APPENDIX 1: GLOSSARY OF CLIMATE CHANGE TERMINOLOGY Term (English) English definition Term (Dutch) Definition (Dutch) Dutch definition translated Term (German) Definition (German) German definition translated Changing behaviour, institutional arrangements or economic activity to adapt to either direct or indirect consequences of climate change. (1) Aanpassing Het nemen van maatregelen om de (mogelijke) effecten van klimaatveranderingen tegen te gaan of te minimaliseren. (12) Measures to fight or diminish (possible) effects of climate change. Anpassen (English term often used) Sich an eine neue Situation anpassen (1) Become adjusted to a new situation. The numbers and relative abundances of different genes (genetic diversity), species, and ecosystems (communities) in a particular area. (4) The artefacts created by man in the evolution of the cultural landscape. (8) Biodiversiteit De verscheidenheid van de flora en fauna op aarde. (4) The differentiation of flora and fauna on earth. Biologische Vielfalt Anzahl und Vielfalt verschiedener Gene, Arten und Ökosysteme einer Region. Built environment IPPC definition from glossary of terms used in the IPCC third assessment Adjustment in natural or human systems to a new or changing environment. Adaptation to climate change refers to adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities. The numbers and relative abundances of different genes (genetic diversity), species, and ecosystems (communities) in a particular area. Term not defined Bebouwde omgeving Land waarop gebouwen zijn gezet. (2) The land on which buildings have been built. Gebaute Umwelt Building code Term not defined Term not used Bouwbesluit A national decree; consists of regulations on safety, health, use, energy efficiency and environmental technique regarding the state of existing and the development of new housing, (house)trailers and other buildings and constructions. Baugesetzbuch Building regulations Term not defined Building regulations ensure the health and safety of people in and Bouwverordening Een amvb; geeft uit het oogpunt van veiligheid, gezondheid, bruikbaarheid, energiezuinigheid en milieutechniek voorschriften betreffende de staat van bestaande en het bouwen van nieuwe woningen, woonwagens en andere gebouwen en bouwwerken. (17) De bouwverordening is voor elke gemeente verplicht en bevat Gesamtheit der Gebäude, Infrastruktureinrichtunge n etc. einer Siedlungseinheit. (13) (BauGB) Regelt bundeseinheitlich das Städtebaurecht. (11) The numbers and relative abundances of different genes (genetic diversity), species, and ecosystems (communities) in a particular area. (IPCC) Buildings and infrastructure of a settlement area in its whole. (Baugesetzbuch - baugb) this establishes uniform principles of urban design legislation for the entire country. Each municipality is obliged by law to set up a bouwverordening. A Bauordnungen Adaptation Biodiversity Landesgesetze, in denen die Voraussetzungen für die Errichtung, Statutory legislation passed by a land regulating the conditions for the Term (English) IPPC definition from glossary of terms used in the IPCC third assessment English definition Term (Dutch) around buildings by providing functional requirements for building design and construction. The regulations also promote energy efficiency in buildings. Carbon storage Term not defined Catchment Term not defined Climate Climate in a narrow sense is usually defined as the ‘average weather’ or more rigorously as the statistical description in terms of the mean and variability of relevant quantities over a period of time ranging from months to thousands or millions of years. The classical period is 30 years, as defined by the world meteorological organisation (WMO). These relevant quantities Definition (Dutch) Dutch definition translated voorschriften omtrent bouw, maten, gebruik en sloop van woningen, gebouwen en andere bouwwerken en voorschriften omtrent staat van open erven en terreinen. (17) bouwverordening consists of regulations on building, measurements, use and destruction of housing, buildings and other constructions and regulations on the state of public grounds and terrains. Part of the global carbon cycle; the long term storage of carbon in biomass, underground/soil and in products (e.g. through cutting down forests). The long-term storage of carbon or CO2 in the forests, soils, ocean, or underground in depleted oil and gas reservoirs, coal seams, and saline aquifers. Also referred to as engineered carbon sequestration. Carbon capture and storage can be referred to as CCS. (3) An area that collects and drains rainwater. (4) Koolstofvastlegging Onderdeel van de mondiale koolstofkringloop; the lange termijn vastlegging van koolstof in de biomassa, in de bodem en in de producten (bijv. via het kappen van bossen). (18) Stroomgebied Climate refers to the average weather experienced in a region over a long period, typically 30 years. This includes not just temperature, but also wind and rainfall patterns. The climate of the earth is not static, and has changed many times in the past in response to a variety of natural causes (from Klimaat Een gebied dat regenwater afwatert naar een specifieke rivier. (13) Gemiddelde van het weer, d.w.z. Gemiddelden van temperatuur, vochtigheidsgraad, luchtdruk, wind bewolking en neerslag. (1)(2)(3) An area that discharges its rainwater on a specific river. Means of weather, i.e. means of temperature, humidity, air pressure, wind, cloudiness and precipitation. Term (German) Definition (German) German definition translated Änderung und den Abbruch baulicher Anlagen geregelt sind. (11) construction, alteration and demolition of built structures. Absorptionsflächen Frei- und Grünflächen mit klimatischer Funktion. In Abhängigkeit von ihrer Beschaffenheit und Vegetation werden auf diesen Flächen Kohlendioxid in Sauerstoff umgewandelt, Schwebstaub gebunden und Strahlen gefiltert. (4) Green areas with climatic function. Depending on their structure and vegetation these areas can convert CO2 into oxygen, they can bind dust and filter rays. Flusseinzugsgebiet Fläche aus der sich ein Fluss speist. (6) Area from which a river gets its water. Klima Gesamtheit der Wetterphänomene. (1) Weather in its entirety. Term (English) Climate change IPPC definition from glossary of terms used in the IPCC third assessment are most often surface variables such as temperature, precipitation and wind. Climate change refers to a statistically significant variation in either the mean state of the climate or in its variability, persisting for an extended period (typically decades or longer). Climate change may be due to natural internal processes or external forcings, or to persistent anthropogenic changes in the composition of the atmosphere or in land use. Note that the UNFCC defines ‘climate change as: ‘a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods’. The UNFCC thus makes a distinction between ‘climate change’ attributable to human activities altering the atmospheric composition, and ‘climate variability’ attributable to natural causes. English definition Term (Dutch) Definition (Dutch) Dutch definition translated Term (German) Definition (German) German definition translated The term "climate change" usually refers to recent changes in climate that have been observed since the early 1900’s (from Klimaat-verandering Verandering van het gemiddelde weer. (1)(2)(3) Change of the mean weather. Klimawandel Grundlegender Wandel des Wetters. (1) Fundamental change of mean weather. Term (English) Climate change impact Climate prediction IPPC definition from glossary of terms used in the IPCC third assessment Consequences of climate change on natural and human systems. Depending on the consideration of adaptation, one can distinguish between potential impacts and residual impacts. Potential impacts: all impacts that ay occur given a projected change in climate, without considering adaptation. Residual impacts: the impacts of climate change that would occur after adaptation. A climate prediction or climate forecast is the result of an attempt to produce a most likely description or estimate of the actual evolution of the climate in the future (e.g. at seasonal, interannual, or long-term time-scales). English definition Term (Dutch) Definition (Dutch) Dutch definition translated Term (German) Definition (German) German definition translated The effects on the physical environment, ecosystems, individual species and societies from changes in the climate. Effecten van klimaatverandering Effecten van de veranderingen in het klimaat op de zeespiegel, ecosystemen en drainage regimes van rivieren en hun effecten op landbouw, burgers, industrie en scheepvaart. (3) Effects of changes in climate on the sea level, ecosystems and drainage regimes of rivers, in turn affecting agriculture, civilians, industry and shipping. Auswirkungen des Klimawandels Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Stabilität der physische Umwelt, von Ökosystemen und Gesellschaften. The effects on the physical environment, ecosystems, individual species and societies from changes in the climate. An extrapolation or projection of the state of a system, or value of a variable, based on available knowledge or information and defined assumptions. Forecasts are usually either temporal and/or spatial extrapolations. Temporal extrapolations can be forward (forecast) or backward (hindcast). Where uncertainty can be estimated and a level of confidence can be assigned to a climate or other projection, it becomes a forecast or prediction. (2) Klimaat voorspelling (term not widely used) Een extrapolatie of projectie van de staat van een system, of waarde van een variabele, gebaseerd op beschikbare kennis of informatie en aannames. Voorspellingen zijn meestal ofwel extrapolaties in de tijd of in ruimte. Extrapolaties in de tijd kunnen vooruitblikken of terugblikken. Wanneer de onzekerheid ingeschat kan worden en een bepaald niveau van betrouwbaarheid gekoppeld kan worden aan een klimaat of andersoortige prognose, dan wordt het een voorspelling. (Term (Term translated from English definition). Klimavorhersage Die Klimavorhersage oder Klimaprognose beschreibt die wahrscheinlichste Veränderung des Klimas in der Zukunft, z.B. in Bezug auf saisonale, jährliche oder längerfristige Zeitschienen. A climate prediction or climate forecast is the result of an attempt to produce a most likely description of the actual evolution of the climate in the future (e.g. at seasonal, inter annual, or long-term time-scales). (IPCC) Term (English) IPPC definition from glossary of terms used in the IPCC third assessment English definition Term (Dutch) Definition (Dutch) Dutch definition translated Term (German) Definition (German) German definition translated translated from English definition) Climate projection Climate change scenario A projection of the response of the climate system to emission or concentration scenarios of greenhouse gases and aerosols, or radiative forcing scenarios, often based upon simulations by climate models. Climate projections are distinguished from climate predictions in order to emphasize that climate projections depend upon the emission/concentration/ radiative forcing scenario used, which are based on assumptions, concerning, for example, future socioeconomic and technological developments that may or may not be realised, and are therefore subject to substantial uncertainty. A plausible and often simplified representation of the future climate, based on an internally consistent set of climatological relationships, that has been constructed for explicit use in investigating the potential consequences of A potential future evolution of a quantity or set of quantities, often computed with the aid of a model. Projections are distinguished from ‘predictions’ in order to emphasise that projections involve assumptions concerning, for example, future social-economic and technological developments that may or may not be realised. (4) Prognose Voorspelling over wat er in de toekomst gaat gebeuren. (16) Prediction about what will happen in the future. Prognose Vorhersage zu zukünftigen Ereignissen(1) Prediction about what will happen in the future. A coherent and internally-consistent description of the change in climate by a certain time in the future, using a specific modelling technique and under specific assumptions about the growth of greenhouse gas and other emissions and Scenario Mogelijke ontwikkelingslijn. (16) Possible way in which the climate will develop. Szenario Entwicklungsmöglichkeite n. (1) Possible way in which the climate will develop. Term (English) Climate research CO2 emissions CO2 equivalent IPPC definition from glossary of terms used in the IPCC third assessment anthropogenic climate change, often serving as input to impact models. Climate projections often serve as the raw material for constructing climate scenarios, but climate scenarios usually require additional information such as about the observed current climate. A ‘climate change scenario’ is the difference between a climate scenario and the current climate. Term not defined A naturally occurring gas, and also a by-product of burning fossil fuels and biomass, as well as landuse changes and other industrial processes. It is the principal anthropogenic greenhouse gas that affects the earth’s radiative balance. It is the reference gas against which other greenhouse gases are measured and therefore has a global warming potential of 1. Term not defined English definition Term (Dutch) Definition (Dutch) Dutch definition translated Term (German) Definition (German) German definition translated Scientific inquiry aimed at the discovery, interpretation, reinterpretation or application of the past, current and future climate conditions. (8) The release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. (5) Klimaat-onderzoek Onderzoek naar de ontwikkeling van het gemiddelde weer.(1) Research on the development of mean weather. Klimaforschung Erforschung des Wetters. (1) Research on the development of mean weather. CO2 - emissies Uitstoot van het broeikasgas kooldioxide. (2)(3) Emission of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. CO2 Emission Emissionen des Treibhausgases CO2. (1) Emission of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. The quantity of a given GHG multiplied by its global warming potential. CO2 equivalent Een CO2-equivalent (CO2-eq.) Is een rekeneenheid om de A CO2-equivalent is a unit of account to compare the CO2-Äquivalente Angabe der Konzentration eines Gases bezogen auf seine The concentration of a gas in relation to its green house effectiveness about other factors that may influence climate in the future. (1)(2) Term (English) IPPC definition from glossary of terms used in the IPCC third assessment English definition Term (Dutch) This is the standard unit for comparing the degree of harm which can be caused by emissions of different GHGs. (from http://www.ghgprotocol. org/glossary.htm) Coastal defence Term not defined A defence system is two or more defences acting to achieve common goals (e.g. maintaining flood Protection to a single flood cell community). Kust-verdediging Coastal erosion Term not defined Kusterosie Coastline Term not defined The actions of marine waves, through their fourfold processes of hydraulic action, corrasion, attrition and solution, when they combine to attack the coastline, thereby causing it to retreat. The line forming the boundary between the land and the water. More specifically, ‘coastline’ refers to the highest limit reached by the swash of storm waves during high-water spring tides. (8) Kustlijn Definition (Dutch) Dutch definition translated bijdrage van broeikasgassen aan het broeikaseffect onderling te kunnen vergelijken. Het is gebaseerd op het global warming potential (gwp), de mate waarin een gas bijdraagt aan het broeikaseffect. (19) contribution of greenhouse gases to the greenhouse effect. It is based on the global warming potential (GWP), the amount in which a gas contributes to the greenhouse effect. Verdedigingssysteem langs de kust die gebruikt wordt om het achterliggende land te beschermen; verdediging kan hard (in de vorm van steen, basalt, betonblokken) of zacht (zand en duinen) zijn. (10) Proces waarbij de kustlijn onder invloed van wind en water (langzaam maar gestaag) achteruitgaat. (10) Defence system along the coast, to protect the land behind it: defence can be hard (in form of stones, basalt or concrete blocks) or soft (sand and dunes). Grens tussen land en zee; meestal de gemiddelde waterlijn. (10) Term (German) Definition (German) German definition translated Treibhauswirksamkeit im Vergleich zu CO2 als Referenzsubstanz (CO2=1 ). (4) compared with co 2 as a reference (CO2=1). Küstenschutz Maßnahmen zum Schutz von Küstenzonen gegen Hochwasser. (1) Measures for the protection of coastal areas. Process in which the coast line moves backwards (slowly but steadily) under influence of wind and water. Küstenerosion Verlagerung von Bodenmaterial entlang einer Küstenlinie durch Meeresströmungen und Sturmfluten. (4) The movement of ground material along a coastline caused by ocean current and storm tides. Boundary between land and sea. Küstenlinie Grenzbereich zwischen Meer und Land. (1) Area where sea and land meet. Term (English) Cultural heritage IPPC definition from glossary of terms used in the IPCC third assessment Term not defined Drainage Term not defined Drainage basin Term not defined Drought Term not defined Dyke ring Term not defined Dyke Term not defined English definition Term (Dutch) Definition (Dutch) Dutch definition translated Term (German) Definition (German) German definition translated The legacy of historic features resulting from man’s activities e.g. the historic dimension of the landscape including rural and urban settlement patterns, and historic and archaeological features/monuments. The process by which water is discharged from an area by a river. (8) Cultuur historisch waardevol landschap of element Valuable structures or elements in the form of soil, built environment or landscape that reflect the impacts of human or natural forces in a characteristic way. Kulturelles Erbe Gesamtheit der spezifischen kulturellen Errungenschaften einer Gesellschaft. Totality of the specific cultural achievements of a society. Discharge or surplus (ground)water from an area via underground waterways to a river. Abfluss Wassermenge die ein Fluss in einer Zeiteinheit durchfließen kann. (6) Amount of water that can run through a river in a given time unit. The part of the land surface which is drained by a unitary river system. Its perimeter is marked by a drainage divide or watershed. (8) An extended period of dry weather; extreme dryness due to lack of rain. (8) Term not used Stroomgebied Waardevolle structuren of elementen in de vorm van bodem, gebouwde omgeving of landschap, die de impact van menselijke of natuurlijke krachten op een karakteristieke wijze weergeven. (12)(13) Afvoer van overtollig (grond)water uit een gebied door middel van ondergrondse watergangen naar een rivier. (13) Een gebied dat regenwater afwatert naar een specifieke rivier. (13) An area that discharges its rainwater on a specific river. Einzugsgebiet Gebiet aus dem ein Fluß mit Wasser gespeist wird. (6) Area that feeds a river with water. Droogte Gebrek aan water; watertekort. (5) Lack of water; water shortage. Trockenheit, Dürre Aussergewöhnliche Trockenheit durch ausbleibende Regenfälle. Unusual dryness caused e.g. by absence of rainfalls. Dijkring Dijken System of dams and dykes that encloses a dyke ring area. Construction that helps to protect the land behind it against water. Ringdeich An artificial embankment or excavated drainage ditch constructed to prevent marine flooding of coastal lowlands. (8) Stelsel van waterkeringen dat een dijkringgebied omsluit. (13) Bouwwerk te bescherming van het achterliggende land tegen water.(10) Deichsystem, das ein begenztes Gebiet ringförmig umschließt. Erdwall zum Schutz von Küsten und Flußlandschaften vor Überflutungen. (14) System of dams and dykes that encloses a dyke ring area. Earth embankment for the protection of coastal and river areas against flooding. Drainage Deich Term (English) Ecological corridor IPPC definition from glossary of terms used in the IPCC third assessment Term not defined English definition Term (Dutch) Definition (Dutch) Dutch definition translated Term (German) Definition (German) German definition translated Ecological corridors link habitats together and allow the movement/migration of habitats and species. Ecologische verbindings-zone Gebieden die kern- en natuurontwikkelingsgebie den aan elkaar knopen; zijn belangrijk om de verspreiding van en contacten tussen dieren en planten te verbeteren. (12) Een samenhangend netwerk van bestaande en nog te ontwikkelen belangrijke natuurgebieden. De ecologische hoofdstructuur is opgebouwd uit kerngebieden, natuurontwikkelingsgebie den en verbindingszones. (12) Het samenleven van planten en diersoorten in een bepaalde omgeving. (4) Ecological corridors are areas that connect core- and nature development areas. These are of great importance to improve the movement of animals and plants. The ecological main structure is an integrated network of existing and still to be developed important natural areas. The ecological main structure consists of core areas, nature development areas and corridor zones. Biotopverbund Verbund zwischen verschiedenen Biotopen, die einen Austausch, die Wanderung von Arten ermöglicht. (1) Connection between two or more natural areas to make it possible for flora and fauna to migrate. The cohabitation of plants and animals in a given environment. Ökosystem Natürliche Einheit von Lebendem und seinem Lebensraum. (6) System connecting flora and fauna in their specific environment. Reductie van emissie van CO2 en niet-CO2 broeikasgassen door bevorderen energie besparing, beperken koolstofintensiteit van Reduction of emission of CO2 and non-CO2 greenhouse gases by enhancing energy savings, diminishing carbon intensity of fuels Emissionsminderun g Reduktion des Ausstosses von Abgasen. (6) Reduction in the output of exhaust fumes. Ecologische hoofdstruc-tuur Ecosystem Emission reduction A system of interacting living organisms together with their physical environment. The boundaries of what could be called an ecosystem are somewhat arbitrary, depending on the focus of interest or study. Thus, the extent of an ecosystem may range from very small spatial scales to, ultimately, the entire earth. Term not defined A system of interconnected habitats and their species of flora (plants) and fauna (animals), usually defined by a specific geographical area and/or climatic regime, e.g. mountain, polar, forest ecosystem. (5) Ecosysteem Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles, industrial processes, agriculture, etc. Emissie reductie Term (English) IPPC definition from glossary of terms used in the IPCC third assessment English definition Term (Dutch) Emissions trading A market-based approach to achieving environmental objectives that allows those reducing greenhouse gas emissions below what is required, to use or trade the excess reductions to offset emissions at another source inside or outside the country. In general, trading can occur at the intracompany, domestic, and international levels. See IPPC definition. Emissiehandel Energy efficiency Ratio of energy output of a conversion process or of a system to its energy input. Efficiënt energiegebruik Extreme (weather) event An extreme weather event is an event that is rare within its statistical reference distribution at a particular place. Definitions of ‘rare’ vary, Careful use of energy, with minimum wastage, in buildings, industrial processes, etc. An event that is rare within its statistical reference distribution at a particular place. Definitions of ‘rare’ vary, but an extreme event Weersextremen Definition (Dutch) Dutch definition translated Term (German) Definition (German) German definition translated brandstof en bevorderen gebruik van hernieuwbare energiebronnen. (3) Emissiehandel is de handel in emissierechten. Emissierechten geven landen of bedrijven het recht geven om bepaalde broeikasgassen of andere schadelijke gassen uit te stoten. Meer officieel is emissiehandel de handel in emissieruimte. De emissieruimte geeft aan hoeveel een land of bedrijf van een bepaald gas mag uitstoten (emitteren). Het systeem is flexibel: landen en bedrijven kunnen emissierechten kopen of verkopen.bij emissiehandel moeten emissies door emissierechten worden gedekt: een land of bedrijf moet voldoende rechten hebben voor zijn uitstoot. (20) Een doordacht gebruik van energie, niet meer gebruiken dan noodzakelijk. (2)(3) Een weersextreme is een weerssituatie die statistisch gezien zeldzaam is. Klimaatveranderingen maken dat deze and enhancing use of renewable energy sources. Emissions trading is the trade in emission rights. Emission rights give countries or companies the right to emit certain greenhouse gases or other harmful gases. More officially emissions trading is the trade in emission space. The emission space defines how much of a certain gas a country or company is allowed to emit. The system is flexible; the rights and space can be bought or sold. When emission trading takes place, emissions have to be covered by emission rights: a country or company has to have sufficient rights for its emissions. Emissionshandel Mart-Prinzip mit dem umweltpolitische Ziele erreicht werden sollen. Marktteilnahmer können notwendige CO2 Reduktionen bei anderen Emittenden im In- oder Ausland kaufen, die das notwendige Maß an Emissionsreduktionen günstiger erzielen können. A market-based approach to achieving environmental objectives that allows those reducing greenhouse gas emissions below what is required to use or trade the excess (übermaß) reductions to offset (ausgleichen) reductions at another source inside or outside the country. A wise and responsible use of energy; not more than necessary. Effiziente Energie Nutzung Geringer Energieeinsatz bei möglichst hohem Wirkungsgrad. (6) A wise and responsible use of energy; not more than necessary. A weather extreme is a weather event that is statistically rare. Climate changes enhance the occurrence of these extremes. Extremereigniss Wetterereignisse ausserhalb normaler Schwankungen. (5) Weather phenomena beyond the scale of normal variation. Term (English) Flood IPPC definition from glossary of terms used in the IPCC third assessment but an extreme weather event would normally be as rare as or rarer than the 10th or 90th percentile. By definition, the characteristics of what is called extreme weather may vary from place to place. An extreme climate event is an average of a number of weather events over a certain period of time, an average which is itself extreme (e.g. rainfall over a season). Term not defined Flood area/flood plain Term not defined Flood risk management Term not defined English definition Term (Dutch) would normally be as rare as or rarer than the 10th or 90th percentile. (4) Overflowing of a body of water, especially onto normally dry land. (7) The part of a river valley, adjacent to the channel, over which a river flows in times of flood. It is a zone of low relief and gentle gradients and may incorporate oxbow lakes, point bars, abandoned channels, scrolls, all indicative of the fact that the river has shifted its position continuously during the present regime of the stream. (8) Flood risk management activities can reduce the probability of flooding through the management of land, river systems and flood defences, and reduce the impact of floods through effective Definition (Dutch) Dutch definition translated Term (German) Definition (German) German definition translated Het buiten de oevers treden van waterwegen. (10) Een retentiegebied of retentiebekken is binnendijks gebied, dat bij hoogwater gebruikt kan worden om water tijdelijk op te vangen. (21) The overflowing of a river. Überflutung A retention area or retention basin is an area on the landside of the dykes, that in case of high water can be used to temporarily store water. Überschwemmungs gebiete Hochwasser das Landstriche unter Wasser setzt. (1) Gebiete die im Fall von extremem Hochwasser geflutet werden können. (6) An overflow of large amount of water over dry land. Areas that can be flooded in case of extreme high levels to lower the flood peak. Hoogwaterbescherming heeft tot doel de veiligheid te verhogen door te anticiperen in plaats van reageren op wateroverlast. Dit gebeurt in het bijzonder door het creëren van High water protection aims at enlarging safety by anticipating instead of reacting to water problems. This especially happens through creating more ”moving space” for Vorbeugender Hochwasserschutz Der vorbeugende Hochwasserschutz koordiniert sektorale Planungen (Wasserwirtschaft, Flußausbau, Stadt- und Regionalplanung, internationale ‘Preventive flood protection’ coordinates sectoral planning such as water management, spatial and regional planning, international cooperation, as well as the different administrative levels (state, extremen vaker voorkomen. (1) Overstroming Retentiegebied Hoogwaterbescher ming Term (English) IPPC definition from glossary of terms used in the IPCC third assessment English definition Term (Dutch) land use planning, regulation, flood warning and emergency response. (from environment agency Strategy for flood risk management (2003/4 - 2007/8)) Greenhouse effect Greenhouse gases effectively absorb infrared radiation, emitted by the earth’s surface, by the atmosphere itself due to the same gases, and by clouds. Atmospheric radiation is emitted to all sides, including downward to the earth’s surface. Thus greenhouse gases trap heat within the surface-troposphere system. This is called the ‘natural greenhouse effect’. Atmospheric radiation is strongly coupled to the temperature of the level at which it is emitted. In the troposphere, the temperature generally decreases with height. Effectively, infrared radiation emitted to space originates from an altitude with a temperature of, on average, -19c, in balance with the net incoming A term used to describe the effect where greenhouse gases trap reemitted infrared radiation, so heating up the atmosphere. This is a natural phenomenon and increases the earth’s average temperature from -18c to +15c. This should not be confused with the enhanced greenhouse effect, the increase of the greenhouse effect as a result of human activities. (5) Broeikas-effect Definition (Dutch) Dutch definition translated meer beweegruimte voor water. Maatregelen houden onder andere in het verleggen van dijken, afgraven van uiterwaarden, aanleggen van retentiegebieden en graven van nevengeulen. Ruimtelijke kwaliteit speelt een belangrijke rol in het uitvoeren van deze maatregelen. (21) Stijging van de temperatuur door een teveel aan broeikasgassen in de atmosfeer, welke het gevolg is van een door menselijke activiteit veroorzaakte verstoring van het natuurlijke proces, waarin een aantal gassen in de atmosfeer het invallende licht van de zon doorlaten en de door de aarde teruggekaatste infrarode (warmte)straling absorberen en deze warmte gedeeltelijk weer terugkaatsen naar het aardoppervlak. (2)(3)(4) water. Measures are moving dykes, digging up river foreland, developing retention areas and digging up additional channels along rivers. Spatial quality plays an important role in executing these measures. Rise of temperature caused by an abundance of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which is the consequence of a human activity-led, disturbance of the natural process in which a number of gases in the atmosphere lets the light of the sun through and absorbs the infrared (warmth) radiation reflected by the earth and reflects part of this warmth back to the earth’s surface. Term (German) Treibhauseffekt Definition (German) German definition translated Kooperationen) sowie die unterschiedlichen Administrativen Ebenen (Bund, Länder, Genmeinden). Ziel ist es, Hochwasserrisiken zu minimieren und der Entstehung von Hochwasser vorzubeugen. (16) federal states, municipalities). It aims to minimise flood risks and prevent causes of flooding. Allgemeiner Temperaturanstieg durch eine Veränderung der Atmosphäre. (1) Overall rise in temperature caused by a change of the atmosphere. Term (English) Greenhouse gas IPPC definition from glossary of terms used in the IPCC third assessment solar radiation, whereas the earth’s surface is kept at a much higher temperature of, on average, +14c. An increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases leads to an increased infrared opacity of the atmosphere, and therefore to an effective radiation into space from a higher altitude at a lower temperature. This causes a radiative forcing, an imbalance that can only be compensated for by an increase of the temperature of the surface-troposphere system. This is the ‘enhanced greenhouse effect’. Greenhouse gases are those gaseous constituents of the atmosphere, both natural and anthropogenic, that absorb and emit radiation at specific wavelengths within the spectrum of infrared radiation emitted by the earth’s surface, the atmosphere, and clouds. This property causes the greenhouse effect. Water vapour, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, and ozone are the primary English definition Term (Dutch) Definition (Dutch) Dutch definition translated Term (German) Definition (German) German definition translated A number of anthropogically produced and naturally occurring gases whose presence in the atmosphere traps energy radiated by the earth. Carbon dioxide is the most important greenhouse gas. (2) Broeikas-gassen Gassen die bijdragen aan de opwarming van de dampkring: kooldioxide (CO2), methaan (CH4), lachgas (N2O) en fluorverbindingen (HFK's, PFK’s en SF6). (2)(3)(4) Gases that contribute to heating up the earth’s atmosphere: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and a number of fluoride compounds (HFK’s, PFK’s and SF6). Treibhausgas Stoffe, die an der Entstehung des anthropogen verursachten Treibhauseffektes beteiligt sind. (4) Substances causing human induced greenhouse effect. Term (English) Groundwater Habitat IPPC definition from glossary of terms used in the IPCC third assessment greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere. Moreover there are a number of entirely humanmade greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as the halocarbons and other chlorine- and brominecontaining substances, dealt with under the montreal protocol. Besides CO2, N2O and CH4, the Kyoto protocol deals with the greenhouse gases sulfur hexafluoride, hydrofluorocarbons and perfluorocarbons. Term not defined The particular environment or place where an organism or species tend to live; a more locally circumscribed portion of the total environment. English definition Term (Dutch) Definition (Dutch) Dutch definition translated Term (German) Definition (German) German definition translated Groundwater consists of water that occupies pores, cavities, cracks and other spaces in the crustal rocks. Soil water is that adhering to the surface of soil particles or occupying pore spaces in between them. (8) The particular environment or place where an organism or species tends to live; a more locally circumscribed portion of the total environment. (4) Grondwater Water in de grond. (13) Water below ground surface. Grundwasser Wasserschichten unter der Erdoberfläche. (1) Water below ground surface. Habitat Leefgebied van plant- of diersoort(en). (12) Living area of plant(s) or animal(s). Biotopverbundsyste m System von miteinander in Verbindung stehenden Biotopen. (4) System of connected biotopes. Term (English) Heat island IPPC definition from glossary of terms used in the IPCC third assessment An area within an urban area characterized by ambient temperatures higher than those of the surrounding area because of the absorption of solar energy by materials like asphalt. English definition Term (Dutch) Definition (Dutch) Dutch definition translated Term (German) Definition (German) German definition translated Hitte eiland (term not widely used) Een gebied binnen het stedelijk gebied, welke gekarakteriseerd wordt door omgevingstemperaturen die hoger zijn dan die van het omgevende gebied, als gevolg van de absorptie van zonneenergie in materialen als asfalt. (Term translated from English definition). (Term translated from English definition). Hitzeinsel Städtische Teilgebiete mit durchschnittlich höherer Temperatur, verurscacht durch wärmeabsorbierende Materialien wie z.B. Asphalt. An area within an urban area characterized by ambient temperatures higher than those of the surrounding area because of the absorption of solar energy by materials like asphalt. (IPCC) Binnendijks Gebied dat door primaire waterkeringen wordt beschermd tegen overstroming. (10) De samenhang van het waterbeleid met andere beleidsvelden: milieu, ruimtelijke ordening, natuur en recreatie. (11) Area that is protected from flooding by primary dams. Deichhinterland The integration of water policy with other fields of policy: environment, spatial planning, nature and recreation. Wassermanagemen t Area that is situated on the landside of the primary dams and is protected against flooding. Totality of measures to manage water systems in a way that serves common interests as well as individual users. Variabiliteit van klimaat heft betrekking op de variaties in the gemiddelde staat and andere statistieken van het klimaat op alle niveaus in tijd en ruimte, waarbij naar meer wordt gekeken dan alleen the individuele (Term translated from English definition). Natürliche Klimaschwankungen Gebiet auf der Landseite hinterrdem Hauptdeich, das vor Fluten geschützt ist. Gesamtheit der Maßnahmen, die dazu dienen, die Gewässer so zu bewirtschaften, dass sie dem Wohl der Allgemeinheit und im Einklang mit ihm auch dem Nutzen einzelner dienen. (4) Nicht durch den Menschen verursachte natürliche Klimaschwankungen, verursacht z.B. durch Vulkanausbrüch u.ä. Inside the dyke Term not defined A term introduced to describe the zone of slightly increased air temperatures that occur in association with a large urban area, owing to the absorption and storage of solar radiation by the urban fabric and the heat generated by the city’s industries, buildings, traffic, etc. This can cause a marked reduction in the number of air frosts experienced annually in the city centre. (8) Term not used Integrated water management Term not defined Term not used Integraal waterbeheer Internal climate variability Climate variability refers to variations in the mean state and other statistics of the climate on all temporal and spatial scales beyond that of individual weather events. Variability may be due to natural internal processes within the climate system (internal The “unforced” natural changes in climate which occur on all time and space scales. (1) Variabiliteit van klimaat Natural climate variability not caused by man e.g. volcanic eruptions. Term (English) Land use Landscape Low emission building IPPC definition from glossary of terms used in the IPCC third assessment variability), or to variations in natural or anthropogenic external forcing (external variability). English definition Term (Dutch) The total arrangements, activities, and inputs undertaken in a certain land cover type (a set of human actions). The social and economic purposes for which land is managed (e.g. grazing, timber extraction, and conservation). Term not defined The total of arrangements, activities, and inputs undertaken in a certain land cover type (a set of human actions). The social and economic purposes for which land is managed (for example, grazing, timber extraction and conservation). (4) The total surface form of any area, rural or urban, and includes both natural and man-made features (both the natural and cultural landscapes). (8) Landgebruik en inrichting Term not defined Term not used Laag energie huis (term not used; see sustainable building) Landschap Definition (Dutch) weerssituaties. Variabiliteit kan veroorzaakt worden door natuurlijke interne processen in het klimaatsysteem (interne variabiliteit( of door variaties in natuurlijke of antropogene externe druk (externe variabiliteit). (Term translated from English definition). Het gebruik en de inrichting van gronden voor en door natuurlijke, sociale en economische functies, waarbij de gronden niet alleen bestaan uit het oppervlak, maar tevens uit de bodem en het watersysteem. (22) De combinatie van het geheel van ecologische en historische geografische structuren (waarin het samenspel tussen bodem, water, plantengroei en landgebruik centraal staat) en de beleving van de wijdheid van ruimte. (11) Gebouw dat op basis van haar goede isolatie/architectuur met een gering energiegebruik Dutch definition translated Term (German) Definition (German) German definition translated Use for natural, social and economic functions, where land includes the soil and water system. Flächennutzung Art und Maß der Beanspruchung von Grund und Boden. (4) Type and form of use of land. The combination of the total of ecological and historical geographical structures (in which the relationship between soil, water, growth of plants and land use plays a central role) and the perception of the extent of space. Landschaft, Kulturlandschaft Landscape designed by human beings. There is a distinction between landscape close to nature with a high share of natural ecosystems and landscape ‘far from nature’ like city regions and industrial sites. (Term translated from German definition). Niedrigenergiehaus Vom Menschen gestaltete Landschaft. Unterschieden wird zwischen naturnaher Kulturlandschaft (Landschaft mit hohem Anteil an natürlichen Ökosystemen) und naturferner Kulturlandschaft (Stadt-, Industrielandschaft, intensiv genutzte Agrarlandschaft). (4) Gebäude die aufgrund ihrer guten Isolierung/Architektur mit geringem Buildings that can be heated/cooled with little energy due to their good insulation/architecture. Term (English) IPPC definition from glossary of terms used in the IPCC third assessment Meteorology Term not defined Mitigation An anthropogenic intervention to reduce the sources or enhance the sinks of greenhouse gases. Natural balance Nature English definition Term (Dutch) The scientific study of the atmosphere. The term is usually confined to a study of the tropospheric and stratospheric processes, for these are the layers in which surface weather is generated. (8) Action taken to reduce the impact of human activity on the climate system, primarily through reducing net greenhouse gas emissions. (1) Meteorologie Term not defined Term not used Natuurbalans Term not defined A creative and controlling force in the universe; the physical constitution of an organism; the external world in its entirety; natural scenery. (7) N.b. This term is less widely used in the English language, and use tends to be made of terms such as habitat, landscape and biodiversity. Natuur Mitigatie Definition (Dutch) verwarmd en gekoeld kan worden. (Term translated from German definition). Leer van de luchtverschijnselen; weerkunde. (1) Het tegengaan en reduceren van ontwikkelingen en acties die klimaatveranderingen versterken, door het uitvoeren van beleid en maatregelen gericht op onder meer gedrag of inrichting. (2)(3) Algehele toestand van landschap en natuur als gevolg van veranderingen die daarin waar te nemen zijn of hebben plaatsgevonden. (11) Het landschap waarin de mens niet of nauwelijks heeft ingegrepen, bestaande uit het geheel van flora en fauna, uiteenlopend van grote tot kleine natuur (van nationaal park tot achtertuin) en van stedelijke tot landelijke natuur (van stadspark tot bosgebied). (12) Dutch definition translated Term (German) Definition (German) German definition translated Energieeinsatz geheizt/gekühlt werden können. (6) Science of weather and air. Meteorologie Wissenschaft des Wetters. (1) Science of weather. The prevention and reduction of developments and actions that enhance climate change, by implementing measures and policies aimed at behaviour and design/construction. General state of the landscape and nature as a result of the changes that have taken place or can be defined in the landscape and nature. The landscape in which humans have hardly interfered, consisting of the total range of flora and fauna, and from large-scale to smallscale nature (from National Park to backyard) and from urban to rural nature (from city park to forest). Minderung Minderung klimaschädigender Emissionen. (1) Make less severe. Naturhaushalt Wirkungsgefüge aller natürlichen Faktoren (Mineralien, Gesteine, Boden, Wasser, Luft, Klima, Pflanzen, Tiere). (4) Die physische Welt: Flora und Fauna, Landschaft und naturliche Phanomene im Gegensatz zu durch den Menschen gemachten Räumen. System of all natural factors (soil, water, air, climate, animals, plants). Natur The physical world, including plants, animals, the landscape and natural phenomena as opposed to human influence and human creation. (1) Term (English) IPPC definition from glossary of terms used in the IPCC third assessment One that would generate net social benefits whether or not there is a climate change. No-regrets opportunities for greenhouse gas emissions reduction are defined as those options whose benefits such as reduced energy costs and reduced emissions of local/regional pollutants equal or exceed their costs to society, excluding the benefits of avoided climate change. English definition Term (Dutch) Definition (Dutch) Dutch definition translated Term (German) Definition (German) German definition translated Adaptation options (or measures) that would be justified under all plausible future scenarios, including the absence of man-made climate change. A no regret option could be one that is determined to be worthwhile now (in that it would yield immediate economic and environmental benefits which exceed its cost), and continue to be worthwhile irrespective of the nature of future climate. (2) Geen spijt (adaptatie) opties (voor maatregelen) (term not widely used) (Term translated from English definition). Term not used Anpassungsmaßnahmen, die auch dann gerechtfertigt wären, wenn es keinen durch den Menschen verursachten Klimawandel gäbe. Eine ‘no-regret’ Maßnahme ist wirtschaftlich und produziert umgehendsowohl einen ökonomischen als auch einen umweltschutztechnischen Gewinn, unabhängig von der zukünftigen Entwicklung des Klimas. (Term translated from English definition). Adaptation options (or measures) that would be justified under all plausible future scenarios, including the absence of man-made climate change. A no regret option could be one that is determined to be worthwhile now (in that it would yield immediate economic and environmental benefits which exceed its cost), and continue to be worthwhile irrespective of the nature of future climate. (English definition). Outside the dyke Term not defined Term not used Buitendijks Term not defined The stratosphere contains a layer in which the concentration of ozone is greatest, the socalled ozone layer. This layer is being depleted by human emissions of chlorine and bromine compounds. (4) Ozonlaag Area that is situated on the sea side of the primary dams; area is not protected by primary dams. the layer of ozone in the stratosphere. Deichvorland Ozone layer Adaptatie opties (voor maatregelen) die ongeacht of er klimaatverandering plaatsvindt, netto sociale voordelen opleveren. No-regret mogelijkheden voor de reductie van broeikasgas emissies zijn gedefinieerd als die opties waarvan de voordelen, zoals verlaagde energiekosten en verminderde emissies van lokale/regionale vervuilers, overeenkomen met of groter zijn dan de kosten voor de maatschappij, met uitzondering van de voordelen van de ontweken klimaatverandering. (Term translated from English definition) Gebied zeewaarts van de primaire waterkeringen; gebied wordt niet beschermd door waterkeringen. (10) Laag met zone in de hoge laag van de dampkring. (1)(2) Gebiet auf der Seeseite vor dem Hauptdeich, Gebiet das nicht durch Deich vor Fluten geschützt ist. Teil der Stratosphäre in der die Ozonkonzentration am höchsten ist. Durch Chlor und Brom Emissionen wird diese Schicht verbraucht. Area that is situated on the seaside of the primary dams; area is not protected by primary dams. The stratosphere contains a layer in which the concentration of ozone is greatest, the so-called ozone layer. This layer is being depleted by human emissions of chlorine and bromine compounds. No regret (adaptation) options (or measures) Ozonschicht Term (English) IPPC definition from glossary of terms used in the IPCC third assessment Term not defined English definition Term (Dutch) Definition (Dutch) Dutch definition translated Term (German) Definition (German) German definition translated Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing costeffective measures to prevent environmental degradation. (2) Principe van voorzorgsmaatregel en (term not used) (Term translated from English definition). Vorsorgeprinzip Eine unsichere wissenschaftliche Datenlage darf kein Grund dafür sein, kosteneffiziente Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Umwelt nicht durchzuführen, wenn schwerwiegende und irreversiebke Schäden zu erwarten sind. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation. Precipitation Term not defined Water falling in some form; rain, snow, sleet and hail. (1) Neerslag Any form of water falling form the sky: rain, snow or hail. Niederschlag Water falling from the sky, mainly associated with rainfalls. Any form of water falling from the sky: rain, snow or hail. Primary dam Term not defined Term not used Primaire waterkering Dam, which, according to the law on dykes and dams, offers protection against high water from the sea or a big river. Hauptdeich Priority area Term not defined Term not used Prioriteitsgebied Waar er gevaar bestaat voor serieuze of onomkeerbare schade, zal een tekort aan volledige wetenschappelijke zekerheid niet gebruikt worden als een reden voor het uitstellen van kosten-effectieve maatregelen om milieubeschadiging te voorkomen. (Term translated from English definition) Elke vorm van water welke neerdaalt uit de lucht: regen, sneeuw, hagel. (1) Waterkering die volgens de wet op de waterkering bescherming biedt tegen hoogwater van zee, ijsselmeer of grote rivier. (10) In de ruimtelijke ordening kunnen gebieden als prioriteitsgebieden gedefinieerd worden, wanneer locale of regionale structurele vereisten dicteren dat een specifieke functie prioriteit heeft in dat gebied. Elke vorm van planning of actie moet hiermee rekening houden. (Term translated from German (Term translated from German definition). Vorranggebiet Der Hauptdeich ist das Kernelement des Küstenschutzes, er wird ergänzt durch eine zweite Deichlinie im Falle eines Deichbruchs. Als Vorranggebiete oder Vorrangsstandorte können im Rahmen der Raumordnung Gebiete oder Standorte festgelegt werden, die aufgrund raumstruktureller Erfordernisse eine Aufgabe vorrangig vor anderen Aufgaben zu erfüllen haben (z.B. für die Erholung, für Natur und Landschaft, für The primary dam is the key element of coastal protection, it is completed by a secondary dam, offering protection in case of a failing dyke. Priority areas may be defined in structural planning where local or regional structural requirements dictate that a particular function shall have priority on that area. Any planning or action must be compatible with this priority purpose. Precautionary principle Term (English) IPPC definition from glossary of terms used in the IPCC third assessment English definition Term (Dutch) Definition (Dutch) Dutch definition translated Term (German) definition). Renewable energy Term not defined Restore to nature Definition (German) Rohstoffgewinnung, für Siedlungsentwicklung). Alle Planungen und Maßnahmen müssen mit der festgelegten vorrangigen Zweckbestimmung vereinbar sein. (11) Energiequellen die sich durch natürliche Prozesse regenerieren. (1) German definition translated Duurzame energie Energie die niet wordt opgewekt door de verbranding van aardolie, aardgas of steenkool, maar door schone, onuitputtelijke bronnen. (3)(9) Energy that is taken from clean, renewable energy sources. Nachhaltige Energiequellen Term not defined Those energy sources which do not rely on finite reserves of fossil or nuclear fuels. They comprise: solar energy, wind energy, wave energy, tidal energy, hydroelectric power and geothermal energy. (8) Term not used Energy sources that are regenerated by nature. Reconstructie Wiederherstellung von natürlicher, ursprünglicher Form und Aussehen eines Objektes. (4) Re-establishment of natural, original forms of an ecosystem. Term not defined Term not used Retentie-gebied Reconstruction aims at strengthening the quality and characteristics of specific landscapes and natural areas, by using an integral approach with regard to the environment, nature, landscape, forest land, recreation and agriculture. Area on the landside of a dyke, that can be used in periods of high water to store surplus water. Renaturierung Retention area Überschwemmungsf lächen Deichen nachgelagerte Flächen, die bei extremen Hochwassern geflutet werden können. (1) Area on the landside of a dyke, that can be used in periods of high water to store surplus water. Risk Term not defined A characteristic of a system or decision where the probabilities that certain states or outcomes have occurred or may occur are Risico Reconstructie heeft betrekking op het versterken van de kwaliteit en karakteristiek van specifieke landschappen en natuurlijke eenheden door een integrale aanpak ten aanzien van milieu, natuur, landschap, Bos, recreatie en landbouw. (12) Binnendijks gebied, dat bij hoog water gebruikt kan worden om water tijdelijk op te vangen. (10) Afhankelijk van de context: ofwel de kans op schade, ofwel de kans op schade maal de omvang van de schade. (10) Depending on the context: either the chance of damage or the chance of damage multiplied by the dimension of the Risiken Gefahren künftiger Entwicklungen. (1) Level of danter to future developments. Term (English) IPPC definition from glossary of terms used in the IPCC third assessment Risk zone Term not defined Sea level rise Term not defined Sealing Sectoral planning English definition precisely known. Risk is a combination of the chance or probability of an event occurring, and the impact or consequence associated with that event. Decisions that involve risk are a special case of uncertain decisions where the probabilities are precisely known. (2) Term not widely used. Term (Dutch) Definition (Dutch) Dutch definition translated Term (German) Definition (German) German definition translated damage. Risicozone Buitendijkse zone waar de kans op schade groot is in vergelijking met binnendijks gebied. (10) Zone outside the dyke in which the chance of damage is high compared to the zone inside the dyke. Risikozone Deichvorlandzone in der die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Schäden größer ist als im Deichhinterland. (Term translated from Dutch definition). Zone outside the dyke in which the chance of damage is high compared to the zone inside the dyke (Dutch definition). Zeespiegel-stijging Verhoging van de stand van het zeewater, als gevolg van smelten van ijsvlaktes of toegenomen regen. (1) Increase in level of seawater, due to melting of ice sheets. Anstieg des Meeresspiegels Langfristiger Anstieg des Meeresspiegels verursacht durch schmelzende Polkappen. Increase in level of sea water, due to melting of ice sheets. Term not defined An increase in the mean level of the ocean. Eustatic sea-level rise is a change in global average sea level brought about by an alteration to the volume of the world ocean. Relative sea-level rise occurs where there is a net increase in the level of the ocean relative to local land movements. (4) Term not used Verharden Sectorale planning Bedeckung des Bodens mit wasserundurchlässigem Material wie Asphalt, Beton u.ä. (11) Fachplanungen i.w.S. sind die Planungen und Maßnahmen die im Covering the land with a material impervious to water, such as asphalt, concrete, etc. Term not used Covering land with materials like asphalt and concrete which are hard for water hard to penetrate. Activities from the different governmental sectors (especially Versiegelung Term not defined Het bedekken van land met, voor water niet of slecht doorlaatbare, materialen als asfalt en beton. (22) Activiteiten bij de verschillende overheidssectoren (in het Fachplanung Those plans and activities developed and implemented by Term (English) IPPC definition from glossary of terms used in the IPCC third assessment Sewer Term not defined Spatial planning Term not defined English definition An artificial usually underground conduit used to carry off waste matter, especially, excrement, from houses, towns, etc. And surface water from roads and paved areas. (8) Spatial planning goes beyond traditional land use planning to bring together and integrate policies for the development and use of land with other policies and programmes which influence the nature of places and how they function, including economic, social and environmental matters. Term (Dutch) Riool Ruimtelijke planning Definition (Dutch) Dutch definition translated bijzonder verkeer en vervoer, milieu, natuur en water), die erop gericht zijn te zoeken naar mogelijkheden om de ontwikkeling van het specifieke sectorale aspect en vaak ook de ruimtelijke weerslag daarvan doelmatig te doen verlopen. (17) Ondergrondse buis voor de afvoer van afvalsoorten, uitwerpselen e.d. (13) traffic and transport, environment, nature and water) that aim at searching for possibilities to develop the specific sector aspect and often its spatial consequences in a sufficient and appropriate way. Drainpipe for the drainage of waste and faeces, etc. Ruimtelijke planning behelst die activiteiten, die zijn gericht op het zoeken van mogelijkheden om de ruimtelijke ontwikkeling vanuit zowel functioneel, als sociaal, als economisch, als milieu oogpunt zo doelmatig te doen verlopen. (2) Spatial planning consists of those activities that aim at searching for possibilities to make sure that spatial development takes place in an appropriate way, both from a functional, social, economic and environmental point of view. Term (German) Definition (German) German definition translated Zuständigkeitsbereich von Bund, Ländern und Gemeinden durch Fachstellen zur Umsetzung ihrer sektoralen Fachbelange vorbereitet und durchgeführt werden. (11) departments at federal, land or local level to meet their specific responsibilities. Abwasserkanal Kanal zur Ableitung von Schmutzwasser. (1) Drainpipe for the drainage of waste and faeces, etc. Raumplanung Zusammenfassende, überörtliche und übergeordnete Planung zur Ordnung und Entwicklung eines Raumes. Er stellt die langfristigen und großräumig bedeutsamen Planungen und Maßnahmen zusammenfassend dar (Bundesraumordnung). Die Länder sichern im Rahmen der Landesplanung die Verwirklichung der Grundsätze durch die Aufstellung von Programmen und Plänen. Overall national planning system that describes the long-term and spatially important measures (bundesraumordnung). The federal states make sure, that within the landesplanung, the aims are met by developing programmes and plans. Term (English) IPPC definition from glossary of terms used in the IPCC third assessment Term not defined English definition Term (Dutch) Definition (Dutch) Dutch definition translated Term (German) Definition (German) German definition translated Term not used Zomerbed/ winterbed Ruimtes waarin het water van de rivier zich in de zomer/winter beweegt. (10) Space in which the river water moves in summer/winter. Sommerbett Winterbett (although term not used in German) Space in which the river water moves in summer/winter (Dutch definition). Sustainable building Term not defined Duurzaam bouwen Bouwen met bijzondere aandacht voor milieukwaliteit en energiegebruik. (2)(6)(7)(8) Building with special attention to environmental quality and energy use. Nachhaltige Architektur Sustainable city development Term not defined Building with special attention to environmental quality (e.g. in terms of building materials used, water efficiency features and energy efficiency features). Term not used Unterschiedliche Ausdehnung des Flußbettes in abhänigkeit von den Jahreszeiten (Sommer, Winter). (Term translated from Dutch definition). Gebäude, die in Konstruktion,Materialwa hl und Unterhalt mit einem Minimum an natürlichen Ressourcen auskommen. Beispiel: Null Energie Haus. Duurzame stedenbouw Term not defined Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. (4) Duurzame ontwikkeling City development with special attention for environmental quality and energy use. Development that provides for the needs of current generations, without taking away possibilities for future generations to provide for their needs. Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung Sustainable development Stadtentwicklung unter der Prämisse von Umweltfreundlichkeit und Energieeffizienz. Innerhalb des Spielraumes, den die Natur als Lebensgrundlage bereitstellt, ist wirtschaftliche Entwicklung dauerhaft möglich. (7) City development that gives special attention to environmental quality and energy use. Economic development built on natural capacity. Urban land use planning Term not defined See spatial planning Stedelijke ruimtelijke planning Stedenbouw met bijzondere aandacht voor milieukwaliteit en energiegebruik. (2)(9) Een ontwikkeling die voorziet in de behoefte van de huidige generatie zonder daarmee voor toekomstige generaties de mogelijkheden in gevaar te brengen om ook in hun behoeften te voorzien. (2)(3)(4) See spatial planning. See spatial planning. Bauleitplanung Legal procedure within the authority of local communities to arrange urban development. Voluntary agreement Term not defined An agreement between a government authority and one or more private parties, as well as a Vrijwillige overeenkomst Overeenkomsten tussen hogere en lagere overheden of tussen overheden en private Commitments between government authorities of higher and lower tiers and between Selbstverpflichtunge n Gesetzlich geregeltes Verfahren in der Planungshoheit der Gemeinden, um die städtebauliche Entwicklung vorausschauend zu ordnen. (11)(4) Um gesetzliche Regelungen zu verhindern ist die deutsche Industrie Summerbed/ winterbed Nachhaltige Entwicklung Buildings that can be constructed and maintained with a minimum of natural resources e.g. zero emission houses. Non legally-binding regulations e.g. German industry agreed to a selfcommitment to reduce Term (English) IPPC definition from glossary of terms used in the IPCC third assessment English definition Term (Dutch) unilateral commitment that is recognised by the public authority, to achieve environmental objectives or to improve environmental performance beyond compliance. (4) Definition (Dutch) Dutch definition translated partijen om op vrijwillige basis en zonder financiële vergoeding emissies te reduceren, een meer efficiënt energiegebruik te bevorderen en het gebruik van duurzame energiebronnen te vergroten. Overeenkomsten zijn meestal vastgelegd in convenanten en mja’s (meerjaren afspraken). (2) Het algehele systeem van waterlopen en structuren; bestaande uit zowel oppervlakte- als grondwater. (13) government authorities and private companies to diminish emissions, promote a more efficient use of energy and enhance the use of sustainable energy sources on a voluntary basis and without financial compensation. Agreements are usually laid down in covenants and MYA’s (multiple year agreements). The total system of water, waterways and structures; consisting of both surface and groundwater Polder or association of polders that form one administration; the administration is responsible for the quality and quantity of the water and the dams and dykes. A watershed forms the separation between two catchments and is usually formed by the highest (mountain) ridge between two catchments. Water system Term not defined Term not used Watersysteem Waterboard Term not defined Term not used Waterschap Polder of vereniging van polders onder één bestuur; bestuur is verantwoordelijk voor de kwaliteit en kwantiteit van het water en de waterkering. (15) Watershed Term not defined The area of high ground which separates two different drainage systems. (8) Waterscheiding Een waterscheiding vormt een afscheiding tussen twee stroomgebieden en wordt in het algemeen gevormd door de hoogste (berg)ruggen tussen twee stroomgebieden in. (13) Term (German) Wassersystem (although term not used in German) Wasserwirtschaft (although term not used in German) Wasserscheide Definition (German) German definition translated Selbstverpflichtungen zur CO2 Reduktion eingegangen. (4) CO2 emissions. Wassersysteme in ihrer Gesamtheit, vom Grundwasser über das Oberflächenwasser bis zu Wasserstrassen. (Term translated from Dutch definition). Administrativer Zusammenschluß von Poldern, Verantwortlich für die Qualität des Wasser, der Dämme und Deiche. (Term translated from Dutch definition). Ein Gebiet oder Gebirgskamm, die Einzugsgebiete von Flüssen trennen. The total system of water, waterways and structures; comprising both surface and groundwater (Dutch definition). Polder or association of polders that form one administration; the administration is responsible for the quality and quantity of the water and the dams and dykes (Dutch definition). An area or ridge of land that separates water flowing to different rivers, basins or seas. (1) Term (English) Watertest IPPC definition from glossary of terms used in the IPCC third assessment Term not defined English definition Term (Dutch) Definition (Dutch) Dutch definition translated Term (German) Definition (German) German definition translated Term not used Watertoets De watertoets heeft als doel om water vanaf het begin een rol te laten spelen bij ruimtelijke plannen en besluiten en om negatieve effecten en mogelijke kansen voor het watersysteem zo vroeg mogelijk te signaleren. (10) The watertest was set up to let water play a more important part in spatial planning and decisions. The main aim of the watertest is to prevent negative effects of urbanization and asphalted areas and make use of chances the watersytem is offering for urbanization. Wassertes (although term not used in German)t Der Wassertest wurde eingeführt um dem Thema Wasser einen größeren Stellenwerrt in Entscheidungsprozessen der Raumordnung zu geben. Das Hauptziel des ‘watertoets’ ist es, negative Auswirkungen von Siedlungen und versiegelten Flächen präventive zu verhindern und die Möglichkeiten, die das Wassersystem für die Siedlungsentwicklung bietet zu nutzen. (Term translated from Dutch definition). The watertest was set up to let water play a more important part in spatial planning and decisions. The main aim of the watertest is to prevent negative effects of urbanization and asphalted areas and make use of chances the watersytem is offering for urbanization. (Dutch definition). REFERENCES: English sources (1) Climate Change Scenarios for the United Kingdom: The UKCIP02 Scientific Report April 2002 (2) Climate adaptation Risk, uncertainty and decision-making. UKCIP Technical Report May 2003 (3) Energy White Paper (4) United Nations Development Programme (2003), Glossary of Climate Change Terminology. Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning. (5) Venice Group Climate Change Glossary. (6) International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (2001). Climate Change: A Glossary of Terms. (7) Longman English Dictionary. (8) Whittow, J. (1984). The Penguin Dictionary of Physical Geography. Penguin Books, London. Dutch sources (1) KNMI (2003), The State of the Climate in the Netherlands 2003 (2) Netherlands ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (2001), Fourth National Environment Plan (3) Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (1999), The Netherlands’ Climate Policy Implementation Plan; Part I: Measures in the Netherlands (4) RIVM (2000), Environmental Enquiry 2000-2030 (Milieuverkenning 2000-2030) (5) National government, provinces and water boards (draft), Study on dryness (Droogtestudie) (6) Stichting Bouwresearch (2003), National Measurepackage Sustainable Building Commercial and Industrial Buildings (7) Stichting Bouwresearch (2003), National Measurepackage Sustainable Building Ground-, Road- and Waterbuilding (8) Stichting Bouwresearch (2003), National Measurepackage Sustainable Building Housing (9) Stichting Bouwresearch (2003), National Measurepackage Sustainable Development (10) Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management (2000), Third National Coastal Plan (11) RIVM (2003) Naturbalance 2003 (Natuurbalans 2003) (12) Netherlands Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Foodquality (2000), National Nature Policyplan, Nature for People, People for Nature (13) Netherlands Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management (1998), Fourth National Water Plan 1998-2006 (14) RIVM (2004) National Compass Public Health (Nationaal Kompas Volksgezondheid) (15) (or (16) KNMI (2002), Strategy Climateresearch 2002-2006 (Strategie Klimaatonderzoek 2002 – 2006) (17) Klaassen, A.W. (2000), Spatial policy in theory and practice (Ruimtelijk beleid in theorie en praktijk) (18) Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (2003), Climate Change and the functions of the countryside (Klimaatverandering en de functies van het landelijk gebied) (19) (20) Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (2000), The Netherlands’ Climate Policy Implementation Plan; Part II: Cooperation with foreign countries (NL + EN) (21) Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Policy line Space for the river (Beleidslijn Ruimte voor de rivier) (22) Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (2004), National Spatial Plan (Nota Ruimte) German sources (1) Oxford dictionary 2000 (2) Büntning, Deutsches Wörterbuch 2003 (3) Deutscher Bundestag, Drucksache 14/6529. Paläöklimaforschung in Deutschland –Stand, Ergebnisse, Perspektiven (4) (5) DWD, Klimastatusbericht 2002 (6) (7) UBA, Nachhaltige Entwicklung in Deutschland, 2002 (8) BMVEL 2003, Bericht über den Zustand des Waldes Ergebnisse des forstlichen Umweltmonitorings (9) WBGU 1998, Strategien zur Bewältigung globaler Umweltrisiken (10) BUM, 2000 Nationales Klimaschutzprogramm (11) Glossary of Environmental Terms for Urban and Regional Planners, Federal Environmental Agency 1995 (12) Glossary of the Federal Environmental Agency (13) Braam, W. (1999), Stadtplanung, Werner Verlag, Düsseldorf (14) DTV Atlas Stadt (1994), Deutscher Taschenbuchverlag, München (15) Glossar GLOWA ELBE II. (16) %-Punkte Programm der Bundesregierung: Arbeitsschritte zum verbesserten vorbeugenden Hochwasserschutz S:\3200\3266 Espace\Documents\Glossary\Appendix 1 - glossary FINAL 26.7.04.doc