Het veranderend klimaat HOVO cursus 2009 College 2: Recente veranderingen in de atmosfeer Thomas Röckmann Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research Utrecht (IMAU) Utrecht University Atmosfeer en klimaat HOVO cursus 2009 Natuurlijke en mens-gemaakte veranderingen in de atmosfeer De koolstofcyclus De stijging van CO2 en andere gassen in het 20e eeuw Het “anthropoceen” NEEM pictures Temperature and trace gases from ice cores IPCC, 2007 Temperatur und Spurengase II IPCC 2001 CO2 in the past From IPCC 2007 A simple view of the Carbon cycle Units: Reservoirs PgC (1015 gC) Atmosphere 760 PgC (~380 ppm) Fluxes PgC per year Fossil fuels 4000 PgC 6 plant soil respiration plant assimilation gas exchange 60 60 120 90 Biosphere plants 600 PgC soils 1600 PgC 90 Ocean surface 1000 PgC deep 38000 PgC Eerste stap: Nauwkeurige waarnemingen Tweede stap: Verklaring, begrip van het systeem ->onderzoek naar globale kringlopen/budgetten http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/trends/emis/tre_glob.htm Global measurement network CO2 rug Waarnemigen in de atmosfeer Stijging: ~30 ppb in 20 jaren 1.5 ppb/yr 3 PgC/y “Airborne fraction” Emissies van fossiele brandstoffen 2 keer groter dan atmosferische stijging From IPCC 2007 Waar zijn de emissies? Op het noordelijke halfrond! From IPCC 2007 Koolstof isotopen + 6 protonen 6 neutronen 12C 7 neutronen 13C + 6 protonen 2 extra neutronen: 14C, radioactief Isotope effects CO2 12CO 2 13CO 2 CnH2nOn 13CC H O n-1 2n n is assimilated faster than 13CO2 13CO 2 is depleted in the plant by about 2% Fossil material has no 14C 13C observations Extra CO2 is not from the ocean! Sources: Friedli (1986), Francey (1999 ), and ESRL & INSTAAR, from P. Tans, NOAA/GMD 14 Δ C observations atmosphere upper ocean Extra CO2 is not modern! from P. Tans, NOAA/GMD CONCLUSIES Biosphere source Ocean source Anthropogenic source Size of reservoirs - ? + Size of fossil emissions (airborne fraction 50%) - - + Interhemispheric gradient ? - + δ13C + - + 14C - ? + Variability in 650.000 years - - + De stijging van CO2 is (~)100% anthropogeen Global CO2 cycle Units: PgC (1015 gC) and PgC per year fossil fuel burning plant soil respiration landuse plant assimilation change Atmosphere 750 increase: 3 gas exchange 120 + 3? 60 2? 6 90 60 Rivers Fossil fuels 5000-10000 Biosphere 2200 plants 600, soils 1600 92 1 Surface ocean 1000 increase: 1 Deep ocean 38000 increase: 1 from I. Levin, IUP Heidelberg Sediments 0.2 Changes to the atmospheric CO2 budget IPCC 2007 Nog twee voorbeelden Het gemiddelde EU-Auto produceert 160 g CO2/km -> als je 10 km rijdt wordt zo veel CO2 geproduceerd dat de hele atmosferische kolom boven 1cm2 aardoppervlakte 100% vol zit met CO2 -> Als je tussen de 6 en 10 keer je auto voltankt produceer je net zo veel kg CO2 als je auto weegt The CO2 climate forcing is 1.7 W/m2 1) The global energy consumption today is 0.03 W/m2 2) CO2 climate forcing provides more energy each year than has EVER been produced from fossil fuels in the 250 years since the industrial revolution. This enormous amount of energy is bound to impact the climate system. Methaanstijging The last 20 years Bron: NOAA/CMDL, Boulder, en Etheridge et al., 1998 Sources and sinks of atmospheric CH4 1990 – 2000 Senken [Tg / yr] Quellen [ Tg / yr ] Sources [Tg/yr] Total~ 600 Tg(CH /y) Sinks [Tg/yr] 4 Biomass Biomassen burning Verbrennung 40-66 Natürliche Quellen Natural sources Transport to in Transport stratosphere Stratosphäre 39-49 12-31 Oxidation Oxidation insoils Böden in 175-242 RiceReisfelder paddies wetlands termites Ocean hydrates 90-120 Wiederkäuer Ruminants 92-140 Mülldeponien Domestic waste 36-48 Energie Energy 90-110 troposphärisches Tropospheric OH OH 499-558 Atmospheric life time ~ 10 years Changes to the atmospheric CH4 budget IPCC 2007 Identification of the “modern” N2O source today present trend: +0.8 ppb/yr pre-industrial Changes to the atmospheric N2O budget IPCC 2007 Broeikasgassen en stralingsbalans IPCC bericht 2007 CO2 CH4 Bron: IPCC 2007 N 2O The anthropocene Paul Crutzen, Nobel Price for Chemistry 1995 Most cited author in Geosciences 2002 “Since the beginning of the 19th Century, by its own growing activities, Mankind opened a new geological era: the Anthropocene Man is clearly affecting climate and is even able to deliberately do so.” Human population and related changes • During the past 3 centuries human population has increased tenfold to >6000 million and fourfold in the 20th century • Cattle population increased to 1400 million (one cow/family); by a factor of 4 during the past century • Urbanisation grew more than tenfold in the past century; almost half of the people live in cities and megacities • Industrial output increased 40 times during the past century; energy use 16 times • Almost 50 % of the land surface has been transformed by human action • Water use increased 9 fold during the past century to 800 m3 per capita; 65 % for irrigation, 25 % industry, ~10 % households The great acceleration New Scientist