Annual Workshop on Wetland Archaeology, University of Groningen

5-6 November 2012
Annual Workshop on Wetland Archaeology, University of Groningen
Coastal exploitation and settlement of Britain and the northern
Netherlands from later prehistoric to early historic times: a
comparative perspective
Invited speaker:
Prof. Stephen Rippon (Department of Archaeology, University of Exeter)
On 5 & 6 November 2012, the Groningen Institute of Archaeology (GIA) of the University of
Groningen holds a workshop for Master, Research Master and PhD students. The workshop
is organised annually in the context of the department's course on Wetland Archaeology,
and particularly aims at the development of the students' understanding of the significance
and use of wetland environments for people in the past.
This year's workshop focusses on the coastal exploitation and settlement of Britain and the
northern Netherlands from later prehistoric to early historical times. Although a classic
theme, recent investigations demonstrate that there is still a lot to learn with regard to the
relationship between natural and human-induced landscape dynamics and the particular
ways the coastal zone was exploited and settled within a socio-political context. In the
Netherlands, research conducted by the GIA in close cooperation with geologists has
revealed many new insights into various aspects of landscape and occupation dynamics
along the coast. In Britain, research conducted by Prof. Stephen Rippon (Exeter) provides an
interesting case for comparison from a region that is not quite similar in terms of coastal
dynamics and the socio-political context of settlement. During the first day (5 November) of
the workshop, Prof. Rippon will present his views on these topics in two interrelated
lectures. These will be followed by presentations about recent research by members of the
GIA 'Terpen Research Group'. In the discussion we will explore the nature and possible
'origin' of similarities and differences between the two regions.
The second day (6 November) of the workshop is dedicated to the retirement of Dr Wietske
Prummel, who, as an archaeozoologist, has always expressed particular interest in the
relationships between animals and people in coastal environments. Under the title Dier en
mens in het Noordnederlandse kustlandschap in de late prehistorie en vroeg-historische
tijden a number of papers will be presented by colleagues in honour of Wietske Prummel.
These presentations will be in Dutch.
The workshop is open to students from other departments. If you wish to attend the
workshop, please send an email to the course coordinator:
Dr Hans Peeters ([email protected])
Groningen Institute of Archaeology
Venue: Antonius Deusinglaan 2, 9713 AW Groningen
9.50 - 10.00
Hans Peeters
10.00 - 10.45
Stephen Rippon
Understanding wetland landscapes: what did wetland
landscapes look like and how did people operate in them?
10.45 - 11.15
11.15 - 12.00
Stephen Rippon
12.00 - 12.15
The character of settlements, and how do settlement
dynamics reflect socio-political processes?
13.00 - 13.30
Peter Vos
Coastal evolution of the northern Netherlands.
13.30 - 14.00
Mans Schepers
Cultivation in wetland areas: problems and possibilities.
14.00 - 14.15
14.15 - 14.45
Marco Bakker
Between fens and salt marsh: a drowned (Roman) Iron Age
settlement near Arkum.
14.45 - 15.15
Theun Varwijk
Excavations at Jelsum: development and occupation history
of the "terp".
15.15 - 16.00
Discussion (Discussant: Gilles de Langen)
The Monday session of the workshop takes
place in building 3111 (Faculty of
Medicine), lecture room 3111.0002
(ground floor). Refreshments, coffee etc.
can be taken at the second floor; it is
strictly forbidden to take consumptions
(other than e.g a bottle of water) in the
lecture room. Buildings 3211 (souterrain)
and 3214 (ground floor) host the cantine.
Bicycles can be put in the cellar of building
3219 (entrance via Oostersingel or
Antonius Deusinglaan). Do NOT put your
bicycle in front of building 3111.
Venue: Het Heerenhuis, Spilsluizen 9, 9712 NR Groningen
09.45 - 10.30
10.30 - 10.45
Daan Raemaekers
10.45 - 11.30
Roel Lauwerier
Wietske's wetlands: archeozoölogie van het noorden.
11.30 - 12.00
Annet Nieuwhof
12.00 - 12.30
Michèl de Jong
Mens en hond: een nieuwe interpretatie van een aantal
vondsten uit het terpengebied.
Stallen binnen de Groninger wallen: veehouderij in
stedelijke context.
Lunch op eigen gelegenheid.
14.00 - 14.30
Mans Schepers
14.30 - 15.00
Richard Fens
Van zeekraal naar veekraal: vegetatiediversiteit en
menselijke invloed op de Nederlandse kwelders.
Archeozoölogie en DNA.
15.00 - 15.30
Hans van der Plicht
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Borrel GIA