A2 – kaartjes kopen voor het openbaar vervoer

B2 – Schrijven
Can do: [code: 001] kan een gedetailleerde, samenhangende tekst schrijven over actueel
Total amount of pages of this assignment: 2 pages
B2 – schrijven
Can do: kan gedetailleerde, samenhangende
tekst schrijven over actueel thema, hier ‘What
makes a real friend’ [Code: 001]
Tijd opdracht:
Article of 300 – 350 words
Word processor / tekstverwerker
Dictionary / woordenboek
je hebt deze opdracht naar behoren uitgevoerd als je
redelijk correct Engels hebt gebruikt, met spelling en
grammatica die mogelijk een enkele maal invloed van
de moedertaal vertoont.
Succes criteria
Assignment for 1 student
no teamwork
no roleplay
An international magazine is planning to
publish a special edition for international
Friendship Week and has invited readers to
contribute an article for this. You are
planning on improving your English
because you would like to study abroad for
one year. You decide to try and write a
Based on Cambridge Proficiency Practice Tests 2002, Text 1, paper 2, no. 2
B2 – Schrijven
Can do: [code: 001] kan een gedetailleerde, samenhangende tekst schrijven over actueel
Introductory exercise
Words describing character: the adjectives on the left are used pejoratively2 to describe
someone’s disposition or behaviour. Choose suitable opposites from among the words on
the right: Example: bad-tempered – good-natured
N.B. Not all words are used in the exercise! Consult your teacher for the correct answers.
Conceited – deceitful – fussy – lazy –
malicious – mean – narrow-minded –
neurotic – pretentious – secretive – solitary
– sullen – touchy
Cheerful – easy-going – frank – generous –
good-natured – gregarious – hard-working
– imaginative – kindhearted – laid back –
modest – nonchalant – open – perceptive
sociable – talkative – trustworthy – truthful
- unassuming
Write an article explaining what you feel are the most important qualities in a friend and
giving reasons for your views. Illustrate at least one of the qualities by relating a story
about friendship from your own experience.
Tips and hints
The article may be formal or semi-formal but whichever style you choose, make sure that
you stick to it throughout.
Obviously you can refer to your own experiences and to people that you know
personally. Note that you must make reference to a personal experience at least once
within this article.
First of all, make notes on the following points of your sample ‘friend’:
 Personality and character (do the vocabulary exercise above for
 Family background
 Past achievements
 Why you like him/ her
 Examples of typical behaviour
Make sure that you use expressions that you know well. When in doubt, leave it out!
You will write your article with the help of a word-processor; use the English
spelling control! Check the amount of words by clicking Extra (bar, top of the page).
When you have finished, ask a friend to read the article through. Change text where
necessary. Then submit your article to your teacher who will grade it.
Check the meaning of this word, and the words in the exercise in a dictionary or by using an online
dictionary such as http://dictionary.Cambridge.org.
This exercise comes from: New Progress to Proficiency, Self-study, Leo Jones, p. 42