Soil+, Knowledge of soil and groundwater issues – ISSWaP project Workshop to generate actions for solutions by stakeholders participation Working meeting 30th of March 2010 Integrated Solutions for Soil and Water Problems (ISSWaP) Jiu River Basin Case as a Pilot for National Level implementation in Romania: Actions for solutions Ton Honders, Bodem+ and Ebel Smidt, SG, Frank Vliegenthart, Grontmij Ruxandra Balaet, Daniela Dudau, Constantin Carlan a.o. (MoESD, ANAR, DAJ) Florentina Nanu and Ioana Groza, BDG Remco van Ek, Deltares Craiova, 20-01-2010 Bodem+ is een opdracht van het Ministerie van VROM SenterNovem Bodem+ OUTLINE MEETING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Dutch approach to complex soil and water problems Status ISSWaP – Jiu (Integrated Solutions for Soil and Water Problems) Specialists views on fly-ash reuse and remediation Interactive discussion on fly-ash association and environmental measures Collecting tasks for members of team who will visit Holland and Germany Setting priorities for follow-up projects Bodem+ is een opdracht van het Ministerie van VROM Phases in the ISSWaP project 1. Preparation and quick scan visit (finalised) 2. Data inventory and conceptual modelling (95% finished) 3. Synthesis of conceptual model (80% finished) 4a. Scoping the solution domain (30-49% finished) 4b. Solution and action workshop (today) 4c. Exposure and study visit (May) 5. Elaborating preferred solutions – final workshop (week of 21-26 th of June) Bodem+ is een opdracht van het Ministerie van VROM Three conceptual levels 1. Integrated approach a. European Union (exchange Holland-Romania and other countries) b. Social-economic possibilities and limitations / environment / soil&water regionally specific solutions 2. River Basin Management Plan (and other regional plans) 3. Specific local environmental problems concerning for example one fly-ash depot Bodem+ is een opdracht van het Ministerie van VROM ISSWaP Jiu – overall conceptual model: 5 sources of pollution - 3 types of threatened objects 3. Fly-ash depots: dust, groundwater pollution, waterlogging 2. Power plants/industrial zones: air and ground pollution with a variety of substances, point sources 1. Open pit mining: dust, radioactivity (?), groundwater pumping 4. Urban area: untreated waste water, polluted drinking water 5. Agricultural area: fertilizers and pesticides, Diffuse pollution sources 8. Nature/Ecosystems: disorder, threat of quality, degradation of biodiversity 6. 7. Groundwater / wells different types of pollution River system: siltation, disordered waterbalance, municipal and industrial wastewater Turceni SE Turceni Power plant Heavy metals and radioactive compounds in topsoil due to (historical) atmospheric deposition? Valea Ceplea deposit Ash & slag, 33 million m3 , 250 ha High values for Ca, Mg, SO4 deep in groundwater affecting local community. Local pollution with heavy metals. Situation on radioactive compounds unknown Reserve storage (old) Ash & slag, 8 million m3 , 107 ha Possibly high values for Ca, Mg, SO4 in shallow groundwater. Local pollution with heavy metals. Situation on radioactive compounds unknown Example Turceni Energy Complex Conceptual model SO2 3600-4800 mg/Nm3 NOx 370-470 mg/Nm3 Dust 101 – 130 mg/Nm3 GHG 6,4 million ton/yr Heavy metals Atmospheric emissions Atmospheric emissions (air erosion in municipality) Dust 2-20 x MAC limit MAC = 150 mg/Nm3 power plant ash deposit municipality Industrial water from Jiu Heavy metals not very Ca, Mg, SO4 Mobile Stability of walls – who controls and is responsible Rise in water table H2SO4 Heavy metals in topsoil? Wells for drinking water (SO4 polluted ?) Radioactivity Needs analysis / interpretation of (new?) measurements Discharge of waste water into Jiu river, including thermal pollution > 35oC Potable water, 5 l/s, 80-100 m bsl Schematic view of dump site Bentofix sealing 100% Ash slurry drains 80% Ash deposits 7m Power plant gw level monitoring Valea Celea Volume 33.000.000 m3 Surface area 250 ha 20% Water flow Groundwater subsurface flow Pollution with heavy metals Cd, Cu, Zn, Cr, Se = not mobile? Ca, Mg, SO4 = mobile Solutions (1) A. INTEGRATION LEVEL 1. Knowledge increase: FP7 project etc. (proposal submitted by Deltares with case study Jiu issues) 2. Romanian Fly-ash union initiative 3. Regional exchange Romania – Hungary – Serbia 4. ………. Bodem+ is een opdracht van het Ministerie van VROM Solutions (2) B. RBPM level 1. RBMP implementation experiences exchange (Interreg funds)(regional and European cooperation) 2. Reuse of fly-ashes (private sector interest, stimulation funds EU) 3. Urban zero energy strategy / sustainable energy projects (combining soil remediation with thermal energy storage/recovery) 4. Monitoring campaigns (extra round on radioactivity?) 5. ……… Bodem+ is een opdracht van het Ministerie van VROM Solutions (3) C. SITE SPECIFIC LEVEL 1. Monitoring 2. Closing of wells or recirculating systems 3. Dust spreading prevention (in combination with bioremediation?) 4. Nature conservation / tourism projects 5. ………. Bodem+ is een opdracht van het Ministerie van VROM Study Tour, week 20-2010 Day 1 • VROM/Bodem+/Deltares: Dutch approach to soil and water problems Day 2 • Fly-ash union • Visit powerplant Day 3 • Lignite mine in Germany and new fly-ash depot (RWE) Day 4 • University of Eindhoven/Kempen Project (heavy metals)/Sanergy (remediation and thermal energy storage) • Wrap up Participants (8) - MoEF (2) - DA Jiu (2) - SNLO, CE Turceni/ CE Craiova (2) - City Council / REPA (1) - BDG (1) Bodem+ is een opdracht van het Ministerie van VROM