
Chapter 10: Low-level synchronization: implementation
10.1 Process synchronization compared with event signal and wait
Process synchronization with hardware events
=> typically arrival of an interrupt signal
=> all possible events can be specified at design time
=> single driver process synchronizes with one hardware event
└> no simultaneous WAITs by processes or SIGNALs by the device
only race condition between WAIT (driver) and SIGNAL (ISR)
no naming problem
General inter-process synchronization
=> a particular process can WAIT for a SIGNAL from any process
=> many processes may WAIT for a shared resource (data structure)
└> synchronize their accesses; wait for the data structure to be free if it is in use
=> a process may have to SIGNAL several others which are not known
└> finished access to shared data => has to signal to other processes that might be
waiting for it to be free
10.2 Mutual exclusion
problem: operatie is niet atomair
=> opgedeeld in ≠ machine-instructies
proces A en B overlappen elkaar gedeeltelijk
=> we willen dat de operatie ofwel atomair ofwel
niet uitgevoerd wordt
- correspondeert met figuur a op volgende figuur –
(a) Two processes, each with a critical region
of code for the same data structure
(b) More realistic, modular representation of
the way operations on shared data would be
programmed in practice.
process A and B invoke methods to operate on the
shared data and within these methods are critical
regions where the data must be accessed
How can a process be given exclusive access for an
arbitrary number of reads and writes?
boolean indicates whether data structure is free or
two processes will test the variable before
entering critical regions and will only enter if
region is free
=> region = vrij => zet op bezet en begin met
kritische regio, wanneer klaar, zet terug op vrij
(denk terug aan bounded buffer: producer &
consumer moeten zelfde test uitvoeren)
 Geen oplossing want we voegen nieuwe
kritische regio toe -> boolean wordt op ≠ plaatsen
getest en geüpdatet en deze instructies zijn niet
hoe meer processoren, hoe meer kans dat
processen tegelijk gescheduled worden en die
kritische regio binnengaan
(a) scheme in operation for two processes running
on a multiprocessor
(b) Two processes preemptively scheduled on a
10.3 Hardware support for mutual exclusion
hardware test-and-set instruction
=> atomic instruction for conditional modification of memory location
TAS BOOLEAN if Boolean indicates that region is free then set it to indicate busy and skip the next
instruction else execute next instruction (=jump back to retry TAS)
If the boolean was busy, the next instruction can simply jump back to try the test and set again
=> this is called busy waiting
=> manipuleert boolean op atomaire manier
waarom probleem dat TAS complexe instructie is?
figuur: a boolean and a TAS instruction may also
be used to implement synchronization, but only
between to processes. A Boolean, to be used as a
synchronization flag, is initialized to busy. Process
A executes TAS when it needs to synchronize with
process B. process B sets the flag to free. There
must only be one possible signaler to set the flag
to free since only one signal is recorded.
verbieden van interrupts werkt enkel op
if a composite instruction is used in a
multiprocessor it is preferable that the
instruction is such that processes read in the
period when they are waiting to enter a
critical region and write only once on entry.
This is the case in a TAS instruction. Each
processor is likely to have a hardwarecontrolled cache; a read can take place from the cache alone whereas any value written to data in
the cache must be written through to main memory so that all processors can see the up-to-date
value. There would be severe performance penalties if several processes were busy waiting on a flag
and the busy waiting involved a write to memory.
The simplest instruction for supporting mutual
exclusion is a read-and-clear operation. After the
RAC instruction is executed, the destination
register contains the value of the flag before it
was cleared. If the destination register contains
zero, the data structure was already busy, in use
by some other process, but the RAC instruction
has done no harm. The executing process must
not access the shared data and must test the flag
again. If the destination register contains a value
other than zero the data was free and the
executing process has claimed the shared data by clearing the flag. (read-and-clear: terwijl je de
waarde in een register leest, overschrijf je ze ook; wat ook de waarde is, je zet op bezet, dan pas
controleren/testen wat de waarde ervoor was => ervoor vrij: ik mag kritische region binnen en het
staat ondertussen al op bezet; ervoor bezet: geen probleem want nieuwe waarde is zelfde als oude –
blijven proberen. Read-and-clear = kritische instructie => atomair; voordat RAC beschikbaar was in
RISC: softwarematig geregeld)
CAS: compare-and-swap compares the value of a flag with some value ‘old’ and, if they are equal,
atomically sets flag to some value ‘new’. This instruction requires both a memory read and write:
typical of a CISC.
In summary, shared data can be accessed under mutual exclusion by:
* forbidding interrupts on a uniprocessor
* using a hardware-provided composite instruction
10.3.1 Mutual exclusion without hardware support
‘out-cr’ => zit uit kritische region
processen zijn aan de beurt volgend volgens volgorde van cirkel (strict turntaking, volgorde ligt vast)
=> kan dus ook een process zijn dat er net is ingekomen (geen FIFO)
iets gelijkaardigs aan read-and-clear in java => atomic boolean (boolean wordt atomisch uitgevoerd)
=> CAS (compare-and-set): ik lees boolean en zet tegelijk nieuwe waarde (true)
while(!(busy.compareandset(false, true))) => zolang tussen haakjes = false, blijft while-lus uitgevoerd
atomic boolean zou oplossing zijn indien slechts 1 producer en 1 consumer => dan is het gewoon een
sync tussen 2 processen; maar we hebben nu 3 producers en 3 consumers. Waarom nu dan wel nog
probleem? => meerdere producers zitten te wachten tot er weer plaats is in buffer – atomic boolean
zorgt ervoor dat ze niet tegelijk verder kunnen, maar te weinig ruimte in buffer => conditie (is er
ruimte?) is losgekoppeld van kritische regio
10.4 Semaphores
The attributes of a semaphore are typically an integer and a queue.
we can envisage semaphores as a class
located in the OS and also in the language
runtime system.
(semafoor: samengesteld: waarde en
queue; semwait: als waarde = 0 dan kan
ik er niets meer aftrekken => queue
(running => blocked)
conditie testen en tegelijk exclusieve
toegang geven)
10.5.1 Mutual exclusion
a semaphore initialized to 1 may be used to provide exclusive access to a shared resource such as a
data structure.
figure1: one possible time sequence for 3 processes A,
B, C, which access a shared resource.
the resource is protected by a semaphore called lock,
initialized to 1. A first executes lock.semwait() and
enters its critical code which accesses the shared
resource. While A is in its critical regio, first B then C
attempt to enter their critical regions for the same
resource by executing lock.semwait(). The figure shows
the states of the semaphore as these events occur. A
then leaves its critical region by executing
lock.semsignal(), B can then proceed into its critical
code and leave it by lock.semsignal(), allowing C to
execute its
critical code. In general, A, B and C can execute concurrently.
Their critical regions with respect to the resource they share
have been serialized so that only one process accesses the
resource at once. (wederzijse uitsluiting; -------- = blocked)
figure2: processes should be able to sync their activities. When
A reaches a certain point, it should not proceed until B has
performed some task. This synchronization can be achieved by
using a semaphore initialized to zero on which A should
semwait() at the sync point and which B should semsignal().
Figure shows 2 possible situations that can arise when a
process must wait for another to finish some task. (a) A
reaches the point before B signals it has finished the task.
(b) what would happen if A arrives at its waiting point after B
has signalled that the task is finished. One process (A) only executes semwait(), while the other
executes semsignal(). Only one process may semwait() on the semaphore, while any number may
semsignal(). (blocking semaphore – semafoor begint op nul; proces moet alleen semafoor kennen,
niet de andere processen)
10.5.3 Multiple instances of a resource
we want to limit the number of simultaneous
every time a process Pi requests access to the
resource, and the value of its asociated semaphore >
zero, the value is decremented by 1. When the value
of the semaphore reaches zero it is an indication
that subsequent attempts to access the resource
must be blocked, and the process is queued.
when process releases resource, a check is made to
see whether there are any queued processes. If not,
the value of the semaphore is incremented by 1; otherwise one of the queued processes is given
access to the resource. The semwait() operation causes the processes to queue. Whenever a process
releases the resource, it executes an exit protocol consisting of semsignal(). A process requests a
resource instance by executing semwait() on the associated semaphore. When all the instances have
been allocated, any further requesting processes will be blocked when they execute semwait().
When a process has finished using the resource allocated to it, it executes semsignal() on the
associated semaphore.
10.6 Implementation of semaphore operations
Possibility of concurrent invocation of semaphore operations
will certainly happen on multiprocessor
10.6.1 Concurrency in the semaphore implementation
busy waiting may be acceptable on a multiprocessor for short periods of time
a process’s state can be changed from running to blocked by the OS if the resource is busy when it
executes semwait(). State of some process may be changed from blocked to runnable when the
semaphore is signalled. the implementation of the operations semwait() and semsignal() on
semaphores therefore may involve both changing the value of the semaphore and changing the
semaphore queue and process state. These changes must be made within an atomic operation to
avoid inconsistency in the system state; all must be carried out or none should be.
arbitrary numbers of semwait() and semsignal()
operations on the same semaphore could occur
at the same time. (als OS semafoor nodig heeft,
moet dit echt in laagste level terechtkomen)
figure: a boolean can be associated with each
semaphore. Processes then busy wait on the
boolean if another process is executing semwait()
or semsignal() on the same semaphore.
10.6.2 Scheduling the semwait queue, priority inversion and inheritance
process priority could be used to order the
semaphore queue. It would be necessary
for the process priority to be made known
to the semwait() routine. The priority
inversion problem can be solved by
allowing a temporary increase in priority to
a process while it is holding a semaphore.
Its priority should become that of the
highest-priority waiting process => priority
10.6.3 Location of IPC implementation and process (thread) mgmt
Distinguish between processes that are created as user threads and managed only by the user-level
runtime system and the user threads that the runtime system makes known to the OS as kernel
figure 2 and 3 illustrate the location of IPC and process (thread) mgmt in the two cases.
we are concerned with the sync of user threads over user-level data structures. A user thread which
requires to access a shared resource, or needs to sync with another user thread, can call semsignal()
and semwait() in the semaphore class in the runtime system. If the semaphore value indicates that
the shared resource is free the user thread executing semwait() can continue; there is no call to block
the thread. If the resource is busy then the thread must be noted as waiting for the resource in IPC
mgmt, then blocked, and another thread must be scheduled. Figure 2: blocking and scheduling is
done in the user-level runtime system and the OS is not involved. The single app process that the OS
sees has remained runnable throughout the switches from user thread, to IPC, to process mgmt, to
user thread. Figure 3: the OS must be called to block the kernel thread corresponding to the blocked
user thread. When a user thread executes semsignal(), if there is no waiting thread, the semaphore
value is incremented and there is no call to process mgmt. if processes are waiting on the
semaphore, one is selected and removed from the semaphore queue and a call is made to unblock it.
Figure2: call is to user-level process mgmt, figure 3: call is to OS; in both cases the signalled thread’s
status is changed from blocked to runnable.