11. Database for the Documentation of Contemporary Art University of Amsterdam Supervisors: Prof. dr. Julia Noordegraaf (promotor); prof.dr.ir. Arjen de Vries Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) (co-promotor) The conservation of contemporary art requires exchange of documentation, knowledge, and expertise as well as collaboration across institutional and national borders. A specific challenge is the variation in the appearance of contemporary artworks: this requires a documentation of their various manifestations. Currently, the International Network for the Conservation of Contemporary Art (INCCA) provides an online platform for the documentation of and research into contemporary art. 1 Whether this database meets the user needs from conservation and research practice has not yet been investigated. This project asks the question, how to design a digital infrastructure for the documentation of and research into the manifestations of contemporary artworks? It aims to provide insight into the use of contemporary art documentation by practicing conservators, curators, and researchers, and to design a digital infrastructure that accommodates this use. The research is divided in three separate phases: 1. An analysis of the current use of the INCCA database by practicing conservators, curators and researchers; 2. The design and construction of the NACCA project database, containing the documentation and research produced within the ITN; 3. Design of a digital infrastructure for the documentation of and research into contemporary artworks, including a) an evaluation of the design and use of the NACCA project database; b) a proposal for how to adapt the INCCA database to realize the desired infrastructure; c) an integration of the NACCA project database in the INCCA database. In order to ensure the long-term sustainability and accessibility of the project database, the possibility of integration into the Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH) will be explored. 1 http://www.incca.org/what-is-the-incca-database