ODTUG 2006 – Overview
Lucas Jellema
Business Intelligence
SOA, BPEL Integration
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
Zondag: 13.30 – 16.30
Pretty Java Server Faces
Lucas Jellema
AMIS, The Netherlands
ODTUG 2006
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
Dinsdag: 8.30 - 9.30
Oracle Quiz on
The Water is Still Burning
Alex Nuijten & Lucas Jellema
AMIS, The Netherlands
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
Dinsdag 11.00 – 12.00
Migrating Oracle Forms to ADF and JSF
using JHeadstart
Lucas Jellema
AMIS, The Netherlands
(on behalf of Steven Davelaar)
ODTUG 2006
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
Introducing JHeadstart
compared to Oracle Designer
 JDeveloper plugin
 Application
Layout, lookup,
regions, CRUD
 Generate ADF
Faces application
 Manual Page
CRUD, layout,
prompt, boilerplate text
 Templates
 Manual Page
Refinement using
Editors, Wizards
and Property
Oracle Designer
 Repository Object
Navigator & Design
 Module Components
Layout, Item
Groups, CRUD
Application Logic
 Domains
 Generate Oracle
Forms application
Forms Builder
 Manual Page
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
 Meta-data for
Module Definition
Generating with JHeadstart Stand-Alone or
Migrate Oracle Designer & Forms
 Meta-data for
Module Definition
 Templates
JHeadstart Designer Generator
Forms Builder
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
 Manual Page
Design Capture
Oracle Designer
The ODTUG Conference Manager
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
Migration Result
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
Woensdag: 9.45 – 10.45
PL/SQL Design Patterns
Pre-Inventing The Wheel
ODTUG 2006
Lucas Jellema
AMIS, The Netherlands
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
Suggesties achteraf van Steven Feuerstein…
Congratulations again on a fine presentation. Before too much time passes, I will give you some feedback. As I said, I hope you continue to give this
presentation...it is an important one in our space...
* Intro: you mention that design patterns don't even originally come from software. I assume you were talking about Christopher Alexander?
But you never said. You might want to close that loop. I find it fascinating.
* I think I am a fairly typical PL/SQL developer in that I don't have an indepth IT background/education. Highly abstract ideas tend to confuse me and make
it hard for me to engage with the material. This is part of the problem I have with Fowler's refactoring and G of 4 design patterns. Lots of fancy talk and big
words for what are often very common-sensical ideas. Your talk attempts to bring the DP world to PL/SQL developers by carrying over that fairly high level
of abstraction, and I believe that for many it makes it harder to grasp.
* I would first of all start by stating a problem. Then show how the specific problem is reflective of a more general class. Show a PL/SQL solution, then
reframe it as an example of a particular design pattern. That is, you get people to think more abstractly by moving them from specific to general, not by
presenting a highly general pattern as the starting point. Example: Dependency injection = "Avoid hard-coding values" Here are your options, typical
approach perhaps not so great, what about THIS idea? Ah and it is a common pattern....
* I think you should say somewhere, maybe at the end, that these design patterns often seem like a fancy name for something obvious or common. Then
explain the benefit of thinking about it in more general terms, as a pattern.
* slide 11: you might want to distinguish that OO patterns may not fit procedural PL/SQL, but surely if you are using OTs they can fit pretty well! And again,
rather than point out where all those OO patterns may not apply, START with PL/SQL / database programming patterns that clearly DO apply!
* I suggest that at the end of each individual pattern presentation, you ask for questions before moving on the next. This can be a challenge on time, but
worth it to engage the audience more, esp with something this abstract. Also, if you START with a PL/SQL example/pattern, you can involve the audience
by asking them to see if they can identify a pattern within the code...have them think "up"
to a pattern WITH you.
* The observer pattern: again, so abstract, but really not uncommon in the Oracle world: DBMS_ALERT (which few use, but many are aware of)...make
those linkages to help people understand more easily.
* You mention 40 as milliseconds but it is hundredths of seconds, correct?
* Cover LESS in your talk. Do a WHOLE separate talk on AOP in PL/SQL, but don't do it in this talk. If you take the above approach of starting with a
common PL/SQL problem and generalizing to a pattern, you will not be able to cover so much....
* With AOP, I suggest that you provide an example that shows an app registering several services/aspects, much like you would want to do in a "real" app:
register logger; register exception handler; register ...
Well, I hope you find this helpful. You are a fine presenter and I am glad you are joining me to push the limits of how people use and think about PL/SQL!
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
Oracle Business Intelligence Strategie
 Oracle Warehouse Builder 10gR2 is productie
 Core ETL is nu onderdeel van database (licentie)
 Drie extra opties – bovenop Enterprise Edition
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
Oracle Business Intelligence Strategie
 Siebel Analytics Server nu Oracle BI Server
 Siebel heeft substantieel marktaandeel in BI, vooral voor
zeer grote ondernemingen
 Lufthansa, Cisco Systems, Etos, Xerox, Microsoft, IBM
 Pre-packaged ETL processen en OLAP kubussen voor
SAP, Siebel, Oracle Applications en JDEdwards
 XML Publisher wordt BI Publisher
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
Oracle BI Server
 C++ applicatie
 ODBC en SOAP interface, that enables virtually any
ODBC-capable report writer or query tool to query the
Oracle Business Intelligence Analytics Server as if it
were a database
 Verzamelt data uit allerlei bronsystemen zoals
RBDMS, Microsoft Analysis Services cubes en
 Geen voorkeur voor Oracle database, geen profijt van
specifieke Oracle functionaliteit
 Draait op UNIX en Windows – nog niet op LINUX
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
Oracle BI Suite Standard Edition
 ‘Traditionele’ Oracle BI Tools
Discoverer – Plus en OLAP
Spreadsheet OLAP Plugin (voor Excel)
BI Beans
Oracle Reports
 $400 per named user
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
Oracle BI Suite Standard Edition
 Discoverer:
 Geen gedwongen migratie
 20.000 Discoverer klanten
 Geen ingrijpende nieuwe functionaliteit, wel nieuwe releases
(, 11g)
 OLAP Spreadsheet Addin
 Write back to database, share with other users
 Floating editor, integrated Excel taskbar
 Connectie met Discoverer Catalog
 BI Beans
 Verbeterd met de look & feel van Siebel web componenten
 Thick Client beans gaan verdwijnen
 Basis voor Discoverer en Enterprise Planning & Budgetting
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
Oracle Forms
 Oracle Apps 12 op Forms 10.1.2
 Release eind 2006???
 Oracle 10gAS 10.1.3 krijgt geen Forms Server
 Forms 11g
 JavaScript API
 Betere Application Server integration (SSO/LDAP, EM Grid
 Call out from Forms to BPEL Processes, to Java Middle Tier and
External WebServices
 Trigger Forms events with external events from AQ
 Tuning Wizard
 Support for Database Proxy Users
 Release begin 2008???
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
Oracle Designer
 Certificatie voor 10gR2, 11g en verder
 Ontwikkelaars kunnen eigen uitbreidingen op
Designer via een extensie-programma aan het core
product laten toevoegen
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
ROB Insert, Update, Delete
Oracle BPEL PM
 Weinig presentaties specifiek over BPEL PM
 Wel veel referenties naar BPEL PM
 Alle producten willen zich graag daarmee associeren
Forms in a SOA world
ADF Faces front end for BPEL Processes
BI for BAM for BPEL Processes
How PL/SQL can participate in a SOA
SQL Developer meets BPEL PM ….
 Clemens ‘machine gun’ Utschig deed twee
 Advanced BPEL – 45 man, 2 BPEL PM “gebruikers”
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
 JSF – Java Server Faces
 (bijna) Geen Struts en ‘plain’ JSP te bekennen
 Weinig (niets?) over EJB 3.0 Persistence
 ADF Faces Rich Client Components
 ADF:
 Recipes
 Security
 Het boek van Duncan Mills en Peter Koletzke
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
Tutti Frutti
 General Session:
 50% Designer en/of Forms, 20% JDeveloper, tussen
10 en 20% SQL Developer, Warehouse Builder en
APEX (voorheen HTML DB)
 Database 11g
 Specificaties bevroren
 Beta rond OOW (najaar 2006?), Productie voorjaar
2007 (Linux) en najaar (Windows)?
 Feature: Versioning
 Data Mining
relevante kolommen te vinden én waarden te
voorspellen (10gR2)
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
Dé onderwerpen om in de gaten te houden…
 Oracle BPEL PM
 ADF Faces (+ ADF BC en ADF Binding)
 Rich Client Components
 Oracle BI Suite (EE)
 Oracle Warehouse Builder 10gR2 Core ETL
 Forms, PL/SQL en SQL
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
IJking AMIS Crossroads
 Bevestigd:
ADF Faces
Oracle Warehouse Builder
Oracle Portal, XML Publisher
 (Her)overweging:
APEX (Application Express vh HTML DB)
Oracle BI Suite EE
BI Beans, Oracle OLAP
Oracle Reports
ODTUG 2006 - Overview
Resultaten ODTUG 2006 voor AMIS
 Naamsbekendheid, Zichtbaarheid en Image
 Contacten
 Oracle Product Managers – ADF, BI & OWB, SQL
Developer, Designer, Forms,
 Toppers in BI, DBA, PL/SQL …
 Commerciele aanknopingspunten
 Persoonlijke ontwikkeling
 Kennis en inzichten, verificatie AMIS Crossroads
 Stof tot nadenken, discussieren, bloggen etc.
 Organisatie ODTUG-Europa in 2007??
ODTUG 2006 - Overview