Het vlot van de Medusa, oftewel: Le radeau de la Méduse, 1818

Het Vlot van de Lampedusa
Joost Pollmann
© 2016
Het vlot van de Medusa, of Le radeau de la Méduse, Théodore Géricault, 1818
Roodbaard, Uderzo
‘The Raft of Lampedusa’, James deCaires Taylor
Banksy, Jungle Refugee Camp in Calais
NGO The Refugee Info Bus handed out 40 disposable cameras in March to refugees in Calais
‘The Raft of the Medusa condemns us.’
Jonathan Jones, The Guardian:
“Are we really, as a nation, so heartless that
when desperate people risk their lives to try
and get in our country we don’t ask why, but
merely resent the interference with holidays
and hassle for lorry drivers?
Probably only racism can explain such a deep
intolerance, such a terrifying inability to
imagine oneself in the place of others.”
Katie Hopkins (The Sun):
“Make no mistake, these
migrants are like
cockroaches. They might
look a bit ‘Bob Geldof’s
Ethiopia circa 1984’, but
they are built to survive a
nuclear bomb. They are
(17 april 2015)
Little Boy Drowned
A Response to the Death of Aylan Kurdi
You did not deserve to die in the coldness of water,
To drown in the distant, dispassionate depths of human
No migrant, you, nor refugee, but a little boy- just three,
Washed, bare legs, small shoes, face down
Upon an unfamiliar shore.
Your race, no matter now, nor ever should, you belonged
to us,
Yet, backs turned, we overlooked your need to play
Safe away from the threats of violence and war,
Failed too, to notice those who risked all to give you a
better life,
Their hope, your end, such a bitter irony.
Others, too, have died, many, cast adrift upon callous
A million deaths, perhaps, statistics all,
But yours: the single death of a little boy drowned - a
Internationally, now, the bellowed demands echo
That something be done.
Richard Theze
Peter van Dongen
Benjamin Dix: http://positivenegatives.org
´The Unwanted´,
Joe Sacco
Sarah Ghazouan
Lennard Kok, NY Times:
‘How the U.S. Can Welcome Refugees’
Dismal Land
Hesam Fetrati: ‘Ontworteld’
Ben Jennings, The Guardian
Ruimen van de Jungle
• Finis terra