Universiteitsdienst P&O Diensten Stevinweg 1 2628 CN Delft Telefoon: (015) 2785020 Internet: www.po.tudelft.nl OPDRACHTFORMULIER A1e: AANSTELLING NIEUW PERSONEEL (met Engelstalige bijlagen) Met als bijlagen: Verklaring aanvang werkzaamheden Personalia formulier Regeling werkduur en werktijden + Keuzeformulier werkduur Loonbelstingverklaring (Ned.) Bij het opdrachtformulier A1 dienen de volgende documenten te worden bijgevoegd: Een door de medewerker ondertekend exemplaar van de verklaring aanvang werkzaamheden Een door de medewerker ingevuld Personalia formulier, inclusief CV Een door de medewerker ingevulde Loonbelastingverklaring Een door medewerker ingevuld keuzeformulier werkduur Kopie geldig paspoort/identiteitskaart van de nieuwe medewerker ____________________________________________________________________________________ In te vullen door de leidinggevende - Naam medewerker (achternaam en initialen) - Faculteit/Directie - Afdeling - Leerstoel/onderdeel/sectie - Locatie (gebouw) werkplek - Contactpersoon indien niet de leidinggevende - Leidinggevende - Dagtaak - Datum aanstelling - Informatiegesprek arbeidsvoorwaarden gewenst : : : : : : : : fte : : Ja / Nee In informatiegesprek arbeidsvoorwaarden worden de secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden toegelicht, zoals verlof, kinderopvang, spaarloon of levensloop etc. Dit informatiegesprek is geen onderhandelingsgesprek. In te vullen door de leidinggevende in overleg met P&O - Aanstelling voor : onbepaalde tijd / bepaalde tijd tot : / bepaalde tijd obo tot : - Motivering bepaalde tijd obo*) : - Functie: benaming : : profiel 1 : niveau : : evt. 2de profiel : niveau : - Salarisvoorstel : schaal: salarisnr.: bedrag: € - Eventuele (maatwerk) afspraken : Ja / Nee (indien maatwerkafspraken in aanstellingsbrief moeten worden opgenomen, s.v.p. tekst hiervoor als bijlage bijsluiten bij dit formulier) *)Ingevolge art. 2.3 lid 4 van de CAO, aanstelling voor bepaalde tijd waarbij het einde afhankelijk is van een objectief bepaalde omstandigheid. Deze omstandigheid dient helder en objectief omschreven te worden. In te vullen door de leidinggevende in overleg met F&C - Salariskosten komen ten laste van : FAI-code: BAAN-code DIM 1: S.v.p. handtekeningen plaatsen conform DVO Leidinggevende/ Advies P&O : Directeur UD domein: Naam: Naam: Handtekening Handtekening datum: datum: BAAN-code DIM 2: Naam: Handtekening Akkoord beslissingsbevoegde (= opdrachtgever volgens DVO): Naam: Handtekening datum: datum: Advies F&C: Let op: Dit formulier moet na volledige invulling en ondertekening, samen met de bovengenoemde bijlagen ter verdere behandeling aan P&O diensten gezonden worden, binnen de daarvoor gestelde termijnen. Zodra de aanstellingsopdracht door P&O diensten is ontvangen en in behandeling wordt genomen, zal de contactpersoon een e-mail ontvangen waarin een callnummer genoemd wordt waarmee het gehele verwerkingsproces gevolgd kan worden. In te vullen door P&O Diensten Datum binnenkomst P&O Diensten Callnummer Versie 01012007 COMMENCEMENT OF WORK DECLARATION Delft University of Technology considers it important that due care is taken with regard to appointment procedures. One of its principles is that employees should not commence their work before their appointment has been made official. This is important for the following reasons: - Should a disaster take place while an employee is working before having been officially appointed, this employee will not be covered by health insurance and will not be able to make use of social security provisions, so that the faculty may be held liable for any damage incurred Sometimes it turns out that there are insufficient resources to cover the salary costs concerned The HRM department cannot pay the salary on time. For this reason all new employees are required to sign the following declaration. The person nominated to be appointed as a future employee declares that he/she has read the above and will commence work only after receiving a letter of appointment signed by or on behalf of the dean or director. date ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Name ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Signature ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Versie 01012007 PERSONAL DATA FORM for appointment at Delft University of Technology (to be completed by the person concerned, preferably in block letters) Surname : ___________________________________________________________________ male / female* : ________________________________________________________________________________ Title(s) : ________________________________________________________________________________ Born on : ____-____-____ (maiden name if married) First names (in full) place of birth: _____________________ (dd)-(mm)-(yyyy) country of birth ________________ (if not the Netherlands) Nationality : ___________________________________ Marital status/ Relationship form : unmarried / living together (as evidenced by notarial document) / married / registered partnership * Partner’s surname : _____________________________ initial(s): __________ date of birth: ____-____-____ (dd)-(mm)-(yyyy) Do you wish to use your partner’s surname? Bank account no. yes / no* : _____________________________ or Giro account no.: ___________________________ SoFi no. : _____________________________ Address : _______________________________________________________________________________ (not a savings account) (according to municipal register) Postcode / Town : _______________________________________________________________________________ Postal address : _______________________________________________________________________________ (Mobile) telephone : _______________________________________________________________________________ E-mail address : _____________________________________@________________________________________ (if different) Appointed at the … Department : ______________________________________________________________________________________ If you have enclosed a CV you do not need to fill in the details below. However, in the CV you must give exact dates, especially the dates when your previous jobs commenced and ended. Please sign the form! Education (from secondary school onwards) From (dd)-(mm)-(yyyy) to (dd)-(mm)-(yyyy) kind of school final year (yyyy) subjects ___-___-___ ___-___-___ ______________________ _________ _______________________________ ___-___-___ ___-___-___ ______________________ _________ _______________________________ ___-___-___ ___-___-___ ______________________ _________ _______________________________ ___-___-___ ___-___-___ ______________________ _________ _______________________________ ___-___-___ ___-___-___ ______________________ _________ _______________________________ (continue on separate sheet if necessary) Previous employment (incl. military service) From (dd)-(mm)-(yyyy) to (dd)-(mm)-(yyyy) employer P/G** job/tasks performed ___-___-___ ___-___-___ ____________________________ ____ _______________________________ ___-___-___ ___-___-___ ____________________________ ____ _______________________________ ___-___-___ ___-___-___ ____________________________ ____ _______________________________ ___-___-___ ___-___-___ ____________________________ ____ _______________________________ ___-___-___ ___-___-___ ____________________________ ____ _______________________________ (continue on separate sheet if necessary) * ** cross out what does not apply P = private (business sector) / G = government __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Completed truthfully, date: place: signature: ____-____-____ (dd)-(mm)-(yyyy) ________________________ ______________________________ Versie 01012007 Regulations on hours worked per week and working hours Working week A flexible working week means that on the basis of a standard 38-hour working week and a full-time appointment you can arrange annually with your superior to work 36, 38 or 40 hours a week. Your superior must agree with your choice. If you choose a 38-hour working week you are entitled to the standard number of holiday days (see below); if you choose a 36-hour working week you are entitled to the standard number of holiday days minus 12 (96 hours); if you choose a 40-hour working week you are entitled to the standard number of holiday days plus 12 (96 hours). We emphasise that the choice you make will not affect the FTE for which you are appointed or your salary. If you have a part-time appointment of 0.6 FTE or more you may also arrange to work a flexible working week, with hours ranging from about 2 hours more or 2 hours less per week, with a proportionate increase or reduction in your number of holiday days. Part-timers with an appointment of 0.5 FTE or less may not opt for flexible working hours. The point of departure is a 38-hour working week. Full-time employees of TU Delft have 3 options, namely: 1 FTE: 40 hours ( annual leave entitlement plus (+) 96 hours) 38 hours (annual leave entitlement plus (+) 0 hours) 36 hours (annual leave entitlement minus (-) 96 hours) The number of age-related days, converted into hours, is: Age Increase from 30 to 44 8 hours from 45 to 49 16 hours from 50 to 54 24 hours from 55 to 59 32 hours 60 and older 40 hours Working hours When making agreements about a flexible working week it is important to establish at what times you will start and finish work. The provisions relating to variable working hours and block times will of course be observed. What does the above mean for you? It is important for you, your superior and the personnel administration office that arrangements relating to your working week and working hours should be recorded clearly; your leave entitlement, among other things, will be determined on the basis of these arrangements. We therefore ask you to complete the enclosed form and to give it to your superior, who will sign it for approval and then submit it to the HRM Department. If you hear nothing to the contrary, you may assume that your choice has been approved and you can work according to the working week and the working hours you have chosen. If there are objections to your choice the matter will be discussed with you and eventually a decision will be recorded in writing. The form contains a table showing the options open to part-timers and how they will affect annual leave entitlement. The choice may be altered for each calendar year, either by you or by TU Delft; if you change jobs in the course of the year it is also possible to discuss alterations to your working hours. You will find more information about TU Delft employment terms and regulations at the TU Delft website: www.tudelft.nl (TU Delft home) > Campus site > Staff & Organisation > Employment conditions Versie 01012007 Working hours selection form Surname + initial(s): Department: Date of birth: Signature: Appointment in FTE (average number of hours per week) 1 FTE(average working week of 38 hours) 0.9 FTE(average working week of 34.2 hours) 0.8 FTE(average working week of 30.4 hours) 0.7 FTE(average working week of 26.6 hours) 0.6 FTE(average working week of 22.8 hours) 0.5 FTE(19-hour working week) 0.4 FTE(15.2-hour working week) 0.3 FTE(11.4-hour working week) 0.2 FTE(7.60-hour working week) 0.1 FTE(3.80-hour working week) Select option for flexible working week o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 40 38 36 36 34 32 32 30 28 28 26 24 24 22 20 hours hours hours hours hours hours hours hours hours hours hours hours hours hours hours 19 hours = standard 15.2 hours =standard 11.4 hours =standard 7.60 hours =standard 3.80 hours =standard The working hours I wish to work are from to Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday *) Annual leave entitlement plus or minus (excl. age-related days in hours) 248 hours plus 96 hours 248 hours 248 hours minus 96 hours 223.2 hours plus 86.4 hours 223.2 hours minus 9.6 223.2 hours minus 105.6 hours 198.4 hours plus 76.8 hours 198.4 hours minus 19.2 hours 198.4 hours minus 115.2 hours 173.6 hours plus 67.2 hours 173.6 hours minus 28.8 hours 173.6 hours minus 124.8 hours 148,8 hours plus 57‘.6 hours 148.8 hours minus 38.4 hours 148.8 hours minus 134.4 hours 124 hours 99.12 hours 74.4 hours 49.6 hours 24.8 hours on the following days: My superior DOES / DOES NOT*) agree with my request to record this number of hours to be worked and these working hours Date : _______________________________ Name of superior : _______________________________ Signature : _______________________________ Please submit this form to HR Services after it has been signed by your superior. * Cross out what does not apply Versie 01012007 Versie 01012007