in samenwerking met de
heeft het genoegen u uit te nodigen op het lunch-debat :
Renaissance or decay?”
Richard Lambert & Nick Butler
op woensdag 23 januari 2008
in de Universitaire Stichting (Egmontstraat 11, 1000 BRUSSEL)
“Knowledge is an increasingly critical factor in shaping economic life. But in Europe, the institutions
that should be the main sources of knowledge are failing to meet the challenge. Among the world’s top
ten universities, only two are in the EU. Europe’s higher education institutions are slow-moving and
under-funded. If Europe wants to stop falling behind and stem the ‘brain drain’ across the Atlantic it
must act now. It needs to devote more resources to research, improve its teaching record, build up
centres of excellence, strengthen links between education and business, and give its universities more
autonomy.”(Publication of the Centre for European Reform, London, May 2006)
Richard Lambert is Director General of the Confederation of British Industry.
Nick Butler is Group Vice President for Strategy and Policy Development at BP p.l.c.
12 u. Lunch
Voorstelling door Prof. Eric DE KEULENEER, Gedelegeerd Bestuurder van de
Universitaire Stichting, en Prof. Jacques VANDAMME, Ere-voorzitter van de Studiegroep
voor Europese Politiek (SEP)
Tijdens de lunch : inleiding door M. Nick BUTLER, Vice President for Strategy and Policy
Development at B.P.p.e.c. (tbc)
Kanttekeningen door Prof. Philippe VAN PARIJS (Université catholique de Louvain)
Kanttekeningen door rectoren, oud-rectoren of bestuurders van Belgische universiteiten
14 u. Café
Toespraak door Mme Odile QUINTYN, Directeur Général de la Direction
Générale Education et Culture de la Commission européenne
Algemene discussie
15 u. Einde
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Inschrijving – verplicht vóór 10 januari 2008 – fax nr +32(0)2/513.64.11
deelname : 27 € p.p. te storten op rek. 000-0103946-59 van de Club van de Universitaire Stichting
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en collaboration avec la
a l’honneur de vous inviter au lunch-débat :
Renaissance or decay?”
Richard Lambert & Nick Butler
le mercredi 23 janvier 2008
à la Fondation Universitaire (rue d’Egmont 11, 1000 BRUXELLES)
“Knowledge is an increasingly critical factor in shaping economic life. But in Europe, the institutions
that should be the main sources of knowledge are failing to meet the challenge. Among the world’s top
ten universities, only two are in the EU. Europe’s higher education institutions are slow-moving and
under-funded. If Europe wants to stop falling behind and stem the ‘brain drain’ across the Atlantic it
must act now. It needs to devote more resources to research, improve its teaching record, build up
centres of excellence, strengthen links between education and business, and give its universities more
autonomy.” (Publication of the Centre for European Reform, London, May 2006)
Richard Lambert is Director General of the Confederation of British Industry.
Nick Butler is Group Vice President for Strategy and Policy Development at BP p.l.c.
12 h. Lunch
Présentation par le Prof. Eric DE KEULENEER, Administrateur Délégué de la Fondation
Universitaire et le Prof. Jacques VANDAMME, Président honoraire du Groupe d’Etudes
Politiques Européennes (GEPE)
Pendant le lunch : introduction par M. Nick BUTLER, Vice President for Strategy and
Policy Development at B.P.p.e.c. (tbc)
Commentaires par le Prof. Philippe VAN PARIJS (Université catholique de Louvain)
Commentaires par des recteurs, anciens recteurs ou dirigeants d’universités belges.
14 h. Café
Communication par Mme Odile QUINTYN, Directeur Général de la Direction Générale
Education et Culture de la Commission européenne
Discussion générale
15 h. Fin de la réunion
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Inscription – obligatoire avant le 10 janvier 2008 – à faxer au n° +32(0)2/513.64.11
Participation aux frais: 27 € p.p. à verser au compte n° 000-0103946-59 du Club de la Fondation
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