 131-152.
51. ‘Dossier Quentin Skinner’, inleiding en redactie, in: Krisis, no. 64, september 1996, pp. 5-31.
52. Politieke theorieën in het eerste kwart van de 17e eeuw: Vaderland van aristocratische republiek naar
gemengde staat’, in: H. Nellen & C. Ridderikhof (eds.), De Hollandse jaren van Hugo de Groot. Den
Haag, C.Huygens Instituut, 1996, pp. 145-153.
53. The great Privilege (1477) as ‘Code of Dutch Freedom: the political role of privileges in the Dutch
Revolt and after’, in: Barbara Dölemeyer & Heinz Mohnhaupt (eds.), Das Privileg im europäischen
Vergleich. Frankfurt a/M, Klostermann, 1997. pp.233-247.
54. ‘ “Zet de ramen open!” Metafysica, moraal en staatsfilosofie in de natuurrechtsleer van F.A. van
der Marck (1719-1800)’, in: H. Krop, H. van Ruller, A Vanderjagt (eds.), Filosofieonderwijs in
Groningen. Hilversum, Verloren 1997.
55. ‘Oorlog, handel en staatsbelang in het politieke denken rond 1648’, in: De zeventiende eeuw 13
(1997) pp. 89-99.
56. Le Débat d’Amsterdam, dossier sur Hobbes, Le Débat, Septembre 1997.
57. ‘Las cosas y la socialización en la estetica y la teoría del valor de Adam Smith’, Jornadas de
Epistemología de las Ciencias Económicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1998, pp. 86-95
58. De politiek in de filosofie: pleidooi voor een burgerlijke filosofie, Geschiedenis van de Wijsbegeerte
in Nederland, (Afscheidsbundel M.J. Petry) 9 (1998), 70-78.
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59. ‘Civic republicanism and reason of state’ in: Enzo Baldini (ed), La Ragion di Stato dopo Meinecke e
Croce. A proposito di recenti contributi Genova 1999. 115-143.
60. ‘Élèves de Grotius: Raison d’État entre Naturalisme et Droit de Nature’, in: Gianfranco Borrelli (ed),
Prudenza civile, bene comune, guerra giusta. Persorsi della ragion di Stato tra Seicento e Settecento,
Napels 1999, 11-28.
61. ‘Vrijheid in de natuurrechtelijke politieke theorie in de zeventiende-eeuwse Republiek’, in: Eco
Haitsma Mulier & Wyger Velema (eds), Vrijheid (Nederlandse begripsgeschiedenis), Amsterdam 1999,
133-156. Also published as ‘Il concetto di libertà nella teorie politiche giusnaturaliste del Seicento
olandese’, in: I linguaggi e la storia, ed. Antonio Trampus and Ulrike Kindl (Bologna: Il Molino 2003)
62. ‘Natuurrecht, naturalisme, moderniteit’, in R. Foqué en M. Verkerk (eds), Afscheidsbundel Koo van
der Wal, 2000, 84-102.
63. ‘Toleranz in den Niederlände: Ambiguitäten in Praxis und Verständnis’, in: G. Frank, Jörg
Haustein, Albert de Lange (Herausg), , Asyl, Toleranz und Religionsfreiheit. Historische Erfahrungen
und aktuelle Herausforderungen. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2000, 189-208.
64. ‘Providence, determinism and the nature of liberty: Necessity as an argument for freedom’, in:
Luisa Simonutti (ed), Dal necessario al possibile. Determinismo e libertà nel pensiero anglo-olandese
del xvii secolo. Milano: FrancoAngeli 2001, 177-198.
65. ‘Two models of resistance: Beggars and Liberators in the Dutch Revolt’, in: Robert von Friedeburg
(ed), Widerstand. Beiheft Historisches Zeitschrift 2001, 61-81.
66. ‘The Republican mirror: the Dutch idea of Europe’, in: Athony Pagden (ed.), The Idea of Europe,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001, 91-115.
67. Secularisation in Dutch political theory: Lambert van Velthuysen (1622-1685), in Henry Méchoulan,
Richard H. Popkin, Giuseppe Ricuperati, Luisa Simonutti (eds), La formazione storica della alterità.
Studi di storia della tolleranza nell’età moderna offerti a Antonio Rotondò, 3 vols. Florence: Olschki
2001, II-559-575.
68. ‘Politics, Virtue and Political Science: An Interpretation of Spinoza’s Political Philosophy’, reprinted
in Spinoza: Critical Assessments, G. Lloyd (ed). London: Routledge 2001, pp. 3-19.
69. Burger en belang: Pieter de la Court over de politieke betekenis van burgers, in: Joost Kloek and
Karin Tilmans (ed.), Burger. Een geschiedenis van het begrip burger in de Nederlanden van de
Middeleeuwen tot de 21ste eeuw. Amsterdam: APA 2002, 99-112.
70. A note on Dutch editions, in: Keith Tribe and Hiroshi Mizuta, eds. A Critical Bibliography of
Adam Smith. London: Pickering & Chatto, 2002, 391-2.
71. ‘Il concetto di libertà nella teorie politiche giusnaturaliste del Seicento olandese’, in: I linguaggi e la
storia, ed. Antonio Trampus and Ulrike Kindl (Bologna: Il Molino 2003) 141-179.
72. ‘The republic’s nation: the transformation of civic virtue in the Dutch eighteenth century’, in: From
republican polity to national community. Reconsiderations of Enlightenment political thought, ed.
Paschalis M. Kitromilides, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 2003:9, 19-39.
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73. ‘Patriots, contracts and other patterns of trust in a polyarchic society: the Dutch 17thc century’, in
Robert von Friedeburg (ed), ‘Patria’ und ‘Patrioten’ vor dem Patriotismus. Pflichten, Rechte, Glauben
und die Rekonfiguration europäischer Gemeinwesen im 17. Jahrhundert. (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz
Verlag 2005) 193-213.
74. Grotius and Socianism, in: Martin Mulsow and Jan Rohls (eds.), Socinianism and Arminianism.
Antitrinitarians, Calvinists, and cultural exchange in seventeenth-century Europe [Brill’s studies in the
intellectual history, vol. 134], Leiden 2005, p. 121-147
75. Politik und Religion, in: N. Konegen/P. Nitschke (eds.), Staat bei Hugo Grotius (Baden-Baden:
Nomos Verlag 2005)
76. Lieveling van de Latijnse taal. Justus Lipsius te Leiden herdacht bij zijn vierhonderdste sterfdag,
door Jeaninne de Landtsheer, Hans W. Blom, e.a. on Tacitus and Seneca, Exhibition catalogue, Leiden:
Universiteitsbibliotheek, 2006.
77. Grotius: un libéral républicain, in: Philippe Nemo et Jean Petitot, Histoire du libéralisme en Europe,
Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2006) 153-173.
78. De iure belli ac pacis, Manfred Brocker (ed), Geschichte des politischen Denkens - Ein Handbuch
(Suhrkamp Verlag, 2006).
79. Lemma Mandeville, in Dictionary of Medical Biography, eds. W.F. and H. Bynum. Greenwood
Press, 2006.
80. The Archeology of Governance in the Dutch Golden Age, in: Foedus. Culture Economie e Territori.
Rivista Quadrimestrale, nr 15 (2006) 12-20
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In print:
Monarchisms in the Age of Enlightenment: Liberty, Patriotism, and the Common Good (UCLA Clark
Memorial Library Series) Edited by Hans Blom, John Christian Laursen, and Luisa Simonutti
(University of Toronto Press 2007) 304pp /1 photograph
Grotius and De iure praedae, ed. by Hans W. Blom (Van Gorcum, Assen 2007)
Spinoza on body politic, republics and republicanism, in Republic and republicanism, ed. M. van
Gelderen and W. Velema, Amsterdam 200?
Los afectos del gobierno, in: El gobierno de los afectos in Spinoza. Ed. by E. Fernández García. Madrid
Grotius and Morals, ed. D. Hüning (ed.), Die naturrechtliche Theorien bei Grotius. (Wolfenbüttel)
Wetenschappelijke output 2007 Hans W. Blom
Wetenschappelijke publicaties:
Monarchisms in the age of Enlightenment: Liberty, Patriotism, and the Common Good. Eds Hans Blom, John Christian
Laursen, and Luisa Simonutti. University of Toronto Press, 2007. xii+306 pp. [refereed]
Les réactions hollandaises à l’exécution de Charles I. «Monarchie» et «république» dans les ProvincesUnies après 1649’, in: Y.C. Zarka (ed), Monarchie et République au xv11e siècle. Paris Presses
Universitaires de France 2007. pp. 193-211
Booty around 1600: Christian princes, merchant republics and terra incognita, in: The Codes Gigas & War Booty and early
modern Culture, Ed. J. Kreslins, with contributions of H.W. Blom, H. Schilling and others. Stockholm: Biblis Society, 2007,
pp. xx-yy
Los afectos del gobierno, in: El gobierno de los afectos en Baruj Spinoza. Ed. by E. Fernández García y
María Luisa de la Cámara. Madrid 2007. pp. 379-394
Hugo Grotius, Drei Bücher über das Recht des Krieges und des Friedens (1625), in: Geschichte des
Politischen Denkens, Hrsg Manfred Brocker. Frankfurt a/M: Suhrkamp, 2007, pp. 199-211. [refereed]
Spinoza on Res publica, Republics, and Monarchies, in: Monarchisms in the age of Enlightenment: Liberty, Patriotism, and
the Common Good. Eds Hans Blom, John Christian Laursen, and Luisa Simonutti. (University of Toronto Press, 2007). Pp.
19-44 [refereed]
Introduction in: Monarchisms in the age of Enlightenment: Liberty, Patriotism, and the Common Good. Eds Hans Blom,
John Christian Laursen, and Luisa Simonutti. (University of Toronto Press, 2007). Pp 3-16. [refereed]
On the state of political science in the Netherlands, Seminar talks at Collegium Civitas Warschau, 8 en 15 maart 2007
« La guerre juste chez Hugo Grotius, comment commencer et conclure des guerres dans l’Europe moderne », conférence au
colloque sur Penser la guerre juste d’hier à aujourd’hui, Le Centre Perelman de philosophie de droit, Université Libre de
Bruxelles, 20 maart 2007
Bernard Mandeville and the history of republicanism, Seminar paper at the Université de Lausanne 17 april 2007
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The place of patriotic allegiance in early-modern Western European political thought, at CEU Conference, Budapest 26-7
mei 2007
Tolerance in the Dutch Republic, paper at Conference on Tolerancja, Lodz 28-31 mei 2007
Private Vices, Public Benefits: human nature and politics in Bernard Mandeville, guest lecture, Faculty of Political Science,
La Sapienza, Rome, 6 juni 2007.
Neutral Notion: right reason, impartiality and acceptable interest of state, paper at the conference on Trade and War: the
Neutrality of Commerce in the Inter-State System, Helsinki 22-24 augustus 2007
Monarchisms and redefining the Enlightenment, Conference on Constitutionalism, Republicanism and the Rights of Man,
Erasmus Center for early-modern Studies, Rotterdam, 19 december 2007
Referenties/reviews voor:
History of Political Thought, Hebraic Political Studies, Brill Publishers, Trinity Hall (Cambridge), NIAS, NWO.
In preparation:
Lambert van Velthuysen, A Letter on Vice and Virtue: dissertation on the principles of the just and
fitting, with an apology for Thomas Hobbes’s De Cive. Latin text and English translation. Edited and
introduced by Hans W. Blom, translated by Malcolm de Mowbray.
Text-edition P. de la Court, Consideratien van Staat ofte politieke weegschaal.
‘Les réactions hollandaises à l’exécution de Charles I. «Monarchie» et «république» dans les ProvincesUnies après 1649’, in: Y.C. Zarka (ed), Monarchie et République Paris 2005 (in press).
‘Spinoza in het Nederlandse politieke denken 1897-1940’, in: Kees Schuyt & Theo van der Werf (eds),
Honderd jaar Spinoza in Nederland en België. Delft 2005 (in press)
Also in preparation: articles for volumes on Augustinianism (Silke-Petra Bergjan, Zürich), Epicurianism
(Oxford), Booty in the seventeenth century (Stockholm), 3rd Spanish Spinoza-conference (Santiago de
Compostela), Dutch Decline (Rotterdam), Cicero in Grotius (Sevilla).
list of publication hans w blom – 11 –
Publications in local history (pastime coffee-table publications):
‘Het vermaakelyckste en voordeelighste? Kralingen in de 17e en 18e eeuw als Rotterdams arcadia’,
Rotterdams Jaarboekje (1990) pp. 230-258
Kralingen: 150 jaar Hoflaankerk en de Viersprong, Rotterdam 1992 (editor).
Kralingen onder de rook van Rotterdam, Rotterdam 1995 (editor).
‘Van oesters en kroos: Hoge heren en lokaal bestuur’, in Blom (ed.), Kralingen onder de rook van
Arboretum Trompenburg. De geschiedenis van een buitenplaats in het parklandschap van Kralingen.
Rotterdam: Roterodamum 1996. 111 pp.
Kralingen en St. Lambertus: 350 jaar parochie, Rotterdam 2004 (editor, in preparation)
list of publication hans w blom – 12 –
Conference papers, public lectures:
‘What rationality is there in reason-of-state?’. Joint workshops European Consortium for Political
Research, Leuven, April 1976.
‘Spinoza précurseur’. Leiden-Chantilly conference on Spinoza’s political theory, June-September 1977.
‘Conceptual structures in early-modern social thought’. International Congres of the History of Science,
Edinburgh, August 1977.
‘Theory and empiricism in Machiavelli’s science of politics’. Joint workshops European Consortium for
Political Research, Florence March 1980.
‘Spinoza en De la Court: politiek wetenschap in de zeventiende eeuw’. Annual Meeting Vereniging Het
Spinozahuis, mei 1980.
‘Natural law and human rights’. Joint workshops European Consortium for Political Research, Salzburg
april 1984.
‘Spinoza and Dutch Republicanism’. Colloquium on Republics and republicanism in early-modern
Europe, Historisches Kolleg, Munich, May 1985.
‘Uit ethiek en politiek geboren: economie en rechtvaardigheid’. Lecture Internationale School voor
Wijsbegeerte, June 1987.
‘Spinoza et les problèmes d’une théorie de la société commerçante’. Colloquium on 17th century Dutch
political philosophy Université Libre de Bruxelles, 12 March 1988
‘ "Our Prince is King!": The impact of the Glorious Revolution on the Political Debate in the
Netherlands’, The Glorious Revolution 1688-1988, 38th Conference of the International Commission for
the History of Representative and Parliamentary Instituttions, Durham, 26-29 July 1988.
‘De La Court and Dutch Liberalism’, Free Seas, Free Markets, Free People. A Colloquium on Dutch
Liberal Thought, Bussum, 19-22 May 1989.
‘Natural law in the Netherlands before and after the first impact of Pufendorf’, Unsocial Sociability:
Modern natural law and the 18th-century discourse of politics, history and society. International
workshop at the Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte, Göttingen, 26-30 June, 1989.
‘A Dutch context to late 17th-century republican thought’, La révolution et le droit. Bicentenaire de la
Révolution Française, Paris, 10-22 septembre 1989.
‘Voor-revolutionaire revolutie-kritiek: effectief conservatisme in het Nederlandse verlichte
staatsdenken’, De Franse revolutie en de grondslagen van het publiekrecht. Colloquium, Rotterdam, 23
November 1989.
‘Contract en conventie: het individu en het probleem van wederzijdse, vrijwillige verplichtingen’, De
Franse revolutie en de grondslagen van het privaatrecht. Colloquium, Brussels, 13 December 1989.
‘Natuurrecht in de politieke filosofie in de zeventiende eeuw’, Natuurrecht-studiedag Werkgroep Sassen,
Utrecht, 19 May 1990.
Organisation of International Commission for the History of Parliaments and Representative
Intstitutions-conference on Bicameralisme, Eerste Kamer der Staten-Generaal te Den Haag, 21/24
August 1990.
list of publication hans w blom – 13 –
‘Ethos and interest’, ICHPRI-conference on Bicameralisme, Den Haag, 22 August 1990.
‘Het souvereiniteitsbegrip in de 17e en 18e eeuw’, guestlecture Vakgroep Geschiedenis, Faculteit der
Letteren, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, 2 November 1990.
‘The moral and political philosophy of François Hemsterhuis’, Hemsterhuis Symposium, Leiden, 21-24
November 1990.
‘De praktische filosofie van Franco Burgersdijck’, Burgersdijck seminar, Leiden, 1 December 1990.
‘Von Spiegel und Zuschauer. Probleme von Adam Smith heraus über Ethik und Aesthetik’, MünsterRotterdam colloquium Ethik und Aesthetik, Münster, 12-15 February 1991.
‘De theoretische gelaagdheid van de politieke ideeëngeschiedenis’, AIO-seminar Netwerk Nieuwe
Geschiedenis, Utrecht, 24 April 1991.
‘Thematic introduction’, Münster-Rotterdam colloquium Ethik und Aesthetik, Rotterdam, 8 May 1991.
‘Bronnen voor het natuurrechtelijke vrijheidsbegrip’, Project Nederlandse begripsgeschiedenis,
werkgroep Vrijheid, Amsterdam, 7 June 1991.
Comments on lectures of M. Richter en R. Kosselleck, International Summer School "Main trends in
cultural history", Amsterdam, 18-27 June 1991.
‘Spinoza over souvereiniteit’, guestlecture Faculteit der Letteren, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, 1
November 1991.
‘Spinoza, the ideal state and the reality of republicanism’, lecture Skinner-Dunn Seminar in Social and
Political Thought, University of Cambridge (Christ College), 16 November 1992.
‘Privat-public distinction in the Dutch Republic’, lecture Seminar History Group, University of Exeter,
20 November 1992.
‘Lambert van Velthyusen: l’enjeu de la morale politique’, lecture Colloque international ‘Entre Descartes
et Hobbes: La philosophie politique aux Pays-Bas avant Spinoza’, Utrecht/Amsterdam 26 en 27
November 1992.
‘Verlichte despotie en de Nederlandse republiek’, guestlecture Faculteit der Letteren, Katholieke
Universiteit Nijmegen, 4 December 1992.
‘Das Römisch-deutsche Reich aus der Sicht der republikanischen Niederlande’, voordracht, voordacht
‘Symposium zur 200. Wiederkehr der letzten Wahl eines Römisch-deutschen Kaisers im Jahre 1792:
Heiliges Römisches Reich und moderne Staatlichkeit (Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institut für Internationale
Kultur- und Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, Wenen) 18 December 1992.
‘Politieke filosofie in Nederland in de 17e eeuw’, lecture Studium Generale EUR, 18 Februari 1993.
‘De la Court and Reason of State’, lecture Cambridge Seminar on Reason of State, 26 February 1993
‘Van Velthuysen and the Cumberland circle’, CNRS-BSHP conference Le Monde des Platoniciens de
Cambridge: Philosophie, morale et politique, Nantes, 14-15 May 1993.
‘Spinoza and the contribution of Dutch republicanism to the political theory of citizenship’, lecture
Università de Trieste, 23-24 May 1993.
‘Bourgeois Dutch in the 19thc: the separation of economic and political citizenship’, seminar Storia dei
list of publication hans w blom – 14 –
concetti e saperi della borghesia, Istituto Italo-Germanico, Trento, 24-25 September 1993.
Organisation lustrum-seminar vakgroep PF&G: Enlightenment and Modernity, 12 November 1993.
‘Sovereignty and autonomy: republican perspectives’, lecture Intensive Course, Trieste Network, Bilbao,
2-8 May 1994.
‘Simon van Slingelandt (1664-1736): the problem of political change and Spinozism in the 18thc
century’, paper conference ‘Disguised and overt Spinozism around 1700’, Rotterdam 5-7 October 1994.
‘From politics to reason of state’, Conference ‘La Ragion di Stato dopo Meinecke e Croce. A proposito
di recenti contributi’, Turijn, 21-22 October 1994.
Discussant Conference ‘History and theory in national contexts’, Exeter, 5-6 October 1994.
Discussant workshop ‘Unlocking government archives of early modern times’, Instituut voor
Nederlandse Geschiedenis, Den Haag, 17-18 November 1994.
‘Individual and society: Lambert van Velthuysen’s concept of amoral morality as the foundation of
political order’, paper seminar on ‘Unsocial Sociability’, Collegium Budapest, 26 November 1994.
‘Staatlichkeit in den Niederlanden um 1660’, guestlecture Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, 24 April
‘Le républicanisme dans la République des Provinces-Unies’, guestlecture Ecole Normale Superieure,
Paris, 6 May 1995.
‘Skepticisme en passies. Het naturalistische alternatief’, lecture UFSIA, Antwerpen 17 May 1995.
‘L’anti-Machiavel aux Provinces-Unies’, lecture CNRS, GDR-988, Paris 28 June 1995.
‘Politieke theorieën in het eerste kwart van de zeventiende eeuw’, lecture Conference De Hollandse
jaren van Hugo de Groot, C. Huygens Instituut, Den Haag, August 1995.
‘Althusius and federalism’, workshop Liberty Fund, Valkensweert, 19-22 October 1995.
‘Das Privileg im Niederländischen Republikanismus’, Symposium Das Privileg im europäischen
Vergleich, Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt, 13-15 November 1995.
Comment on Hilary Putnam’s Notion of Modernity, Faculteit der Wijsbegeerte, EUR, 20 November
‘F.A. Van der Marck. Een filosoof onder juristen’, Wijsgerig onderwijs in Groningen, Groningen 12-13
January 1996.
‘Het tegendraadse humanisme van Benedictus Spinoza’, lecture Jonge Humanisten, Leiden 28 January
‘Les réactions aux Provinces-Unies à l’exécution de Charles Ier’, Colloquium ‘Monarchie et
République’, CNRS/Paris I-Sorbonne, 3 februari 1996.
Organisation seminar on Modern Republicanism, with Philip Pettit (ANU), Erasmus University, 7 May
Le Débat d’Amsterdam: Skinner en Zarka over Hobbes, organisation, introduction, chair. Amsterdam (with
British Council and Maison Descartes), 8 May 1996.
list of publication hans w blom – 15 –
Pupils of Grotius: Reason of state between natural law and naturalism, Conference “Prudenza civile, bene
comune, guerra giusta. Percorsi della ragion di stato tra seicento e settecento”, Napels, 22-25 May 1996
Réunion EHESS/DEA/CNRS, Parijs 17 June 1996.
Fighting for freedom: the intellectual origins of a politics of tolerance, Conference “La Forma della Libertà.
Categorie della razionalizzazione e storiografia”, Trieste, October 1996
‘Oorlog, handel en staatsbelang in het politieke denken rond 1648’, Conference De Vrede van Munster,
Nijmegen/Kleve, 28-31 August 1996.
Discussant Les rencontres CNRS: Sciences 7 Citoyens, Poitiers, 1-3 November 1996.
‘Le radicalisme democratique de Jean de Witt et le populisme de Pierre de la Court’, lecture Centre Thomas
Hobbes, seminaire Souveraineté et Constitution, Paris 3 February 1997
Organisation Conference Identity politics, Rotterdam, 6-7 May 1997
‘De invloed op de politieke theorie’, Conference Honderd jaar Spinoza in Nederland en België,
Amsterdam 15-17 May 1997
‘The Emblemata Politica (1634) of Boxhornius: the rhetorics of republican politics in the early Dutch
Republic’, paper Conference International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Saskatoon 21-26 July
Comment on A.J. Klamer The Loss of Character in Economics, Seminar Philosophy in Economics
(EUR) 14 September 1997
‘Spinoza and subjective rights’, Spinoza Conference Bielefeld, 29 September 1997
Foundational Meeting of “Cités, Nouvelles Annales de Philosophie Politique”, Parijs 30 September 1997
‘The Dutch ideology of consumption’, paper Conference Werkgroep 18e Eeuw/Huizinga
Instituut/Posthumus Instituut, Culture of Consumption, Rotterdam 20 en 21 November 1997
‘Petrus Cunaeus: l’Écriture, le sacré et le droit’ lecture Centre Thomas Hobbes, seminaire Le sacré et le
droit, Parijs 13 December 1997
‘The politics in Spinoza’s philosophy’, Philosophy Seminar ANU, Canberra, 6 maart 1998
‘The mechanisms of republicanism’, Seminar RSSS, ANU, Canberra, 10 maart 1998
‘Over de Republikeinse Conventie’, Dutch Financial Luncheon, Sidney, 11 maart 1998
Seminar ‘Mandeville, Human Nature and the Welfare State’, Liberty Fund, New Orleans, 16-19 april
‘De politiek in de filosofie’, voordracht Afscheidsymposium M.J. Petry, EUR, 28-29 mei 1998
Lecture Series on ‘The philosophical foundations of political economy’, Universidad de Buenos Aires,
25 september-15 oktober 1998
Two guestlectures, Devoto prison, Buenos Aires, 7 en 14 oktober 1998
Key note paper ‘Naturalism and morality in economics’, IV Jornadas de Epistemología Económica,
Buenos Aires, 17 oktober 1998
list of publication hans w blom – 16 –
‘Nature et autonomie’, paper congres “Dal necessario al possible”, CNR, Milaan 12-14 november 1998
Paneldiscussion ‘La Tolerance aujourd’hui en Europe’, EUR 20 en 21 november 1998
‘Spinoza, Pouvoir et Propriété’, Lezing Sorbonne, CNRS, Parijs 19 december 1998
Visiting fellow RSSS, Australian National University (Australian Summer 1998);
Visiting professor Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentine Spring 1998)
Panel discussion Gemeente Archief Rotterdam: Scholarship and the Archives, 16 January 1999.
Member Promotion Committee J. van Nifterik (School of Law, EUR), 1 April 1999
Toleranz und Religionsfreiheit in den Niederländen im 17. Jahrhundert, paper at the Seminar im
Waldenserjahr “Religionsfreiheit - Kirchenasyl - Toleranz in Europa”, Bretten 16-18 April 1999.
‘Adam Smith and the philosophical origins of political economy’ Guestlecture at the Dept. of
Economics, La Sapienza, Roma, 20 May 1999.
The Republic’s Nation: patriotism in the Dutch 18th century’, paper at the Eighteenth-Century
Conference, Dublin, 27 July 1999.
Passion and Interest: Velthuysen and Spinoza on Human Action, paper at the Conference ‘L’âge d’or de
la raison et de la passion’, Budapest, Eötvös Lorand University, 18 & 19 November 1999.
Social acceptance and the eye of the other: attitudes and their commonality, paper presented at ESSSO2000, Rotterdam, 9-13 juli 2000.
Hobbes in Holland: Grotius to Spinoza, keynote paper at the Conference “Britons abroad, Strangers at
home”, Cambridge 12-13 januari 2001.
‘Spinoza y los afectos del gobierno’, voordracht op Congres Spinoza y el gobierno de los afectos,
Spaanse Spinoza-vereniging. Madrid februari 2001.
Wolfenbüttel congres sept 2001 (Patriotism & interests)
De filosofie in Argentinië, Lezing Universiteit Leiden, 15 nov 2001
The Dutch contribution to natural law, Gastcolleges Helsinki, 10-20 dec 2001
Les origines de la libéralisme dans les Pays-Bas du xviie siècle: Grotius, De la Court, Spinoza,
Mandeville. Colleges Parijs, CREA-CNRS, januari-maart 2002.
Grotius et le droit de punir, voordracht Journée d’Études: Hugo Grotius: Vérité et certitude en droit.
CNRS, 14 april 2002.
Grotius and Socinianism, Conference on Socinianism and Cultural Exchange. The European Dimension
of Antitrinitarian and Arminian Networks 1650 – 1720, München July 2002.
Spinoza on republics and monarchies, Conference on Monarchies and monarchisms,at the Clark Library
Clark Library, Los Angeles, November 2003.
Dutch Republicanism, UW-Madison October 2002.
list of publication hans w blom – 17 –
Comment on Jonathan Israel, Columbia Social and Political Philosophy Seminar, March 2003.
Theories of Capitalism before its triumph: the Dutch case, UW-Madison, mai 2003.
Can Politics Be Moral? War, Commerce, and Empire: Lessons from the Dutch, UW-Madison, 4 October
Grotius on Morals, Arbeitsgespräch “Die Naturrechtsleher des Hugo Grotius”, Herzog August
Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, 13-14 October 2003.
Participation colloquium “Individual and Political Liberty in Early Italian Humanism”, Villa Vigoni,
Loveno di Menaggio, Italy May 20-23, 2004
Participation colloquium “Religious and Political Ideas of Liberty: The French Wars of Religion” 15-18
July 2004, St. Catherine’s College, Oxford
Symposium Religion, Recht und Politik im Reformation, 19-21 November 2004, Johannes a Lasko
Bibliothek, Emden.
Hugo Grotius and peacemaking, Conferentie Williamite Universe, 7-8 januari 2005, Paleis Het Loo.
The National Interest beyond Warfare and Mercantilism: The political organization of self-interest. Paper
to the Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Conference “Redefining the National Interest:
Political Economy and State Formation in Early Modern Europe, 1600-1750”, March 11-12, 2005.
Recent Grotius Research, paper to the Vlaams-Nederlandse Vereniging voor Nieuwe Geschiedenis, 18
March 2005, Rotterdam.
Hans W. Blom, ‘The structure of DIP’, paper at the Conference “Piracy, Property, Punishment - Hugo
Grotius and De iure praedae”, 9-11 June 2005, NIAS Wassenaar
Hans W. Blom, ‘The origins of tolerance and responsible government’, paper at the Conference “Private
Wealth, Public Virtue”, Rotterdam 8-10 September 2005.
Stealing from the enemy: the dangers of taking boats and books as booty, paper at the Conference on War
booty in the development of Central and Northern European culture during the Early Modern Age.
Royal Library at Stockholm, 27-8 April 2006.
The Epicurean Motif in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Political Thought, paper at the Conference on
Epicurus in the Enlightenment: Mode d’emploi, Magdalen College, Oxford, 17 June 2006
Bayle and Mandeville: tracing Augustine, paper at the Conference on The Patristic Tradition and
Intellectual Paradigms in the 17th century, 7-10 September 2006, Kappel am Albis (Zwitserland)
Dutch republicanism and the rights of men in early-modern Europe, seminar at the University of Venice
Ca’ Foscari, 19 October 2006.
Spinoza and democracy, 3rd Conference of the Spanish Spinoza Society, University of Santiago de
Compostela, 26-29 October 2006.
list of publication hans w blom – 18 –
(Co) organisor International Conferences
Organisation for the International Commission for the History of Parliaments and Representative
Intstitutions of the conference on “Bicameralisme”, Eerste Kamer der Staten-Generaal, The Hague,
21/24 August 1990
Colloque international ‘Entre Descartes et Hobbes: La philosophie politique aux Pays-Bas avant
Spinoza’, Utrecht/Amsterdam 26 en 27 November 1992
Organisation lustrum-seminar department Practical Philosophy & History of Thought: “Enlightenment
and Modernity”, Rotterdam, 12 November 1993
“Le Débat d’Amsterdam: Quentin Skinner and Yves-Charles Zarka on Thomas Hobbes”, organisation,
introduction, chair. Amsterdam, 8 May 1996
Organisation Conference “Identity politics”, Rotterdam, 6-7 May 1997
Organisation Conference “Honderd jaar Spinoza in Nederland en België”, Amsterdam 15-17 May 1997
Organisation Colloque ‘La Tolerance aujourd’hui en Europe’, EUR 20 en 21 november 1998
Organisation First Erasmus Summer School on Social Ontology: Social Ontology (ESSSO 2000), EUR,
9-13 July 2000
Organisation “Grotius and the Stoa”, Loevestein, 5-6 April 2001
Organisation Second Erasmus Summer School on Social Ontology: Emotions and Rationality (ESSSO
2001), EUR, 19-23 June 2001
Journée d’Études: Hugo Grotius: Vérité et certitude en droit. CNRS-Parijs, 14 april 2002
Planning Session ‘De iure praedae and the Grotian concept of rights’, Netherlands Institute for Advanced
Studies, Wassenaar, 6 & 7 September, 2003
Monarchies and monarchisms, Conference at the Clark Library (with J.C. Laursen and L. Simonutti), 1921 November 2003
Research Group on ‘De iure praedae and the Grotian concept of rights’, Netherlands Institute for
Advanced Studies, Wassenaar, 2004-5
Conference “Private Wealth, Public Virtue”, Rotterdam 8-10 September 2005-12-18
Conference “Pieter de la Court: Liberty and Self-interest”, Wassenaar 14-16 September 2005