Retina 10 lagen 1. RPE 2. Fotoreceptors (buiten- en binnensegment) 3. Membrana limitans externa 4. Outer nuclear layer (= laag met cellichamen van staafjes en kegels) 5. Outer plexiform layer (= synaps tussen foto-R’s en bipolaire cellen) 6. Inner nuclear layer 7. Inner plexiform layer (= synaps tussen bipolaire en ganglion cellen) 8. Ganglioncellen 9. Laag van ganglioncelvezels 10. Membrana limitans interna Fovea: 0,3 mm 115 miljoen staafjes = 30000 / mm2 6,5 miljoen kegels = 150000 / mm2 1,2 miljoen ganglioncellen Vezels van bovenkwadranten naar med. CGL Vezels van onderkwadranten naar lat. CGL. Neurotransmitters Exciterend: Glutamaat, acetylcholine Inhiberend: GABA, Glycine Neuromodulator: Dopamine Glutamaat is de belangrijkste NT in de synaps tussen fotoreceptor en bipolaire/horizontale cellen. Er zijn 4 verschillende soorten Glu-receptors [196]. Horizontale cellen kunnen exciterende (Glu) en inhiberende (GABA) NT vrijstellen. Amacriene cellen stellen ook exciterende (ACh) en inhiberende NT (GABA en Gly) vrij. Deze 2 soorten cellen beinvloeden de frequentie waarmee bipolaire cellen afvuren. Amacriene cellen spelen een belangrijke rol in het bepalen van de grootte van het receptieve veld van de individuele ganglioncellen. Ganglioncellen gebruiken vooral Glu als NT. Horizontale cellen: fotoreceptor – bipolaire cel Amacriene cellen: bipolaire cel – ganglion cel Fotoreceptors Donker: depolarisatie Toename licht: toenemende hyperpolarisatie (en afbraak rhodopsine) 1 Bloed-retina barriere Wordt gevormd door tight-junctions thv. het RPE en de endotheelcellen van de retinale vaten. Thv. deze vaten geen passage van molecuelen > 20000 – 30000 Da. Kleine moleculen, zoals glucose en ascorbaat, worden vervoerd door gefaciliteerde diffusie (GLUT-3 voor glucose). Metabolisme en turn-over: zie blz. 185. Retinaal pigment epitheel (RPE) Choroid 5 lagen: 1. Bruch 2. chorio-capillaris 3. laag van Haller: grote vaten 4. laag van Sattler: middelgrote vaten 5. suprachoroid Bevloeiing: 1. vooral van a. ciliaris post. (brevis en longa) 2. recurrente takken van a. ciliaris ant. Drainage via de vortexvenen (Vv. vorticosae) naar de v. ophthalmica (sup. en inf.) Conjunctiva Mucine secretors: 1. Goblet cellen : inferonasaal in epitheel 2. Crypten van Henle : tarsale conjunctiva thv. fornix 3. Klieren van Manz : rond limbus Traanfilm De pH van normale tranen is 6,5 – 7,6 (gemiddeld 7,5) 98% H2O Volume = 6 – 9 ul Proteinen: lysozyme, lactoferrine, IgA 3 lagen: 1. lipiden 2. water 3. mucus 2 De mucus-laag wordt gevormd door intra-epitheliale gobletcellen van de conjunctiva. Gezondheidstoestand van de epitheelcellen en gobletcellen is afhankelijk van de aanwezigheid van vitamine A. Cornea Buitenzijde convex (+49 D) Binnenzijde concaaf (-6 D) Totaal: +43 D Opgebouwd uit keratine, chondroitine en chondroitine sulfaat. Bestaat uit 5 lagen: 1. Epitheel 2. Bowman = Lamina limitans anterior: Geen regeneratie 3. Stroma 4. Descemet = Lamina limitans posterior Wel regeneratie. Gevormd door endotheel. Stopt aan lijn van Schwalbe. 5. Endotheel Normale gemiddelde dikte = 555 um Oculaire hypertensie: gemiddelde dikte = 577 um Normotensie glaucoom: gemiddelde dikte = 515 um primary open angle glaucoma (POAG), normal tension glaucoma (NTG), ocular hypertension (OHT) Mean corneal pachymetry was 555 um in normals, 551 um in POAG, and 577 um in OHT, versus only 515 um in NTG. Mean corneal thickness was significantly less in NTG patients compared to patients with either POAG or OHT, as well as normals. Conversely, patients who had been classified with OHT had the largest mean corneal thickness of any group. These results have two clear implications. First, some patients who have been classified with NTG may in fact have POAG, with spuriously “low” or “normal” measured IOPs, secondary to their thinner corneas, which require less force to applanate. Similarly, a subset of patients previously classified with OHT may, in fact, have truly normal pressures, and not be at risk for developing glaucoma--their “high” measured IOPs merely being a function of their thicker corneas. (Meer kracht nodig om de cornea’s plat te drukken (?)) Only direct intraocular pressure measurement will be able to finally resolve these questions. 3 But for now, beware of those patients with a corneal thickness greater than 585 um without typical visual field or disc progression. These patients may carry an incorrect diagnosis of OHT, according to Dr. Shah. Such patients, in his opinion, actually have a very low risk of suffering visual loss, their “high” IOPs being purely the result of measurement error. Conversely, it is those subset of patients classified with NTG who have a corneal thickness greater than 540 um that may truly have this disease, rather than falsely low pressures due to measurement error because of their thin corneas 4 Effect of corneal thickness on applanation tonometry in glaucoma patients B. Roesen, S. J. Fröhlich, C. Niederdellmann, S. Ullrich, M. Bechmann Purpose: Goldmann applanation tonometry is based on the Imbert-Fick law, which assumes that the surface of the cornea is perfectly elasitc and thin so the intraocular pressure could be measured by applanation of the cornea. The design of the tonometer was based on the central corneal thickness (CCT) of 520µm. Thinner or thicker CCT’s could lead to an under- or overestimation of the IOP. Methods: In addition to the clinical examination we determined in 132 consecutive controls and patientes with ocular hypertension (OHT), primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) and normal tension glaucoma (NTG) the CCT by ultrasonic pachymetry. Results: Mean CCT of the control eyes was 573 µm 34, the mean CCT of the eyes with POAG was 570 39. The eyes with LTG had with a CCT of 548 µm 44 a significant lower CCT than the POAG group. The eyes with OH had a significant thicker cornea than the POAG group (627 µm 28, p 0,001). Conclusion: In patients with OHT, NTG and in patients with POAG with regulated IOP and deterioration of the visual field the CCT can help to interpred the results of the Goldmann applanation tonometry Endotheel Leeftijd Geboorte Middelbaar Bejaard Aantal cellen 3000 – 4000 2500 2000 Als < 800, dan vlug oedeem en zwelling. Donorcornea moet >= 1500 hebben, anders te weinig voor transplantatie. Glasvocht 4,5 ml Zouten, proteinen en hyaluronzuur. Vast aan: 1. ora serrata 2. pars plana 3. rand van papil Kamerwater Hypertoon t.o.v. plasma. 5 Proteine-arm. Afvoer via : Schlemm, trabekels en suprachoroidale ruimte. Innervatie N. ciliaris brevis en longus: sensiebele bezenuwing van cornea, iris en corpus ciliare. N. ciliaris brevis bezenuwt ook: choroid, sfincter en corpus ciliare. Accessoire traanklieren onder orthosympatische controle. Traanklier: a. lacrimalis; n. facialis Spieren eMedicine: A working knowledge of the relationships between the insertions of the rectus muscles is essential to perform effective strabismus surgery. The tendon of the medial rectus muscle inserts 5.5 mm posterior to the limbus along the medial aspect of the globe. Next most posterior in its insertion is the inferior rectus, which inserts 6.5 mm posterior to the inferior limbus. Continuing counterclockwise around the globe, the lateral rectus inserts 6.9 mm posterior to the lateral limbus, and the superior rectus inserts 7.7 mm posterior from the superior limbus. An imaginary line connecting these insertion points creates a configuration known as the spiral of Tillaux. ( Herpes zoster: atropine, predforte, zelitrex, zovirax oogzalf) 6