University of Groningen Levensduur van messenger-RNA in rattepancreas Ab-Van Zanten, Agatha IMPORTANT NOTE: You are advised to consult the publisher's version (publisher's PDF) if you wish to cite from it. Please check the document version below. Document Version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Publication date: 1968 Link to publication in University of Groningen/UMCG research database Citation for published version (APA): Ab-Van Zanten, A. (1968). Levensduur van messenger-RNA in rattepancreas Groningen: s.n. Copyright Other than for strictly personal use, it is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). Take-down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Downloaded from the University of Groningen/UMCG research database (Pure): For technical reasons the number of authors shown on this cover page is limited to 10 maximum. Download date: 18-07-2017 INLEIDING De synthese van enzymen verloopt in alle organismen ge­ reguleerd, doordat laagmoleculaire verbindingen specifiek - als effectoren - de synthese van bepaalde enzymen kunnen versnellen ofvertragen. Over de regulering der eiwitsynthese in bacterien is al vrij veel bekend; over die in dieren, bij­ voorbeeld gewervelde dieren, aanzienlijk minder . Zoals later zal worden uiteengezet, kan regulering van de synthese van spec ifieke enzyrnen plaatshebben zowel bij de synthese van messenger-RNA (mRNA) als bij het gebruik ervan bij de enzymsynthese zelf. Voor een inzicht in de regulering is derhalve kennis van de levensduur van hun mRNA essentieel. Bij bacterien was men er reeds in geslaagd deze te be­ palen 1 ; daarb ij waren zeer korte halfwaardetijden gevonden. Over de levensduur van mRNA in dierlijke systemen van gespecialiseerde cellen was bij het begin van dit onderzoek weinig bekend. Da arom werd besloten de levensduur van de mRNA van enkele pancreasenzymen te onderzoeken. D aar de hoeveelheid van deze mRNA niet direct bepaald kan worden, werd d it indirect gedaan door de synthese van de be­ trokken enzymen te bepa len na stopzetting van de RNA- syn­ these met het antibioticum ac tinomycine D. In principe kan uit het verloop van de snelheid van de enzymsynthese na toediening van actinomycine D de halfwaard e tijd van de mRNA voor het betrokken enzym worden bepaald. In hoofdstuk I wordt een overzicht gegeven van enzymre ­ guleringen in het algemeen. In hoofdstuk II voIgt een uiteen­ ze tting van de overwegingen die tot de keuze van de ratte­ pancreas als studieobject hebben geleid en een overzicht van hetgeen reeds bekend is over de regulering van de syn­ these der pancreasenzymen . Vervolgens wordt in hoofdstuk III dieper ingegaan op methoden ter bepaling van d :.; levens­ duur van mRNA en worden overwegingen gegeven betreffende het toepassen van actinomycine D bij ons onderzoek. De la a tste twee hoofdstukken tenslotte beschrijven de gebruikte methoden e n de resultaten van het eigen ondel'zoek, waari n de invloed van actinomycine D op de RNA-synth e se in vivo en de eiwit - en enzymsynthese in vitro werd nagegaan. Ret laatste hoofdstuk bevat tevens een discussie van de verkre­ gen resultaten . 7 SUMMARY In the exocrine pancreas few types of enzym," proteins are produced and secreted in great amounts. The relative amount of each of these enzymes is diet-dependent. The synthesis of these proteins is therefore apparently subjected to regul­ atory control. As this control might operate at the level of messenger RNA synthesis, I investigated the life-time of messenger RNA I S for chymotrypsinogen, trypsinogen, amylase and ribonuclease. For this purpose, RNA synthesis was blocked by actinomycin D treatment in vivo and the synthesis of these proteins was measured in tissue pieces in vitro at different tim,"s after cessation of RNA synthesis. RNA synthesis was measured by determining the degree of incorporation of labelled phosphate into total pancreatic RNA and by comparing its value with the degree of incorp­ oration into the nucleotide pool. This was necessary as we found that the incorporation into the nucleotide pool, which normally shows some variability, may be drastically lowered by actinomycin D and then shows widely diverging values in different experiments. By comparing the two measurements we could avoid a wrong interpretation of lowered labelling of RNA. As rat pancreas contains large amounts of ribonuclease, a special isolation procedure had to be found in order to obtaLI1 intact RNA. The following method gave good results: Pancreas tissue was frozen in liquid nitrogen and lyophilized. The dry powder was treated with hot phenol in the presence of sodium dodecylsulphate and bentonite -to inhibit ribonuclease action - and saline was added to extract the RNA. Undegraded RNA was obtained in good yield in this way. In the nucleotide pool, the radioactivity of the a-phosphate (next to ribose) was determined by hydrolyzing the pyro­ phosphate linkages in saturated Ca(OH)2' Charcoal adsorption separated the nucleotides from other com[Jonents and specific activity of the a-phosphate was determined after combustion of the charcoal-adsorbed mixture. Different doses of actinomycin D were tried in order to obtain full inhibition of RNA synthesis, while at the same time the anim"ls should survive the treatment. A dose of 1 mg per kg rat, injected intraperiton e ally every six hours, appeared to lead to maximal inhibition of R:NA synthesis. By sucrose gradient analysis we could show that the l'esidual incorporation is not due to RNA synthesis but is cau se d by 77 exchange reactions in the endgroup of transfer RNA. The enzyme synthesis measured in vitro was shown by several criteria to be true protein synthesis : amino acids were indispensable and the amount of total protein increased on incubation. Up to 18 hours after complete inhibition of RNA synthesis, synthesis of chymotrypsinogen, trypsinogen, amylase and ribonuclease was normal in spite of the bad condition of the animals. The half-life of the messenger RNA's for these enzymes is therefore certainly more than 18 hours. When RNA synthesis had been blocked for more than 18 hours enzyme synthesis decreased. Whether this decrease was due to partial exhaustion of the messenger RNA's could not be decided in view of the extremely bad condition of the animals and the known side-effects of actinomycin D. Therefore we may only conclude that the messenger RNA of most of the digestive enzymes from rat pancreas have a half-life exceeding 18 hours. It is impossible by present methods to determine this value more accurately, but it is quite clear that in this specialized tissue messenger half­ life for some export- e nzymes is long and constitutes an e xample of the stability of messenger RNA in specialized cells. 78 1. C. Levinthal, A ScLU.S., 48, 2. J. Monod, J. P. 306 (1963). 3. J. Monod, J. 'Ny 88 (19 65 ). 4. A.Ramaiah, J.A 239, 3619 (196 . 5. E. R. Stadtman ed. F. F. Nord , 19 66, p.41. 6. H.S.Kingdon, B Acad. Sci. U. S. , 7. E. W. Sutherlane Recent progres Press, New Yc 8. K. Marushige en 9. J. Bonner en J. 1379 (19 67). 10. S.L.Commerfo 56, 17 5 9 (1 96 6 11. G. R. Chalkleye ; 54, 498 (1965). 12. F.Jacob en J. l 13. R.A. McDonald, 14. J. Brachet, M. I Biophys. Acta, 15. L. D. Smith en 1 6 . N.K. WessellsE 17. F.H.Wilt, J.M 18. G.Astaldi, Ciba London, 19 60, 19. J. A. Stewart eJ Sci. 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