Leerdoelen onderdeel gewasbescherming in Bachelor Class

Leerdoelen onderdeel gewasbescherming in Bachelor Class
Precision Farming:
De leerdoelen zijn afgeleid van de competenties “Duurzaam Telen” en
“Toegepast onderzoek”. Verschillende beheersingsindicatoren van deze
competenties krijgen ruime aandacht. Concreet vertaald naar de inhoud
van dit onderdeel:
1. Kennen de principes achter beslissingsondersteunende systemen
2. Begrijpen en kunnen verwoorden welke bijdrage precisielandbouw
aan deze systemen kan bieden
3. Weten wat er met planten gebeurt wanneer zij door ziekten en
plagen worden aangetast en doorzien wat hieraan met sensoren
gemeten zou kunnen worden
4. Evalueren de representativiteit en nauwkeurigheid van de huidige
praktijk van precisielandbouw, gelet op doel 3.
5. Vormen zich een doordacht beeld van de toekomstmogelijkheden
van precisielandbouw en de voorwaarden waaraan daartoe moet
worden voldaan en kunnen hierover communiceren.
Question 1 Crop & Farm Management, Bachelor Class Precision Farming,
Crop Protection
What is, in your vision, the most important benefit of precision farming for
crop protection?
Answer: different options are possible, depending based on the arguments
given. Preventing overlap of pesticide during spraying is clear. Optimizing
herbicide dose is also clear. Finding symptoms in an early stage is a
chance, but is much more difficult. Spraying on spots instead of all over
the field becomes possible. Optimizing plant condition via precision
fertilization will also become important in the future. Maybe someone can
mention more options.
Question 2 Crop & Farm Management, Bachelor Class Precision Farming,
Crop Protection.
A question about sensing.
What kind of symptoms caused by a pest or disease would be detectable
by means of sensors in an early stage? Please explain?
What is the relation of this question to plant health?
Answer: Sensors merely detect changes in chlorophyll. In an early stage
of an infection this is hardly visible. Maybe wilting symptoms can be seen
relatively early, but even than it will often be too late to take adequate
Spots need a certain size before they can be recognized by a sensor.
Other changes in colour will also be visible, but this too cannot be used to
act in time. It might be better to use sensing for measuring the plant
health condition.
Question 3 Crop & Farm Management, Bachelor Class Precision Farming,
Crop Protection.
Sensing can deliver information, but this is not always directly applicable.
What steps need to be taken to make this information applicable for
precision crop protection?
Convert sensor output to relevant parameter
Information has to be available on demand
Calculation tool from parameter to advice
Short process from sensing to advice
Present the advice in a ‘readable’ format for machine