Book Presentation
On Friday 10 December Benedikte Zitouni will present her book
‘Agglomérer. Une anatomie de l’extension bruxelloise (1828-1915)’.
The book shows how the Brussels’ agglomeration expanded and sets out
the role of the different actors such as urban planners, civil servants etc.
You are all kindly invited
Friday 10 December 2010 at 12:00 (light lunch foreseen)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Pleinlaan 2 -1050 Brussels - Room E.0.05
The presentation will take place in English
Please confirm your presence before 6/12 : [email protected]
Urban Notebooks (Stadsschriften/Cahiers Urbains) is a series of books of the
UAB Urban Studies Network (UAB Brussels Stadsplatform)