(NE Black Sea) and in the Gulf of Cadiz (NE Atlantic)

Mededelingen van de
Faculteit Geowetenschappen
Universiteit Utrecht
No. 271
Bio- and Petroleum Geochemistry of Mud Volcanoes in the
Sorokin Trough (NE Black Sea) and in the Gulf of Cadiz
(NE Atlantic): From Fluid Sources to Microbial Methane
Oxidation and Carbonate Formation
Alina N. Stadnitskaia
Bio- and Petroleum Geochemistry of Mud Volcanoes in the Sorokin Trough (NE
Black Sea) and in the Gulf of Cadiz
(NE Atlantic): From Fluid Sources to Microbial Methane Oxidation and
Carbonate Formation
Biogeochemie en Petroleum Geochemie van Moddervulkanen in de Sorokin
Trog (noordoostelijke Zwarte Zee) en in de Golf van Cadiz (noordoostelijke
Atlantische Oceaan): Over de Oorsprong van uit de Aardkorst Ontsnappende
Modder en Koolwaterstofgas, Microbiёle Oxidatie van Methaan en
(met een samenvatting in het Nederlands)
Биохимия и Нефтяная Геохимия Грязевых Вулканов из Прогиба Сорокина
(Северо-Восточная Часть Черного Моря) и из Залива Кадис (СевероВосточная Атлантика): Источники Глубинных Флюидов, Микробиальное
Окисление Метана и Формирования Аутигенных Карбонатов
( С резюме на русском языке)
ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor
aan de Universiteit Utrecht
op gezag van de rector magnificus, prof.dr. W.H. Gispen,
ingevolge het besluit van het college voor promoties
in het openbaar te verdedigen
op maandag 22 januari 2007 des middags te 2.30 uur
Alina Nikolaievna Stadnitskaia
geboren op 18 juli 1974, te Moskou, Rusland
Prof. Dr. Ir. J.S. Sinninghe Damsté
Prof. Dr. T.C.E. van Weering
Prof. Dr. M.K. Ivanov
These studies were supported by a fellowship of the President of the Russian Federation, by a
grant from the Huygens Programme of the Netherlands Organization for International
Cooperation in Higher Education (Nuffic), and by the cooperative NWO/РФФИ DutchRussian project between the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ, the
Netherlands) and the UNESCO/Moscow State University Centre for Marine Geology and
Geophysics (Russia) entitled “Evolution and Ecology of Cold Seep Structures in the Gulf of
Leagues beneath the grey-green surface
rumbles Neptune's seething mound.
Oozing molten muck and seeping gas it reigns,
dark and forbidding, unbidden.
It's pressured rage spewing forth a vaporous plume
into the unsuspecting world above.
It's summit wears a frozen crystal lattice crown;
White, ice-like, unearthly.
Ice and fire entombed by earth and water.
A towering monument encircled by ghostly moat
it reeks of primal violence, fractured crusts;
The stuff of legend gurgling from its core The heat of forgotten eons rising to the ocean floor.
And on its surface roils the wormed monster,
guarding the sacred fire from prying eyes.
Like twisted roots the vermicular horde writhes
the mud;
White, worm-like, unearthly.
Life forms sucking the residue of decay.
Original version by Sherrod Sturrock.
Geo-Marine Letters 19: 169-170 (1999).
To Vera N. and Irina G. Stadnitskaia