Creating a global learning environment
drs. J.H.W. Didderen
Fontys Profiks
“This is our Time” heeft zich ontwikkeld van vrij gesloten e-mail project
voor 2e Fase Voortgezet Onderwijs tot een flexibele multimediale
leeromgeving voor intercultureel en internationale
communicatieporjecten met een hoge mate van interactie voor diverse
In de presentatie op NIOCC’99 wordt uit de doeken gedaan wat de
belangrijkste eigenschappen en factoren zijn die “ Time” zo aantrekkelijk
maken voor docenten en scholieren uit zoveel (>50) verschillende landen.
De rol van Informatietechnologie, met name de pragmatische toepassing
van, staat daarbij centraal.
Verder wordt aandacht besteed aan de consequenties die concepten als
“ Time “ hebben voor het opleiden van Leraren- en ICT- deskundigen in
het onderwijsveld.
De dia-presentatie op deze CD-Rom schetst iets meer van de algemene
achtergronden en doelstellingen van “This is our Time”.
Het concept “Time” is bedacht en ontwikkeld door SMC-Telematica
Heerlen en wordt sinds 1995 jaarlijks uitgevoerd in opdracht van Unesco.
Voor meer informatie
over de NIOCC’99 bijdrage:
[email protected]
Over het Time project algemeen:
[email protected]
There was a lady named “Bright”
Who travelled much faster than light
She left home one day
In a relative way
And came back the previous day
Times to come
“This is our Time” is an annual, global
telecommunications project for secondary
schools initiated for the UNESCO
Associated Schools Project (ASP).
‘This is our Time’ Time is about...
•young people worldwide
•sustainable school links
•(access to) New Technology
•flexible electronic learning environment
•virtual market place
•educational activities
•current world issues
Time is an allround and boundles project
- Vast package of educational activities
- Each school creates its own set
- depending on technical capacities
- long term activities
- annual highlight on Time-day
- 24 hours online communication
- video conferencing, chat, Unite the Nations, etc...
- local activities on world issues: global in the local
- such as: Water Project, Cultural Market, Forum on Drugs
Practice: participants
•Primary Schools
•Secondary Schools
•Community Groups
•Educational organisations
•Teacher Training Institutes
Expected reach 1999-2000
>200 schools
direct involvement: 10.000
indirect involvement: 100.000
total reach: 20 million people
Hola Time We are very pleased
to be participating in the Time
Project this year and are looking
forward to building links with
more like minded youth from
around the planet. Thank you
Time for this opportunity.
My pupils have worked hard to
get in contact not only with there
twinning schools but also with
more than 30 other schools,
sending their opinion of Human
Rights, asking question about
This was a terrific project unlike anything I
have ever experienced in my 10 years of
teaching and something I am dying to do
again....hopefully dont have to wait 50 more
years to do it again.
Students gain knowledge, attitudes, values and
skills towards the principals of international
understanding, co-operation, sustainable
development, peace and human rights.
Time aims to:
• Increase cultural awareness by intercultural exchange;
• Encourage and enable communication
and co-operation by creating a global
• Create a virtual market place where
young people can meet and have fun;
• Enable teachers and educators to learn
about young people’s views concerning
the present;
• Encourage young people to reflect on
the notion of “time” and other
contemporary issues;
Classroom Twinning
Local Activities
Video conference
Unite the Nations
Time Line
Time Out
Time Quest
Lesson on Time
Lesson on UN/UNESCO
Time Gallery
Design a Clock
Click on the links to go to extra information
Times to come
We strive to:
reach schools for every timezone and hemisphere
establish 1 home-base per continent
reinforce sustainable school links
develop a Time workbook
expand the Time website
become a multilingual project
Time 1999 - 2001
Theme 1999: Two generations
Theme 2000: Culture of Peace
Theme 2001: Time for Tec01
More information
(click to visit our home page)
[email protected]
(click to send us an E-mail)
Time organisation
Unesco ASP
SMC Telematica