Curriculum Vitae Tina van der Vlies Current position PhD student / docent-promovendus Center for Historical Culture, Erasmus University Rotterdam Project (2011-2016): Historical scholarship and school history: national narratives in Dutch and English textbooks, 1920-2010 Main research interests History of history education Historical culture and historical consciousness Positions held 2008-2011 Guide National Museum of Education (Nationaal Onderwijsmuseum) Rotterdam. 2009-2010 Research-assistant Center for Historical Culture (CHC) of prof.dr. M. Grever. Tasks: organization research meetings; managing website; bibliographic research on historical culture and history education. 2008-2009 Student assistant of prof.dr. M. Grever and drs. J. Jüngen. Tasks: classification and analysis textbooks for the Historical Didactic Collections CHC / University Library EUR. Education and training 2010-2011 Educatieve master (teacher training) ICLON University Leiden. Leraar Voortgezet Hoger Onderwijs Geschiedenis en Staatsinrichting. Expected graduation 30-6-2011. 2010-2011 Internships high school Develstein College Zwijndrecht. Teaching Havo / VWO 4; Picasso Lyceum Zoetermeer. Teaching Havo/VWO 2 and Havo 4. 2008-2010 Master History of Society (cum laude), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) with Honors Degree (+ 20 ECTS). Electives: 'Early modern political thought'; 'Comparative analyses of historical studies' (EUR); 'Thinking about the underclass, migration, urbanization and the welfare state: ideologies and policies in Europe & the U.S. since the 1840s', research seminar prof.dr. L. Lucassen, University Leiden. 2009 Internship National Museum of Education Rotterdam, supervisor dr. J. Dane. Research on ‘drop-outs’ in modern high schools; design exhibition on charity schools (1850-1920). 2005-2008 Bachelor Geschiedenis EUR. Major: History of Media & Communication. 2008 Internship high school Driestar College Gouda. Teaching vocational students VMBO and Havo 4. 1999-2005 Gymnasium, profile Culture and society, Driestar College Gouda. Publications 2011 2010 2010 2010 2008 'Grenzen aan inleving? Een les over slavernij in 4-Havo', Roest (in preparation). '"Ruwe diamanten klooven en slijpen". Karaktervorming en opvoeding van 19eeeuwse drop-outs', Kleio 51 (November 2010) nr. 7, 4-7. ‘Bakens van de toekomst. Haveloze scholen in Nederland’, Lessen. Tijdschrift van het Nationaal Onderwijsmuseum 5 (2010) nr. 3, 13-19. Reddingsboot op den oceaan der Maatschappij’. Idealen en praktijk van de haveloze school in Engeland en Nederland, 1850-1920 (EUR, unpublished Master thesis). Een onderzoek naar de fotografie in de bladen Panorama en Hitweek in de jaren zestig (EUR, unpublished Bachelor thesis).