Publications Prof. Dr. A.J. van Winkelhoff Jongejan F, van Winkelhoff AJ, Uilenberg G. Cowdria ruminantium (Rickettsiales) in primary goat kidney cell cultures. Research in Vetenary Science 1980; 29: 392-393. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Uilenberg G. Heartwater: cross immunity studies with strains of Cowdria ruminantium isolated in West and South Afrika. Tropical Animal Health and Production 1981; 13: 160-164. Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Graaff J. Vancomycin as a selective agent for isolation of Bacteroides species. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 1983; 18: 1282-1284. Van Winkelhoff AJ, McCoy CW. Conidiation of Hirsutella thompsonii var. synnematosa in submerged culture. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 1984; 43: 59-68. Van Steenbergen TJM, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Mayrand D, Grenier D, De Graaff J. Bacteroides endodontalis sp. nov., an asaccharolytic black-pigmented Bacteroides species from infected dental root canals. International Journal of Systemic Bacteriology 1984; 34: 118-120. Van Steenbergen TJM, Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Graaff J. Pathogenic Synergy: mixed infections in the oral cavity. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 1984; 50: 789-798. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Carlée AW, De Graaff J (1985) Bacteroides endodontalis and other blackpigmented Bacteroides species in odontogenic abscesses. Infection and Immunity 1985; 49: 494-497. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van Steenbergen TJM, Kippuw N, De Graaff J. Further characterization of Bacteroides endodontalis, an asaccharolytic black-pigmented Bacteroides species from the oral cavity. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 1985; 22: 75-79. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Kippuw N, De Graaff J. (1986) Serological characterization of the blackpigmented Bacteroides endodontalis. Infection and Immunity 1986; 51: 972-974. Van der Velden U, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Abbas F, De Graaff J. The habitat of periodontopathic microorganisms. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1986; 13: 243-248. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van Steenbergen TJM, De Graaff J. Oxygen tolerance of oral and nonoral black-pigmented Bacteroides species. FEMS Microbiology Letter 1986; 33: 215-218. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van der Velden U, Winkel EG, De Graaff. Black-pigmented Bacteroides and motile organisms on oral mucosal surfaces in individuals with and without periodontal breakdown. Journal of Periodontal Research 1986; 21: 434-439. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van Steenbergen TJM, De Graaff J (1986) Enzymatic characterisation of oral and nonoral black-pigmented Bacteroides species. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 1986; 52: 163-171. Van Steenbergen TJM, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van der Mispel LMS, Van der Velden U, Abbas F, De Graaff J. Comparison of the two selectieve media for the isolation of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomintans. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 1986; 24: 636-638. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van der Velden U, De Graaff J. Microbial succession in recolonizing deep periodontal pockets after a single course of supra- and subgingival debridement. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1986; 15: 116-122. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Kippuw N, De Graaff J. Cross-inhibition between black-pigmented Bacteroides species. Journal of Dental Research 1987; 66: 1163-1667. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Clement M, De Graaff J. Rapid identification of oral and nonoral blackpigmented Bacteroides with the ATB Anaerobes ID System. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 1987; 26: 1064-1067. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van Steenbergen TJM, De Graaff J. The role of black-pigmented Bacteroides species in human oral infections. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1988: 15:145-155. 1 Van Winkelhoff AJ, Clement M, De Graaff J. Intra-Oral distribution of Black-pigmented Bacteroides species in periodontitis patients. Oral Microbiology and Immunology 1988; 3: 83-86. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Rodenburg JP, Goené RJ, Abbas F, Winkel EG, De Graaff J Metronidazole plus amoxicillin in the treatment of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans associated periodontitis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1989; 16: 128-131. Raber-Durlacher JE, Abraham-Inpijn L, Van Leeuwen EF, Lustig KHME, Van Winkelhoff AJ. The prevention of oral complications in bone marrow transplantations by means of oral hygiene and dental intervention. The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 1989; 34: 98108. Van Steenbergen TJM, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van der Velden U, De Graaff J. Taxonomy, Virulence and Epidemiology of black-pigmented Bacteroides species in relation to oral infections. Infection 1989; 17: 194-196. De Graaff J, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Goené RJ. The role of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans in periodontal disease. Infection 1989; 17: 269-271. Goené RJ, Winkel EG, Abbas F, Rodenburg JP, Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Graaff J. Microbiology in diagnosis and treatment of severe periodontitis. A Report of Four Cases. Journal of Periodontology 1990; 61: 61-64. Rodenburg JP, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Winkel EG, Goené RJ, Abbas F, De Graaff J Occurrence of Bacteroides gingivalis, Bacteroides intermedius and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans in severe periodontitis in relation to age and treatment history. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1990; 17; 392-399. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Abbas F, Pavičić MJAMP, De Graaff J. Chronic conjunctivitis caused by oral anaerobes and effectively treated with systemic metronidazole plus amoxicillin. Ophtalmology Digest 1991; 6:12-13. Petit MDA, Van der Velden U, Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Graaff J. Preservation of motility of microorganisms. Oral Microbiology and Inmmunology 1991; 6: 107-110. Brondz I, Olson I, Haapasalo M, Van Winkelhoff AJ (1991) Multivariate analyses of fatty acid data from whole cell methanolysates of non-pigmented and pigmented Bacteroides spp. Journal of General Microbiology 1991; 137: 1445-1452. Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Graaff J. Microbiology in the management of destructive periodontal disease. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1991; 18:406-410. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Abbas F, Pavičić MJAMP, De Graaff J. Chronic conjunctivitis caused by oral anaerobes and effectively treated with systemic metronidazole plus amoxicillin. Journal of Clinical Mirobiology 1991; 29: 723-725. Pavičić MJAMP, Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Graaff J. Synergistic effects between amoxicillin, metronidazole and its hydroxymetabolite against Actinobacillus actinomyctemcomitans. Antimocrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 1991; 35: 961-966. Loos BG, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Dunford RG, Genco RJ, De Graaff J, Dickenson DP, Dyer DW. A statistical approach to the ecology of Porphyromonas gingivalis. Journal of Dental Research 1992; 71: 353-358. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Tijhof CJ, De Graaff J. Microbiological and clinical results of metronidazole plus amoxicillin therapy in Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans associated periodontitis. Journal of Periodontology 1992; 63: 52-57. Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Graaff J. Porphyromonas (Bacteroides) endodontalis: Its role in endodontal infections. Journal of Endodontics 1992; 18: 431-434. Pavičić MJAMP, Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Graaff J. In vitro susceptibility of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans to a number of antimicrobial combinations. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 1992; 36: 2634-2638. 2 Pavičić MJAMP, Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Graaff J. Microbiological and clinical effects of metronidazole and amoxicillin in A. actinomycetemcomitans-associated periodontitis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1994; 21: 107-112 Van Winkelhoff AJ, Overbeek BP, Pavičić MJAM, Van den Bergh, JPA, Ernst JPMG, De Graaff J. Long standing bacteremia by oral Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans in a patient with a pacemaker. Clinical Infectious Diseases 1993; 14: 216-218. Gmür R, McNabb H, Van Steenbergen TJM, Baehni P, Mombelli A, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Guggenheim B. Seroclassifiction of hithero "non-tyable Actinobacillus acctinomyctemcomitans. strains: evidence for a new serotype. Oral Microbiology and Immunology 1993; 8: 116-120. Van Steenbergen TJM, Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Graaff J, Duerden BI. Antibiotic susceptibility of black-pigmented gram-negative anaerobes. FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology 1993; 6: 229-234. Van Steenbergen TJM, Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Graaff J. Classification and typing methods of black-pigmented Gram-negative anaerobes. FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology 1993; 6: 83-88. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Appelmelk BJ, Kippuw N, De Graaff J. K Antigens in Porphyromonas gingivalis are associated with virulence. Oral Microbiology & Immunology 1993; 8: 259265. Van Steenbergen TJM, Petit MDA, Tijhof CJ, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van der Velden U, De Graaff J. Survival in transport media of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella intermedia in human subgingival samples. Oral Microbiology & Immunology 1993; 8: 370-374. Van der Velden U, Abbas F, Armand J, De Graaff J, Timmerman MF, Van der Weijden GA, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Winkel EG. The effect of sibling relationship on the periodontal condition. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1993; 20: 683-689. Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Groot PF, Abbas F, De Graaff J. Quantitative aspects on the subgingival distribution of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans in a case of localized juvenile peridontitis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1994; 21: 199-202. Pavičić MJAMP, Namavar F, Verboom T, Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Graaff J. In vitro susceptibility of Helicobacter pylori to several antimicrobial combinations. Antimcrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 1993; 37: 1184-86 Petit MDA, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van Steenbergen TJM, De Graaff J (1993) Porphyromonas endodontalis: prevalence and distribution of restriction enzyme patterns in families. Oral Microbiology & Immunology 1993; 8: 219-224. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Pavičić, MJAMP, De Graaff J. The use of antibiotics in periodontis: 13-19. Antimicrobial Treatment in Periodontics. Proceedings of a Symposium. Copenhagen, Denmark. 1993. Slots J, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Antimicrobial therapy in periodontics. Journal of the California Dental Association: 1993; 21 (11): 51-56. Danser MM, Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Graaff J, Loos BG, Van der Velden U. Short-term effect of full-mouth extraction on periodontal pathogens colonizing the oral mucous membranes. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1994; 21: 484-490. Pavičić MJAMP, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Pavičić-Temming YAM, De Graaff J. Amoxycillin causes an enhanced uptake of metronidazole in Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans: a mechanism of synergy. Journal of Antimicrobials and Chemotherapy 1994; 34: 1047-1050. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Winkel EG, Slots J. Place de la microbiologie dans le diagnostic et le plan de traitement en parodontologie/ Microbiology in diagnosis and treatment planning in periodontics. Journal de Parodontologie & Implantologie 1994; 13: 439-450. 3 Van der Weijden GA, Timmermans MF, Reijerse E, Wolffe GN, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van der Velden U. The prevalence of A. actinomycetemcomitans, P. gingivalis and P. intermedia in selected subjects with periodontitis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1994; 21: 583-588. Sandmeier H, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Bar K, Ankli E, Maeder M, Meyer J. Temperate bacteriophages among clinical isolates of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans. Journal of Periodontal Research 1995; 30: 418-425. Slots J, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Antimicrobial therapy in periodontics. Journal of the California Dental Association: 1993; 21 (11): 51-56. Slots J, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Antimicrobial therapy in periodontics. Phillip Journal 1995; 12: 413418. Pavičić MJAMP, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Pavičić-Temming YAM, De Graaff J. Metronidazole susceptibility factors in Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans. Journal of Antimicrobials and Chemotherapy 1995; 35: 263-269. Danser MM, Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Graaff J, Van der Velden U. Putative periodontal pathogens on oral mucosal membranes in denture-wearing subjects with a history of periodontitis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1995; 22: 854-859. van Steenbergen TJM, Bosch-Tijhof CJ, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Gmür R, De Graaff J. Comparison of six typing methods for Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans. Journal Clinical Microbiology 1994; 32: 2769-2774. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Pavičić MJAMP, De Graaff J. Commentaires sur la Technique utilisée dans les tests de susceptiblité aux antibiotiques des microorganismes pathogennes parodontaux. Journal de Parodontologie et Implantologie 1994; 13: 87-90. Winkel EG, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Barendregt DS, Van der Weijden GA, Timmerman MF, Van der Velden U. Clinical and microbiological effects of initial periodontal therapy in conjunction with amoxicillin and clavulanic acid in patients with adult controlled study. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1999; 26: 461-468. Danser MM, Timmerman MF, Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Graaff J, Van der Velden U. The effect of periodontal treatment on periodontal pathogens on oral mucous membranes. Journal of Periodontology 1996; 67:478-485. Laine ML, Appelmelk BJ, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Novel polysaccharide capsular serotypes in Porphyromonas gingivalis. Journal of Periodontal Research 1996; 31: 278-284. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Rams TE, Slots J. Systemic antibiotic therapy in periodontics. Periodontology 2000 1996: 10: 45-78. Danser M.M., Van Winkelhoff, A.J. Van der Velden U. Periodontal bacteria in edentulous dental implant patients. Journal of Periodontology 1997; 68: 209-216. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Winkel EG. The role of systemic antibiotics in aggressive forms of periodontitis. Currrent Opinion in Periodontology 1997; 4: 35-40. Laine, ML, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Virulence of six serotypes of Porphyromonas gingivalis in the mouse model. Oral Microbiology and Immunology 1998; 13: 322-325. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Winkel EG. Periodontal infections and treatment. Journal de Parodontologie & d'Implantologie Orale 1996; 15(3): 219-232. Van der Velden U, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Abbas F, Ariel EM, Timmermans MF, Van der Weijden GA, Winkel EG. Longitudinal evaluation of the development of periodontal destruction in spouses. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1996; 23: 1014-1019. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Winkel EG, Barendregt D, Dellemijn-Kippuw N, Stijne A, Van der Velden U. -Lactamase producing bacteria in adult periodontitis. Journal of Clinical Periodontolology 1997; 24: 538-543. Timmerman MF, Van der Weijden GA, Armand S, Abbas F, Winkel EG, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van der Velden U. Untreated periodontal disease in Indonesian adolescents. Journal of 4 Clinical Periodontology 1998: 25: 215-224. Strooker H, Rohn S, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Clinical and microbiological effects of chemical versus mechanical cleansing in professional supportive implant therapy. International Journal of Maxillofacial Implants 1998: 13; 845-850 Winkel EG, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Timmermans MF, Vangsted T, Van der Velden U. Effects of metronidazole in patients with "refractory" periodontitis associated with Bacteroides forsythus. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1997; 24, 573-579 Van Winkelhoff AJ, Winkel EG. Infecciones y tratamientos periodontales. Periodoncia 1997; 7: 116-125. Laine ML, Appelmelk BJ, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Prevalence and serotype distribution of Porphyromonas gingivalis in an Indonesian population. Journal of Dental Research 1997: 76: 1840-1844. Van Dalen PJ, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van Steenbergen TJM. Prevalence of Peptostreptococcus micros morphotypes in patients with adult periodontitis. Oral Microbiology and Immunolology 1998;13: 62-64. Winkel EG, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van der Velden U. Additional clinical and microbiological effects of amoxicillin and metronidazole after initial periodontal therapy. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1998; 25: 857-864. Winkel EG, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Barendregt DS, Van der Weijden GA, Timmerman MF, Van der Velden U. Clinical and microbiological effects of initial periodontal therapy in conjunction with amoxicillin and clavulanic acid in patients with adult controlled study. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1999; 26: 461-468. Groenink J, Walgreen-Weterings E, Nazmi K, Bolscher GM, Veerman ECI, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van Nieuw Amerongen A. Salivary lactoferrin and low-mucin MG2 in relation to Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans-associated periodontitis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1999; 26: 269-275. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Laine ML, Timmerman MF, Van der Weijden GA, Abbas F, Winkel EG, Arief EM, Van der Velden U. Prevalence and sertyping of Porphyromonas gingivalis in an Indonesian population. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1999; 26: 301-305. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Slots J. Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans and Porphyromonas gingivalis in non-oral infections. Periodontology 2000 1999: 20: 122-135. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Winkel EG, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE. Letter to the Editor Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1999:26: 764-765. Strooker H, Rohn S, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Clinical and microbiological effects of chemical versus mechanical cleansing in professional implant therapy. Quintessence Dental Implantology 1999; 6: 408-414. Herrera D, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Dellemijn N, Winkel EG, Sanz M. Beta-lactamase producing bacteria in the subgingival microflora of adult patients with periodontitis. A comparison between Spain and The Netherlands. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2000 27: 520525. Kremer BHA, Loos BG, Van der Velden U, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Craandijk J, Bulthuis HM, Hutter AS, Varoufaki AS, Van Steenbergen TJM. Peptostreptococcus micros Sm and Rg genotypes in periodontitis and gingivitis. Journal of Periodontology 2000: 71: 209-218. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Herrera D, Winkel EG, Dellemijn N, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE, Sanz M. Antimicrobial resistance in the subgingival microflora of adult patients with periodontitis. A comparison between The Netherlands and Spain. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2000: 27: 79-86. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Goené RJ, Benschop C, Folmer T. Early colonization of dental implants by putative periodontal pathogens in partially edentulous patients. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2000: 11: 511-520. 5 Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van der Reijden, WA. Periodontal infections and therapeutic implications. Future perspectives for the 21th century. Guest editors J. Lindhe & M. Sanz. Journal de Parodontologie et D' Implantologie Orale 2000: 19:141156. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Wolf JWA. Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans-associated periimplantitis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2000: 27: 531-535. Laine ML, Farre MA, Crusius JBA, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Peña AS. A simple noninvasive DNA isolation method to study cytokine gene polymorphisms. Journal of Periodontology 2000: 71: 1315-1318. Timmerman MF, Van der Weijden GA, Arief EM, Armand S, Abbas F, Winkel EG, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van der Velden U. Untreated periodontal disease in Indonesian adolescents. Longitunidal clinical data and prospective clinical and microbiological risk assessment. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2000: 27: 932-942. Sanz M, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Herrera D, Dellemijn-Kippuw N, Simon R, Winkel EG. Differences in the composition of the subgingival microbiota of two periodontitis populations of different geographical origin in the subgingival microflora of adult periodontitis patients. A comparison between Spain and The Netherlands. European Journal of Oral Sciences 2000: 108: 383-392. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Gonzales DH, Winkel EG, Dellemijn-Kippuw N, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE, Sanz M. Resistencia antimicrobiana de la microflora subgingival en pacientes adultos con periodontitis. Una comparacion entre Holanda y Espana. Acta Dental International 1 (3): 119-127. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Schouten-van Meeteren YAM, Baart JA, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE. Microbiology of destructive periodontal disease in adolescent patients with congenital neutropenia. A report of 3 cases. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2000: 27: 793-798. Groenink, J, Walgreen-Weterings E, Nazmi K, Hof W van’t, Veerman ECI, Winkelhoff AJ Van, Nieuw Amerongen A. Mucine and lactoferrin. Die Schlussel zur Parodontitisprophylaxis? Aesthet Zahnarztmedicin 2000; 5: 328-333. Peters LB, Wesselink, PR, Buijs JF, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Viable bacteria in root dentinal tubules of teeth with apical periodontitis. Journal of Endodontics 2001: 27:76 -81. Laine ML, Farre MA, Garcia-Gonzales, MA, Van Dijk J, Ham A, Winkel EG, Crusius JBA, Vandenbroucke J, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Peña SA. Polymorphic genes of trhe IL-1 family and the prevalence of Porphyromonas gingivalis and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans in adult periodontitis. Journal of Dental Research 2001: 80: 1695-1699 Reuland-Bosma W, van der Reijden WA, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Absence of a specific subgingival microflora in adults with Down’s syndrome. Journal of Clinical Periodontololgy 2000: 28: 1004-1009. Beertsen W, Piscaer M, Lembeck DJH, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Everts V. Generalized cervical root resorptions associated with peridontal disease. Report of a case and discussion of pathogenesis. Journal of Clinical Periodontolology 2001: 28: 10671073. Winkel EG, Van der Weijden GA, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Timmerman MF, Van der Velden U. Metronidazole plus amoxicillin in the treatment of adult periodontitis patients. A double-blind placebo-controlled study. Journal of Clinical Periodontolology 2001: 28: 296-305. Van der Reijden WA, Dellemijn-Kippuw N, Stijne-van Nes AM, de Soet JJ, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Mutans streptococci in subgingival plaque of treated and 6 untreated patients with periodontitis. Journal of Clinical Periodontololgy 2001:28: 686-691. Timmerman MF, van der Weijden GA, Arief EM, Armand S, Abbas F, Winkel EG, Van Winkelhoff AJ, van der Velden U. Untreated periodontal disease in Indonesian adolescents. Subgingival microbiota in relation to experienced progression of periodontitis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2001: 28: 617-627. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Bosch-Tijhof CJ, Winkel EG, van der Reijden WA. Smoking affects the subgingival microflora in periodontitis. Journal of Periodontology 2001: 72: 666-671. Peters LB, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Buijs JF, Wesseling PR. Effects of instrumentation, irrigation and dressing with calcium hydorxide on infection of pulpless teeth with periapical bone lesions. International Endodontic Journal 2002; 35: 13-21. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Loos BG, van der Reijden WA, van der Velden U. Porphyromonas gingivalis, Bacteroides forsythus and other putative periodontal pathogens in subjects with and without destructive periodontal disease. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2002; 29: 1023-1028. Raber-Durlacher JE, Epstein JB, Raber J, van Dissel JT, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Guiot HF, van der Velden U. Periodontal infection in cancer patients treated with aggressive chemotherapy. Support Care Cancer 2002; 10: 466-473. Heydenrijk K, Raghoebar GM, Meijer HJA, van der Reijden WA, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Stegenga B. Two-stage IMZ implants and ITI implants inserted in a single-stage procedure. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2002; 13: 371-380. Peters LB, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Buijs JF, Wesseling PR. Effects of instrumentation, irrigation and dressing with calcium hydorxide on infection of pulpless teeth with periapical bone lesions. International Endodontic Journal 2002; 35: 13-21 . Peters, LB, Wesselink, Van Winkelhoff, AJ. Combinations of bacterial species in endodontic infections. Int Endod J, 2002: 35: 689-702. Loos BG, Louwerse PHG, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Burger W, Gilijamse M, Hart AAM, van der Velden U. Use of barrier membranes and systemic antibiotics in the treatment of intraosseous defects. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2002: 29: 910-921. Heydenrijk K, Raghoebar GM, Meijer HJA, van der Reijden WA, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Stegenga B. Two-part implants inserted in a one-stage or a two-stage procedure. A prospective comparative study. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2002: 29: 901-909. Winkel EG, Roldan S, Herrera D, Sanz M, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Clinical effects of a new mouthrinse containing chlorhexidine, cetylpyridinium chloride and zinc lactate on oral halitosis. Journal of Clinical Periodontolology 2003: 30: 300-306. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Microbiology in diagnosis and treatment planning in periodontics. Int J Dent Hyg 2003: 1: 131-137. Van der Velden U, Varoufaki A, Hutter JW, Xu L, Timerman MF, van Winkelhoff AJ. Effect of smoking and periodontal treatment on the subgingival microflora. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2003: 30: 603-610. Dierickx K, Pauwels M, Laine ML, Coucke W, Van Eldere J, Cassiman JJ, Van Winkelhoff AJ, van Steenberghe D, Quirynen M. Adhesion of Porphyromonas gingivalis serotypes to pocket epithelium. Journal of Periodontology: 2003: 844-888. Roldán S, Winkel EG, Herrera D, Sanz M, Van Winkelhoff AJ. The microbial effects of a new mouthrinse containing chlorhexidine, cetylpyridinium chloride and zinc lactate in oral halitosis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2003: 30: 427-434. Van Winkelhoff, AJ. Microbial diagnosis in periodontics. Réalités Cliniques. 2003: 14 (3): 267 -277. 7 Boutaga, K, van Winkelhoff AJ, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE, Savelkoul, PHM. Comparison of real-time PCR and culture for detection of Porphyromonas gingivalis in subgingival plaque samples. J Clin Microbiol 2003: 41: 4950-4954. Van Winkelhoff AJK, Winkel EG. Diagnostics in periodontology. Microbiological parameters. Biological significance and clinical validity. Periodontol 2000: 2005:39:40-52. Laine ML, Murillo LS, Morré SA, Winkel EG, Pena AS, & van Winkelhoff AJ. (2004) Card15 gene mutations in periodontitis. J Clin Periodontol 31: 890-893. Timmers, GJ, Dijstelbloem Y, Simoons-Smit AM, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Touw D, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE, Huijgens P. Pharmacokinetics and effects on bowel and throat microlfora of oral levofloxacin as antibacterial prophylaxis in neutropenic patients with hematological malignancies. Bone marrow Transplantation 2004: 1-7 Timmerman MF, Menso L, Steinfort J, van Winkelhoff AJ, van der Wejiden GA. Atmospheric contamination during ultrasonic scaling. J Clin Periodontol 2004: 31: 458-462. Graswinckel JEM, van der Velden U, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Hoek FJ, Loos BG. Plasma antibody levels in periodontitis patients and controls. J Clin Periodontol 2004: 31: 562-568 Fraser DA, Loos BG, Boman U, van Winkelhoff AJ, van der Velden U. Schenck K, Dembic Z. Polymorphisms in an interferon- receptor-1 gene marker and susceptibility to periodontitis. ACTA Odontologica Scandinavica 2003: 61: 297-302 Van der Velden U, Dahan M, Timmerman MF, van Winkelhoff AJ, van der Velden. (2004) The effect of periodontal treatment on the bacterial load of the saliva and early plaque formation. J Clin Periodontol. 2004: 31: 972-977. Dahan M, Timmerman MF, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van der Velden U. The effect of periodontal treatment on the salivary bacterial load and early plaque formation. J Clin Periodontol. 2004 31(11): 972-977. Boutaga K, van Winkelhoff AJ, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CM, Savelkoul PH. Considerations in evaluating the applicability of universal detection of oral pathogens. J Clin Microbiol. 2004, 42:4414-4415. Boutaga K, van Winkelhoff AJ, VandenBroucke-Grauls, Savelkoul PHM. Periodontal pathogens: A quantitative comparison of anaerobic culture and real-time PCR. FEMS Immunology and Microbiology 2005: 45: 191-199. Laine ML, Morré SA, Murillo LS, van Winkelhoff AJ, Pena SA. CD14 and TLR4 gene polymorphisms in adult periodontitis. Journal of Dental Research 2005: 84: 1042-1046. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Winkel EG. Microbiological diagnostics in periodontics: biological significance and clinical validity. Periodontology 2000; 2005: 39: 40-52. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Boutaga, K. Transmission of periodontal pathogens and models of infection. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2005: 32 (suppl 6): 16-27. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Herrera D, Oteo A, Sanz M. Antimicrobial profiles of periodontal pathogens isolated from periodonditis patients in the Netherlands and Spain. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2005: 32: 893-898. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Antibiotics in periodontics: are we getting somewhere? Editorial Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2005: 32: 94-95. Zynge, V, van Winkelhoff, AJ, Welling G, Abbas F, Degener J, Harmsen H. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis as a diagnostic tool in periodontal microbiology. J Clin Microbiol 2006; 44: 3628-3633. Laine ML, Leonoardt A, Roos-Jansaker A-M, Pena AS, van Winkelhoff AJ, Winkel EG, Renvert S. IL-1RN gene polymorphism is associated with peri-implantitis. Clin Oral Impl Res 2006: 17: 380-385. Aduse-Opoku J, Slaney JM, Hashim A, Gallagher A, Gallagher RP, Rangarajan, M, Boutaga 8 K, Laine ML, van Winkelhoff AJ, Curtis MA (2006) Identification and characterization of the capsular polysaccharide (K-antigen) locus of Porphyromonas gingivalis. Infection and Immunity 74: 449-460. Rhemrev GE, Timmerman MF, Veldkamp I, van Winkelhoff AJ, van der Velden U. Immediate effect of instrumentation on the subgingival microflora in deep inflamed pockets under strict plaque control. J Clin Periodontol. 2006 33:42-48. Enersen M, Olson I, van Winkelhoff AJ, Caugant DA. Multilocus Sequence Typing of Porphyromonas gingivalis Strains from Different Geographic Origins. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2006; 44: 35-41 Van Winkelhoff, A. J. (2006) Response. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 33 (2), 157-158. Van der Velden U, Abbas F, Armand S, Loos BG, Timmerman MF, van der Weijden GA, van Winkelhoff AJ, Winkel EG. Java project on periodontal diseases. The natural development of periodontitis: risk factors, risk predictors amd risk determinants. J Clin Periodntol 2006: 33: 540-548. Boutaga K, van Winkelhoff AJ, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE, Savelkoul PHM. The additional value of real-time PCR in the quantitative detection of peridontal pathogens. J Clin Periodontol 2006: 33: 427-433. Loos, BG, Laine ML, van der Palen, C, Lessmann F, van Winkelhoff AJ, van der Velden U, Crusius JBA, Morree SA, Pena AS, Brooks AJ, Pereira AS, de Moor G, Maoj V, Sanchez FM. Biomedical Informatics in chronic infectious and inflammatory disease research: Periodontitis as a case study. Proceedings MIE, 2006: 77-83. Laine ML, Leonoardt A, Roos-Jansaker A-M, Pena AS, van Winkelhoff AJ, Winkel EG, Renvert S. IL-1RN gene polymorphism is associated with peri-implantitis. Clin Oral Impl Res 2006: 17: 380-385. van der Reijden, W.A., Bosch-Tijhof CJ, Strooker H, van Winkelhoff AJ. prtH in Tannerella forsythensis is not associated with periodontitis. J Periodontol. 2006;77:586-90. Boutaga K, Savelkoul PHM, Winkel EG, van Winkelhoff AJ. Comparison of subgingival bacterial sampling with oral lavage for detection and quantification of periodontal pathogens by real-time polymerase chain reaction. J Periodontol 2007, 78; 79-86. Nicu EA, van der Velden U, Everst V, van Winkelhoff AJ, Roos D, Loos BG (2007) Hyper -reactive PMNs in FcgammaRIIa 131 H/H genotype periodontitis patients. J Clin Periodontol 34: 938-945. Kunnen A, Blaauw J, van Doormaal JJ, M. G. van Pampus2, C. van der Schans4, J. G. Aarnoudse2, A. J. van Winkelhoff5, F. Abbas1. Women with a recent history of earlyonset preeclampsia have a worse periodontal condition. J Clin Periodontol 2007: 34; 202-207 Van Winkelhoff AJ, Rijnsburger MC, Abbas F, Timmernman MF, van der Weijden GA, Winkel EG, vcan der Velden U. Ja va project on periodontal diseases. A study on transmission of Porphyrmonas gingivalis in a remote Indonesian population. J Clin Periodontol: 2007; 34: 480-484. Amaliya, Timmerman, MF. Abbas F, Loos BG, Van der Weijden GA, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Winkel EG, Van der Velden U. Java project on periodontal diseases. The relationship between vitamin c and the severity of periodontitis. J Clin Periodontiol: 2007: 34: 299304. Rijnsburger M.C., Delwel S., Boutaga K., van Steenbergen T. J.M., Savelkoul P.H.M., Van Winkelhoff A.J. Comparison of REA and AFLP typing of Porphyromonas gingivalis isolated from spouses. Oral Microbiol. Immunol 2007, 22: 369-373. Yoshino T, Laine ML, van Winkelhoff AJ, Dahlén G. Genotypic characterization of Porphyromonas gingivalis isolates from Swedish patients with periodontitis and periodontal abscesses. Oral Micrbiool Immunol 2007: 22: 195-200. Yoshino T, Laine ML, van Winkelhoff AJ, Dahlén G. Genotypic variation and capsular serotypes of Porphyromonas gingivalis from chonis periodontitis and periodontal abscesses. FEMS Microbiol Lett 2007, 270:75-81. Kikkert, R, Laine ML, Aarden LA, van Winkelhoff AJ. Activiation of toll-like receptors 2 and 4 by gram-negative periodontal bacteria. Oral Microbiol Immunol 2007; 22: 145-151. 9 Brunner J, Crielaaard W, van Winkelhoff AJ. Analysis of the Capsular Polysaccharide Biosynthesis Locus of Porphyromonas gingivalis and development of a K1 specific PCRbased serotyping assay. J Periodont Res 2008: 43(6):698-705. van der Reijden WA,.Bosch-Tijhof CJ, van der Velden U, van Winkelhoff AJ. (2008.) Java project on periodontal diseases. Serotype distribution of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and serotype dynamics over an eight-years period. J Clin Periodontol 2008: 35: 487-92. Kranendonk AA, van der Reijden, WA van Winkelhoff AJ, Rosema NAM, Schulein W, van der Velden U, van der Weijden GA (2008) Adjunctive effect of the use of a pulsed Nd:YAG laser following ultrasonic scaling and root planing in periodontal patients.. J Clin Periodontol 2008; submited Lindhe J, Meyle J Group D of European Workshop on Periodontology. Berglundh T, Claffey N, De Bruyn H, Heitz-Mayfield N, Karoussis I, Könönen I, Lindhe J, Meyle J, Mombelli A, Renvert S, van Winkelhoff AJ, Winkel EG, Zitzmann N. Peri-implant diseases: Consensus Report of the Sixth European Workshop on Periodontology. J. Clin Periodontol 2008 (8 Suppl):282-285. Dahan M, Timmerman MF, van Winkelhoff AJ, van der Velden U. The effect of periodontal treatment on the degree of de novo plaque formation. Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd. 2008, 115(7):378-83. De Soet JJ, van Gemert Schriks MC, Laine ML, van Amerongen WE, Morré SA, van Winkelhoff AJ.Host and Microbiological Factors Related to Dental Caries Development. Caries Res. 2008, 14;42:340-347. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Rijnsburger MC, van der Velden U. Clonal stabiility of Porphyromonas gingivalis in untreated periodontitis. J Clin Periodntol. 2008, 35: 673-679. van der Reijden WA, Bosch-Tijhof CJ, van der Velden U, van Winkelhoff AJ. Java project on periodontal diseases: serotype distribution of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and serotype dynamics over an 8-year period. J Clin Periodontol 2008, 35:487-92. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Winkel EG. Antibiotics in periodontics: right or wrong? J Periodontol 2009, 80:1555-1558. Vernal R., León R, Silva A., van Winkelhoff A.J., Garcia-Sanz J.A., Sanz M.. Differential cytokine expression by human dendritic cells in response to different Porphyromonas gingivalis capsular serotypes. J. Clin. Periodont. 2009: 36: 823-829. Scheres N Laine ML, de Vries TJ, Everts V, van Winkelhoff, AJ. J Periodontal Res. 2009: 23. Wil A. van der Reijden, Jorg Brunner, Carolien J. Bosch-Tijhof, Stefanie Van Trappen, Martine C. Rijnsburger3, Marcel P.W. de Graaff1, Arie J. van Winkelhoff, Ilse Cleenwerck, and Paul De Vos. Phylogenetic variation of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans serotype e of in the 16S rRNA gene reveals an aberrant distinct evolutionary stable lineage. Genetics, Infection and Evolution 2010: doi:10.1016/j.meegid.2010.07.011 | Brunner J , Scheres N, , El Idrissi NB, , Deng DM, , Laine ML, , van Winkelhoff AJ, Crielaard W. The capsule of Porphyromonas gingivalis reduces the immune response of human gingival fibroblasts. BMC Microbiology 2010, 10:5doi:10.1186/1471-2180-10-5 Booij-Vrieling HE, ,van der Reijden WA, , Houwers DJ,. de Wit WEAJ, Bosch-Tijhof SC, Penning LC, van Winkelhoff AJ, Hazewinkel HAW. Comparison of periodontal pathogens between cats and their owners. Veterinary Microbiology 2010: 4745: in press Van Winkelhoff AJ. Samenvatting Consensus rapport 6e Workshop on Periodontology. Ned Tijdschr Tandh 2010: 117: 519-523. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Parodontitis in tweelingen. Boekbespreking nov 2010. Rams, TE, Dujardin S, Degener JE, van Winkelhoff AJ. Spiramycin resistance in human periodontitis microbiota. ANAEROBE Annual meeting Philadelphia, USA, abstract ….2010. 10 2011 Thomas E. Rams, Sebastien Dujardin, Jacqueline D. Sautter, John E. Degener, Arie J. van Winkelhoff. Spiramycin resistance in human periodontitis microbiota. Anaerobe 2011. Slot Yag laser 11 Abstracts Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van Steenbergen TJM, De Graaff J. The role of oral Bacteroides in mixed infections. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 1983; 49: 606. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van Steenbergen TJM, De Graaff J. Ecology of the oral cavity. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 1985; 1985: 599. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van der Velden U, Van Steenbergen TJM, De Graaff J. (1985) Blackpigmented Bacteroides: pathogens in the oral cavity. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 1985; 51: 599-600. Christersson LA, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Zambon JJ, De Graaff J, Genco RJ. Systemic antibiotic combination therapy in recalcitrant and recurrent localized juvenile periodontitis. Journal of Dental Research 1989; 68: abstract nr. 128, pg 127. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Christersson LA, Batt RE, Zambon JJ, De Graaff J, Genco RJ. Blackpigmented Bacteroides on nonoral mucous membranes. Journal of Dental Research 1989; 68: abstract nr. 602, pg. 256. Reynolds HS, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Schifferle RE, Chen PB, Zambon JJ. Relationship of encapsulation of Bacteroides gingivalis to invasiveness. Journal of Dental Research 1989; 68: abstract nr. 1171, pg 328. Van der Velden U, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Armand S, Van der Weijden GA, De Graaff J. Untreated peridontal diseases in Indonesian adolescents IV: Clinical and microbiological relationships. Journal of Dental Research 1991; 70: 750; abstract nr. 88. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van der Weijden GA, Armand S, Van der Velden U. and De Graaff J. Untreated periodontal diseases in Indonesian adolescents. III: Microbiological aspects. Journal of Dental Research 1991; 70: 750; abstract nr. 87. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Loos BG, Dunford RG, Genco RJ, De Graaff J, Dickinson DP, Dyer DW. Epidemiology of P. gingivalis using DNA fingerprinting. Journal of Dental Research 1991; 70: abstract nr. 426, pg 318. Van Steenbergen TJM, Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Graaff J. Black-pigmented Bacteroides species: classification and role in periodontal disease. Proceedings International Conference on periodontal disease, Osaka, Japan. 1990; pg 15, # A03. Van Steenbergen TJM, Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Graaff. Antibiotic susceptibility of blackpigmented Gram-negative anaerobes. FEMS 1992; 92: 28. Van Steenbergen TJM, Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Graaff J. Classification and typing methods of black-pigmented Gram negative anaerobes. FEMS 1992; 92: 27. Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Graaff J. Black-pigmented Bacteroides in infected root canals. Journal of Dental Research 1991; 70: abstractnr. 2208, pg 542. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Appelmelk BJ, Kippuw N, De Graaff J. Capsule-like antigens in virulent Porphyromonas gingivalis. Journal of Dental Research 71, 291, abstract nr.1483. Gmür R, McNabb H, Mombelli A, Van Steenbergen TJM, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Baehni P, Guggenheim B. Seroclassification of hithero non-typable A. actinomycetemcomitans. Journal of Dental Research 1992; 71: 245, abstr 1112. Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Graaff J. The microflora around dental implants. Proceedings Second International Congress on Implantology 1991; pg 17. Pavičić MJAMP, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Douqué NH, Steures RWR, De Graaff J. Long-term effects of metronidazole + amoxicillin on A. actinomycetemcomitans periodontitis. Journal of Dental Research 1992; 72: 757, abstr. nr. 1935. 12 Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Graaff J. Antibiotic therapy in the treatment of severe peridontitis. Symposium on Oral Microbiology 1992; pg 13. Helsinki, Finland. Van Steenbergen TJM, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Gmür R, De Graaff J. Comparison of typing methods for A. actinomycetemcomitans. Journal of Dental Research 1992; 71: 550. Danser MM, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Loos BG, De Graaff J, Van der Velden U. Short term effect of full-mouth extraction on periodontal pathogens colonizing the oral mucous membranes. Journal of Dental Reserch 1993; CED Meeting Denmark. Van Steenbergen TJM, Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Graaff J. Antibiotics in oral anaerobic infections. Medical and Dental aspects of anaerobes. 1993; VIII International Symposium of the society for anaerobic microbiology. Sandmeier H, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Bär K, Meyer J. Temperate Bacteriophages among clinical isolates of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans. VIII International Symposium of the Society for Anaerobic microbiology. Science Reviews, Eds Duerden et al. 1995; 61. Van der Velden U, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Abbas F, Arief EM, Van der Weijden GA, Winkel EG. Longitudinal evaluation of the periodontal condition in married couples. Journal of Dental Research1995; 74: 542, abstr. 1134. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Dental Focal Infections and periodontal pathogens. Proceedings of the 4th Norht Sea Conference on Periodontology, Gothenburg, 1995; pp 3. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Systemic Antibiotic Delivery in Periodontitis. Proceedings of the 4th North Sea Conference on Periodontology. Gothenburg 1995; pp 12. Laine ML, Appelmelk BJ, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Description and prevalence of three novel capsular serotypes of Porphyromonas gingivalis. Proceedings IX International symposium of the society for anaerobic microbiology, 1995: 8: abstr 4. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Long term results of antibiotic therapy. Proceedings 25e Annual congress Swiss Society of Periodontology Zermatt 1995; pp 39. Rowland RW, Jepsen S, Loos BG, Jepsen K, Kaur N, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Albers HK. Immune response and periodontal microflora associated wth a case of prepubertal periodontitis. Journal of Dental Research 1996; 75: 418, 3202. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Prophylaxis and anti-microbia; therapies of peri-implant infections. Proceedings of the 5th Annual meeting of the European Association of Osseointegration. Parijs 9-11-1996: pp 11 Van der Weijden GA, Timmerman MF, Winkel EG, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van der Velden U. Adjunctive effects of antibiotics to non-surgical periodontal therapy. Journal of Dental Research 1997; 76 (5): 1123, abstr. 228. Winkel EG et al. Effects of metronidazole in refractory periodontitis patients with Bacteroides forsythus. Journal of Dental Research 1997; 76 (5): 1123, abstract 229. Van der Velden U, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van Steenbergen TJM, Craandijk J, Ritsema E, Huffels RAM, Loos BG. Smoking and periodontal bacteria in severe periodontitis. Journal of Dental Research 1997; 76: 269, abstr. 2043. Haubek D, DiRienzo J, Tinoco E, Poulsen K, Westergaard J, Dahlén G, Fives-Taylor P, Lally E, Lopez N, Mombelli A, Chung CP, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Asikainen S, Gmür R, Holbrook P, Ellegaard B, Kilian M. Dissemination of a highly toxic type of A. actinomycetemcomitans. Journal of Dental Research 1997; 76: 225, abstr 1696. Winkel EG, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Use of systemic antibiotics in the treatment of periodontitis. Proceedings 34th Annual meeting of the continental division of the international association for dental research. Journal of Dental Research 1997; pp 58, abstr 2. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Winkel EG. The use of microbiology in periodontal treatment. Proceedings 34th Annual meeting of the continental division of the international association for dental research. Journal of Dental Research 1997;pp 58, abstr 1. 13 Timmerman MF, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van der Weijden GA, Van der Velden U. Prognostic parameters for the onset of periodontal breakdown. Journal of Dental Research 1998; 77: 648, abstr. # 135. Winkel EG, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van der Velden U. Additional clinical andf microbiological effects of amoxicillin and metronidazole after initial periodontal treatment. Journal of Dental Research 1998; 77; 795, abstr # 1309. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Winkel EG. Differences in the periodontal microbiota in smokers and non-smokes with periodontitis. Journal of Dental Research1998; 7: 1032, abstr. # 3201. Laine ML, Van Steenbergen TJM, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Two morphotypes of Porphyromonas gingivalis. Journal of Dental Research 1998; 77: 918, abstr. # 2292. Groenink J, Walgreen-Weterings E, Van Winkelhoff AJ, 't Hof W, Veerman ECI, Van Nieuw Amerongen A. Lactoferrin in periodontal disease. Journal of Dental Research 1998; 77: 928, abstr.# 2374. Loos BG, Louwerse PHG, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Burger W, Giljamse M, Van der Velden U. Treatment of intra-osseous by GTR and systemic antibiotics. Journal of Dental Research 1999; Dierickx K, Pauwels M, Laine M, Coucke W, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van Eldere J, Cassiman JJ, Van Steenberghe D, Quirynen M. Adhesion of different serotypes of Porphyromonas gingivalis to cultured pocket epithelium. Journal of Dental Research 2000, 338, abstr 1554. Timmerman MF, Van der Weijden GA, Abbas F, Winkel EG, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van der Velden U. Longitudinal data and risk assement of untreated periodontitis. J Dent Res 2000, 482, abstr 2708. Van der Velden, Burger WL, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Prevalence of A. Actinomycetemcomitans before and after waering fixed orthodontic appliances. Journal of Dental Research 2000: 483, abstr 2713. Van Winkelhoff AJ. (2000) Respiratory diseases and periodontitis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2000; 27 (suppl 1): pp 16. De Vree H, Steenackers K, De Boever JA, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Colonization of osseointegrated titanium implants in an edentulous Papillon-Lefevre patient. Early results. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2000; 27 (suppl 1): abstract no. 7, pp 19. Timmerman MF, Van der Weijden, GA, Abbas F, Winkel EG, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van der Velden U. Experienced progression of untreated periodontitis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2000; 27 (suppl 1): abstract no. 19, pp 22. Herrera D, Sanz M, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Dellemijn-Kippuw N, Simon R, Winkel EG. Comparative prevalence of periodontal pathogens in the subgingival microbiota of adult patients with periodontitis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2000; 27 (suppl 1): abstract no. 60, pp 32. Etienne D, Struillou X, Schweitz B, Mattout C, Van Winkelhoff AJ. The relationship of periodontal pathogens and IL-1 genotype in untreated periodontal patients. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2000; 27 (suppl 1): abstract no. 256, pp 82. Varoufaki, A, Hutter JW, Loos BG, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Xu L, Van der Velden U. The effect of smoking on oral microbiota in periodontal patients before and after treatment. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2000; 27 (suppl 1): abstract no. 18, pp 22. Heydenrijk K, Meijer, HJA, van der Reijden WA, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Raghoebar, GM, Stegenga, B. A. prospective randomised study comparing clinical, radiological and microbiological parameters of IMZ and ITI implants. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2000: 14 Suppl. 1: 72, abstract no. 218. Van Winkelhoff, AJ. Genetic factors in periodontitis. Proceedings 30th congress of the Turkish Society of Periodontology 2000: no. 2, pp 24. Reuland-Bosma W, van der Reijden WA, van Winkelhoff AJ. Absence of a specific subgingival microflora in adults with Down’s syndrome. Proceedings of the XVth congress of the International Association of Disability and Oral Health, Madrid2000 Laine ML, Farre MA, Garcia-Gonzalez MA, Tromp JA, Ham A, Winkel EG, Crusius JBA, Vandenbroucke JV, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Peña AS. Genes of the IL-1 family and bacteria interact in the pathogenesis of periodontitis. Gastroenterology 118: (4) 6160, part 2, suppl. 2 2000 Timmers GJ, Simoons-Smit AM, van Winkelhoff AJ, Dijstelbloem Y, Touw D, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE, Huijgens PC. Levofloxacin as antibacterial prophylaxis in neutropenic patients with hematological malignancies. Blood 2000: 96: 3446, abstr # 5242. Sanz M, Roldan S, Winkel EG, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Herrera D, Simon R. Antimicrobial efficacy of an antiseptic mouthrinse in the treatment of oral halitosis. J Dent Res 2001; 80: 599, abstr. 580. Winkel EG, Roldan S, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Sanz M. The effect of cetylpyridiniumchloride, chlorhexidine and zinclactate (Halita( on oral halitosis. J Dent Res 2001:80: 797: abstr 2166. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Bosch-Tijhof CJ. Symposium on Biofilms and antimicrobial agents. 2001: Proceedings 37th Annual meeting Continental Division IADR, pp. 10. Laine ML, Farré MA, Garcia-Gonzaléz MA, Winkel EG, Crusius JBA, Vandenbroucke JP, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Peña AS. Polymorphisms in the IL-1 gene cluster influence the periodontal microflora. 2001: Proceedings 37th Annual meeting Continental Division IADR, pp 90, abstr 64. Laine ML, Farré MA, Garcia-Gonzaléz MA, Winkel EG, Crusius JBA, Vandenbroucke JP, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Peña AS. Polymorphisms in the IL-1 gene cluster influence the periodontal microflora. J Dent Res 81: pp 407, abstr 3278, 2002. Van der Reijden WA, Dellemijn-Kippuw N, Stijne-van Nes AM, de Soet JJ, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Mutans streptococci in subgingival plaque of patients with periodontitis. 2001: Proceedings 37th Annual meeting Continental Division IADR, pp 290, abstr 460. Timmerman MF, Menso L, Steinfort J, Van Winkelhoff AJ, van der Velden U, van der Weijden GA. Atmospheric contamination during ultrasonic scaling. J Dent Res 81: 55: abstr. 218, 2002. Loos, BG, Blokland-Frommer M, Leusen J, Abbas F, van der Weijden, Winkel EG, Timmerman M, van Winkelhoff AJ, van de Winkel JGJ, van der elden U. FcR gene polymorphismes in relation to severe peridontitis in Indonesians. Abstract IADR/CED 2004: # 51085 van der Velden U, Abbas F, Armand S, Loos BG, Timmerman M, van der Weijden GA, Winkel EG, van Winkelhoff AJ. The natural development of periodontitis. Prospective factors. Abstract IADR/CED. 2004: # 51130. Laine ML, Roos-Jansaker A-M, Leonardt Å, Pena AS, van Winkelhoff AJ, Winkel EG, Renvert S. Peri-implantitis and IL-1 gene cluster polymorphisms. Abstract IADR/CED 2004: M. ENERSEN*1,2, I. OLSEN1, A.J. VAN WINKELHOFF3, D.A. CAUGANT1,2. Multilocus sequence typing of Porphyromonas gingivalis strains. # 50637. IADR 15 Scheres, N, Liane ML, de Vries TJ, Everts V, van Winkelhoff AJ. Differential responses of peridontal ligament and ginbgival fibroblasts to infection with Porphyromonas gingivalis. Ned Tijdschr Med Microbiol 2008: P68, pp. S109. Brunner J, Crielaard W, van Winkelhoff AJ. The GlcNac-epimerase EpsC has an important role in Porphyromonas gingivalis capsule biosunthesis. Ned Tijdschr Med Microbiol 2008: P69, pp. S109. Reijden van der , WA, Bosch-Tijhof CJ, Rijnsburger MC, de Graaff MPW, Brunner J, van Winkelhoff AJ. Heterogeneity of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans serotype E strains identified by real-time PCR and 16S rRNA sewience analysis. Ned Tijdschr Med Microbiol 2008: P58, pp. S104. Scheres C.R, Laine ML, de Vries TJ, Everts VE, van Winkelhoff AJ. Conditioned medium of Prophyromnas gingivalis infected fibroblasts effects osteoclast formation. Ant van Leeuwenhoek 2009: 95 (suppl 1), 93, abstr nr P039. Kunnen et al. 2009 2010 Rams TE, Dujardin S, Degener JE, van Winkelhoff AJ. Spiramycin resistance in human periodontitis microbiota. Abstract PI-25, Proceedings 10th Biennal Congress of the Anaerobe Society of the Americas, 2010.Philadelphia , USA Van Winkelhoff AJ, de Smit MJ. Rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal diseases: a link by Porphyromonas gingivalis? Abstract SIV-4, Proceedings 10th Biennal Congress of the Anaerobe Society of the Americas, 2010. Philadelphia , USA 16 Dutch publicaties: Van Winkelhoff AJ, Eggink CO, Van Steenbergen TJM, De Graaff J. Bacteroides endodontalis: een nieuw species geïsoleerd uit een acute parodontitis apicalis. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde 1984; 11: 492-495. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Carlée AW, De Graaff J (1985) Bacteroides endodontalis en andere zwart-gepigmenteerde Bacteroides soorten in odontogene abcessen. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde 1985; 9: 333-336 Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van Steenbergen TJM, De Graaff J. De bacteriologie van parodontale infecties. Nederlandse Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde 1986; 93: 401-405. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Carlée AW. Odontogene infecties in het orofaciale gebied en het gebruik van antibiotica. Het Tandheelkundig Jaar 1988; pp. 179-185. Goené RJ, Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Graaff J. Microbiologie bij de behandeling van ernstige parodontitis. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde 1990; 97: 163-166. Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Graaff J, Winkel EG. Indicator bacteriën vormen wapen in de strijd tegen parodontitis. Tandarts Praktijk 1989; 50: 19-25. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Abbas F, Pavičić MJAMP, De Graaff J. Chronische conjunctivitis veroorzaakt door orale anaëroben. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 1991; 135: 2489-2491. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van Bergh JPA, Pavičić MJAMP, Overbeek BP, De Graaff J. Tandvleesontstekingen: microbiologie en samenhang met elders in het lichaam voorkomende infecties. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 1992; 14: 679-681. De Graaff J, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Microbiologische diagnostiek in de parodontologie. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde 1992; 99: 245-246. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Antibiotica in de Tandheelkunde. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad 1992; 47: 1248-1249. De Graaff J, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van Steenbergen TJM. Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans . Het Tandheelkundig Jaar 1992. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Syllabus Dr. G.J. van Hoytema Stichting. Postacademisch Onderwijs Tandheelkunde. Microbiologie van Parodontale Infecties. 1992; pp. 27-32. Van der Velden U, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Het gebruik van antibiotica in de parodontologie. Handboek Tandheelkundige Praktijk, 1992; B3.4: 1-6. Van Nieuw Amerongen A, Veerman ECI, Abraham-Inpijn L, Van Steenbergen TJM, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde 1994; 101: 10-14. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Wesselink PR, Abbas F, De Graaff J. Syllabus Nascholing voor Huisartsen (PAOH), Post Academisch Onderwijs Geneeskunde Amsterdam. Infecties van Mond tot Maag 1994; pag. 1-8. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Microbiologische aspecten van de Mondholte. Proceedings Vereniging voor Medisch Tandheelkundige Interacties 1991-1992. 1994; blz 25-28. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Aanvullingen op NMT-enquete over antibiotica. Nederlands Tandartsenblad 1994; 49: 441-443. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Winkel EG. Refractaire parodontitis. In: Preventieve Tandheelkunde. Op weg naar een doelmatige aanpak. Uitg. Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum. 1996, pp: 69-76. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Met beleid: antibiotica in de parodontale praktijk. Nederlands Tandartsenblad 1997; 52 (8): 396-397. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Bacteriologische testen. Nederlands Tandartsenblad 1997; 236. Van Winkelhoff, Winkel EG. Systemisch gebruik van antibiotica bij parodontitis. Vertaling en commentaar Position paper American Association for Periodontology. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde 1997; 104: 290-299. Van Winkelhofff AJ. Roken: een risico factor voor parodontale infecties. Nederlands 17 Tandartsenblad 1997; 19: 918-921. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Bossers DJ, Winkel EG. Peri-implantitis: een "groeiend" probleem. Tandartspraktijk 1998; 19: 8-12. Van der Velden U, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Het gebruik van antibiotica in de parodontologie. in "Klachten en behandelingsmethoden in de tandheelkunde" 1997; 5 (4): 1-8. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Genetische aanleg voor adulte parodontitis. Nederlands Tandartsenblad 1998; 53: 468-471. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Herrera D, Winkel EG, Dellemijn-Kippuw N, VandenbrouckeGrauls CMJE, Sanz M. Antibioticumresistantie in de subgingivale microflora in patiënten met adulte parodontitis. Een vergelijkend onderzoek tussen Nederland en Spanje. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde 1999; 106(8): 290-294. Van Winkelhoff, Vangsted T, Winkel EG. Metronidazol bij de behandeling van refractaire parodontitis. Ned Tijdschr Tandh 2000: 107: 327-331. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Boekbespreking Ned Tijdschr Tandh. P. Marsh & MV Marin. Oral Microbiology. Vierde druk, pp. 191. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van der Weijden GA. Microben, parodontitis en pillen. Nederlands Tandartsblad 2000: 55: 252-256. Van der Weijden GA, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Microben, parodontitis en pillen. Nederlands Tandartsblad 2000: 55: 300-305. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Van der Weijden GA. Microben, parodontitis en pillen (deel 2). Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Mondhygiene 2000 (5): 8-12. Van der Weijden GA, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Microben, parodontitis en pillen. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Mondhygiene 2000 (5): 18-19. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Microbiologische test voor ernstige parodontitis. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde 2000: 107: 518. Simoons-Smit AM, Timmers GJ, Van Winkelhoff AJ, Huijgens PC, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE. Het effect van profylactische toediening van levofloxacin op darm- en keelflora bij neutropene patiënten met hematologische maligniteiten. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneekunde 2001: 24: 392. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Winkel EG, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE. Parodontitis: een verborgen chronische infectie. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2001: 145: 557-563 Van der Reijden WA, Van Winkelhoff AJ. De rol van herpesvirussen in orale aandoeningen. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde 2001: 108: 360-365. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Goené RJ, Benschop C, Folmer T. Vroege kolonisatie door paropathogenen in partieel dentate patiënten. Ned Ver Orale Implant Bull:2001:3:2-3. Bollen CMJ, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Gebruik van doxycycline bij parodontitis. Overheid staat locale applicatie doxycycline toe. Ned Tandartsbl 2001: 24. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Winkel EG. Antibioticumgebruik in de Europese Unie. Ned Tijdschr Tandh. 2002;109:148. Laine ML, Farre MA, Garcia-Gonzalez MA, van Dijk LJ, Ham AJ, Winkel EG, Crusius JB, Vandenbroucke JP, van Winkelhoff AJ, Peña AS. Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd 2002; Aug 109(8): 303-306. Van Winkelhoff, AJ. Paropathogene bacteriën. Ned Tijdschr Mondh 2003: 8 (4): 25-27. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Een moment voor Mondmicroben. Ned Tijdschr Tandh 2004: 111: 198. Abbas F, van Winkelhoff AJ. Antibiotica beïnvloeden de indicatie voor parodontale chirurgie. Ned Tijdschr Tandh 2004: submitted Van Winkelhoff AJ. In welke mate is de Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans-bacterie overdraagbaar naar de partner? Mondhygiënisten Vademecum nr. 12, 2004. 18 Winkel EG, van Winkelhoff AJ. Wat zijn de voor-en nadelen van antibiotica in de tandheelkunde? Mondhygienisten Vademecum 4: januari 2006. Vrieling HE, Theyse LFH, van Winkelhoff AJ, Dijkshoorn NA, Logan EI, Picavet P. Effectiviteit van het voeren van een brok met mechanisch reinigende werking bij katten met gingivitis. Tijdschr Diergeneesk 2005: 130: 136-140. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Wanneer is het nodig om antibiotica voor te schrijven bij een patiënt met parodontitis? Mondhyg Vademecum 2005: 3: nr. 3. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Antibiotica bij de behandeling van parodontitis. Handboek Parodontologie, Bohn Stafleu en van Loghum 2005.pp. Winkel EG, van Winkelhoff AJ. Wat zijn de voor-en nadelen van antibiotica in de tandheelkunde? Mondhygienisten Vademecum 4: januari 2006. A.J. van Winkelhoff. Antibiotica in de parodontologie: wat is de stand van zaken? Ned Tijdschr Tandheelk 2006: 113; 319-321. A.J. van Winkelhoff. Multidisciplinair onderzoek naar cathapsine C. Boekbespreking. Ned Tijdschr Tandheelk 2006, 113: 298. Van Winkelhoff AJ, , P.G.G.L. van der Avoort, D. Wismeijer Infectieuze complicaties bij Implantaten. Ned Tijdschr Tandh 2009: 116: 193-197. Abbas, F, van Winkelhoff AJ. Valkuilen in diagnostiek en behandeling van parodontale aandoeningen. Ned Tijdschr Tandheelk 2009: 116: 317-321. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Transmissie van paropathogenen. Ned Tijdschr Mondhygiene 2009 Van Winkelhoff & Abbas. Parodontitis en algemene gezondheid. Dentz 2009: 4: 16-17. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Boekbespreking Periodontal medicine and Systems Biology, Ned Tijdschr Tandheelk 2009. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Parodontale geneeskunde en systeembiologie. Boekbespreking Ned Tijschr Tandh 117: 301. Strooker, H, de Geus E, van der Reijden WA, Laine ML, van Winkelhoff AJ. Stress en parodontale gezondheid. Ned Tijdschr Tandh 2010: 117: 23-27. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Samenvatting Consensus rapport 6e Workshop on Periodontology. Ned Tijdschr Tandh 2010: 117: 519-523. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Parodontitis in tweelingen. Ned Tijdschr Tandh 2010: 118: 20-23. Book chapters. Van Winkelhoff AJ, Pavičić MJAMP. De Graaff J. Antibiotics in periodontology. Proceedings First European Workshop on Periodontology, Eds. N.P.Lang & T. Karring, Quintessenz Verlag, Berlin Germany, Berne Switzerland pp. 258-273, 1994. Van Steenbergen TJM, Van Winkelhoff AJ, De Graaff J. Antibiotics in oral anaerobic infections. Medical and Dental Aspects of Anaerobes. Science Reviews, Eds Duerden et al. 1995 pp: 261-267. Laine ML, Appelmelk BJ, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Description and prevalence of three novel capsular serotypes of Porphyromonas gingivalis. In: Anaerobic Pathogens. Society for Anaerobic Microbiology, Sheffield Acad Press. Eds: A.R. Eley and K.W. Bennett; 1997: 41-50. Mombelli A, Van Winkelhoff AJ. The systemic use of antibiotics in periodontal therapy. Proceedings of the 2nd European Workshop on Periodontology. Chemicals in periodontics. European Academy of Periodontology, Ittingen Switzerland. Proceedings of the 2nd European Workshop on Periodontology. Eds. N.P. Lang, T. Karring & J. Lindhe 1997: 38-77. Mombelli A, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Consensus report of session 1. Proceedings of the 2nd European Workshop on Periodontology. Chemicals in periodontics. European Academy of Periodontology, Ittingen Switzerland. Eds. N.P. Lang, T. Karring & J. Lindhe 1997: Quintessence. pp 110-113. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Microbial specificity in periodontal infections. pp: 56-62. In: Oral 19 Biology at the turn of the century. Proceedings of the conference, ERGOB, Interlaken 1999. B. Guggenheim & S. Shapiro Eds. Karger, Switzerland. Kilian M, Van Winkelhoff AJ. Host-Microbial interactions in the Oral cavity. Discussion session IV. In: Oral Biology at the turn of the century. Proceedings of the conference, ERGOB, Interlaken 1999. B. Guggenheim & S. Shapiro Eds. Karger, Switzerland. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Microbial specificity in periodontal infections. pp: 56-62. In: Oral Biology at the turn of the century. Proceedings of the conference, ERGOB, Interlaken 1999. B. Guggenheim & S. Shapiro Eds. Karger, Switzerland. Van Winkelhoff, AJ, Laine ML, Peña AS. Genetic and microbiological aspects of destructive periodontal disease. In: Periodontal Tissue Destruction and Remodelling. Eds. O. Tuncer, S. Mutlu, C. Scully. Quintessence 2003. Van Winkelhoff AJ. Antibiotica bij de behandeling van parodontitis. Handboek Parodontologie, Bohn Stafleu en van Loghum 2005.pp. Van Winkelhoff AJ. .Antibiotica bij de behandeling van parodontitis. Handboek Parodontologie, Bohn Stafleu en van Loghum 2009; hfd 17: pp. 155-174. ISBN 978 90 313 6886 0 Van Winkelhoff AJ. Microbiologie van parodontale infecties. Handboek Parodontologie, Bohn Stafleu en van Loghum 2009; hfd 33: 351 – 360. ISBN 978 90 313 6886 0 20