Foreign Currency Account (Vreemde Valutarekening)
Application form
Important information regarding the Foreign Currency Account:
• The Foreign Currency Account (Vreemde Valutarekening) will be linked to your Business Account (Zakelijke Rekening);
• The balances in your Foreign Currency Account and your Business Account together form a combined spending limit. You can use this
combined spending limit in both accounts;
• In determining the combined spending limit, we apply the euro equivalent of the balance in your Foreign Currency Account. This equivalent
depends on the exchange rates;
•The spending limit of the two accounts together may not be negative, although either of the individual accounts may be overdrawn;
-Your Foreign Currency Account may be overdrawn if the balance in your Business Account is positive by at least the same amount;
-Likewise, your Business Account may be overdrawn if the balance in your Foreign Currency Account is positive by at least the same
•You will owe debit interest on a negative balance in your Foreign Currency Account or Business Account, even if the combined spending
limit of these two accounts is positive. In the event of a negative balance in your Business Account, we will charge the interest rate
applicable to unauthorised overdrafts, unless an overdraft limit has been agreed.
For more information on the Foreign Currency Account and the spending limit, please refer to the Foreign Currency Account Conditions on
1. Organisation details
1a Name of organisation
1b Telephone number
of organisation
1c Do you have an ING Business
Account (Zakelijke Rekening)?
Yes Continue at question 1d
No You need an ING Business Account to request the Foreign Currency Account. You can open
this account at an ING office near you. It’s also possible to start your request at
1d Business Account number/IBAN
to be linked to your Foreign
Currency Account (please refer
to Internet Banking Mijn ING
and/or your bank statement)
1e Please state which currency is
265998 1016
1f Would you like us to automatically
reroute incoming payments in
that currency from your Business
Account to your Foreign Currency
Continue on the next page.
A list of currencies can be found on
2. Statement and signature
This form must be signed by at least one representative. Where nominated representatives are jointly authorised, they must all sign this form.
The organisation confirms its acceptance of the Foreign Currency Account Conditions (Voorwaarden Vreemde Valutarekening), which can
be found on
The organisation agrees that the persons authorised to operate the Business Account linked to the Foreign Currency Account are also
authorised to debit the Foreign Currency Account.
The organisation agrees that if the linked Business Account is accessible via Internet Banking (Mijn ING Zakelijk), the same will apply to the
Foreign Currency Account.
The organisation agrees to the costs for hosting and using the Foreign Currency Account to be charged to the Foreign Currency Account or
the Business Account. Costs are specified in the booklet ‘Rates for business transaction services’ (Tarieven Zakelijk betalingsverkeer) (refer to
Representative(s) is/are aware that ING will process their details in accordance with the ING’s Privacy Statement (refer to
2a Date
2c Name of organisation
2d Name of 1st representative
2e Signature of 1st representative
2f Name of 2nd representative
2g Signature of 2nd representative
3. Further instructions
Please send the completed and signed application form (post free) to:
Antwoordnummer 40600
8900 TA Leeuwarden
ING Bank N.V., registered office in Amsterdam, Trade Register number 33031431, in Amsterdam.