Kinderepilepsie: multidisciplinaire benadering Lieven Lagae Kinderneurologie Universitaire Ziekenhuizen KULeuven Kinderepilepsie : totaal-concept Diagnostiek : Epilepsie als een symptoom Herhaalde anamnese en klinisch onderzoek Video-EEG studies Anatomische en functionele beeldvorming Genetische studies Neurometabole studies Invloed op Cognitie en Gedrag: neuropsychologie Aanbieden van alle behandelingsmodaliteiten Behandeling Informatie- Begeleiding- Orientatie Medicatie: anti-epileptica Epilepsie-chirurgie Nervus Vagus stimulatie Ketogeen dieet Immunotherapie Anti-epileptische medicatie Idealiter Goede efficaciteit Breed spectrum Monotherapie Geen / weinig bijwerkingen Geen effect op cognitieve ontwikkeling en op gedrag Gemakkelijk toedienbaar Voorspelbare farmacokinetiek en dynamiek Anti-epileptica Oudere AED : phenobarbital, fenytoine, primidone Klassieke AED : carbamazepine, valproic acid, ethosuximide, sulthiame, benzodiazepines Nieuwe AED : vigabatrine, lamotrigine, oxcarbazepine, topiramate, tiagabine, gabapentin, levetiracetam, felbamate, zonisamide, feneturide, stiripentol Responder Rates (≥ 50% Seizure Reduction) in AED Adjunctive Paediatric Studies vs Placebo* % of patients 50 44.6 42 39 40 30 20 10 0 41 22 21.2 19.6 20 * * * * * LEV TPM1 LTG2 OXC3 GBP4 16 17.5 1. Elterman RD. Neurology 1999: 2. Duchowny M. Neurology 1999: 3. Glauser TA. Neurology 2000: 4. Appleton R. Epilepsia 1999. AED Results in Paediatric Partial Seizures Drug – placebo difference LEV1 TPM2 LTG3 OXC4 GBP5 Median % reduction in partial seizures from baseline 27% 22.6% 29.4% 26% 10.5% Responders (≥ 50% seizure reduction) 25% 19% 26% 19% 3.7% % Seizure-free 6% 5% No data 3% 2% Discontinuations due to AEs -4% -2% -1% +7% +3% 1. Glauser TA Epilepsia, Lagae EJPN, 2004: 2. Elterman RD. Neurology 1999: 3. Duchowny M. Neurology 1999: 4. Glauser TA. Neurology 2000: 5. Appleton R. Epilepsia 1999. First choice anti-epileptic drugs 2005 Valproic acid Lamotrigine Levetiracetam Topiramate Carbamazepine / Oxcarbazepine Epilepsie chirurgie Epilepsie Chirurgie Screening bij refractaire epilepsie Video EEG (5dagen) NMR 1.5T en 3T Ictale en Interictale SPECT: SISCOM analyse Pet scan functionele MRI Neuropsychologie Type Chirurgie Amygdalo-hippocampectomie Hemisferotomie mesiaal temporaal sclerose Cerebro vascular accident Rasmussen encefalitis Hemimegalencefalie Polymicrogyrie unilateraal Lesionectomies Cortical malformations Tuberous sclerosis Rasmussen Encephalitis Mesial Temporal sclerosis Corticale dysplasie Nervus vagus stimulatie Effect Nervus vagus stimulatie Ketogeen dieet 16 /0 2/ 1 6 2 00 4 /0 4/ 20 16 04 /0 6/ 1 6 2 00 4 /0 8/ 20 16 04 /1 0/ 1 6 2 00 4 /1 2/ 2 1 6 00 4 /0 2/ 2 1 6 00 5 /0 4/ 2 1 6 00 5 /0 6/ 20 16 05 /0 8/ 1 6 2 00 5 /1 0/ 20 16 05 /1 2/ 2 1 6 00 5 /0 2/ 2 1 6 00 /0 6 4/ 20 16 06 /0 6/ 20 06 16 /0 2/ 2 1 6 00 4 /0 4/ 1 6 2 00 4 /0 6/ 20 16 04 /0 8/ 2 1 6 00 4 /1 0/ 20 16 04 /1 2/ 2 1 6 00 4 /0 2/ 2 1 6 00 5 /0 4/ 1 6 2 00 5 /0 6/ 20 16 05 /0 8/ 2 1 6 00 5 /1 0/ 2 1 6 00 5 /1 2/ 20 16 05 /0 2/ 1 6 2 00 6 /0 4/ 2 1 6 00 6 /0 6/ 20 06 Decrease anticonvulsants (%) Seizures 5 4 3 2 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2,0 1 0 1,0 0,0 Ketogenic diet Tom [February 2004 - August 2006] Seizures RIVOTRIL Ratio DEPAKINE SABRIL Ratio Tom, 4 jaar, Tubereuze sclerose Ketogenic diet Tom [February 2004 - August 2006] 4,0 3,0 Outcome of 453 children with newly diagnosed epilepsy at 5 years of follow-up 150 n 100 27% 14% 24% 14% 9% 50 0 5 yr 4–5 yr 3–4 yr 2–3 yr Duration of terminal remission 12% 1–2 yr <1 yr Pharmacoresistant Epilepsy Previously Untreated Epilepsy Patients (n=470) Seizure-free with 1st drug 36% 47% Seizure-free with 2nd drug Seizure-free with 3rd or multiple drugs Pharmacoresistant epilepsy 4% 13% Kwan P, Brodie MJ. N Engl J Med. 2000;342:314-319. I-5 Invloed op cognitie en gedrag Brain dysfunction at specific age Epilepsy Cognition Behaviour Medication Neuropsychology: Cognitive Domains Sensory processing / perception Attention / concentration Speed of processing Working memory Psychomotor speed Visuospatial abilities Problem-solving Non-verbal memory Verbal memory Motor control / performance Verbal reasoning Imagery General intelligence , IQ cognitive instruments ‘specific’ processes ‘overall cognitive ability’ Lagae L, Seizure 2006 Cognition and Behaviour: Contributing Factors Epilepsy syndrome Underlying aetiology Effects on specific processes Seizure frequency and severity EEG abnormalities Treatment – antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) Effects on cognitive instruments Psychosocial environment Toekomst Individueel bioprofiel Genetica / moleculaire biologie Voorbeeld : multidrug-resistentie (MRD genen) Anti-epileptogene medicatie voorbeeld : posttrauma-epilepsie (vb HIE) Therapy-on-demand closed-loop on line systeem: - continue EEG meting (subduraal) - anticipatie van aanvallen - locale, tijdelijke toediening medicatie of/en hesenstimulatie Continue meting EEG: draadloos miniatuur eigen energiebron Target: V < 1cm3 or 5 cm2 P < 100µW