Invasieve behandeling van hartritmestoornissen Natasja MS de Groot cardioloog-electrofysioloog Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam Invasieve behandeling van hartritmestoornissen = invasieve behandeling van tachycardieën Non-Invasieve Behandeling medicatie cardioversie chemisch electrisch Mechanisme van tachycardieën • Abnormale impulse formatie - enhanced automaticity - triggered activity • Abnormale impulse conductie - circus movement DAD EAD Invasieve behandeling van hartritmestoornissen catheter ablatie epicardiale catheter ablatie endovasculaire catheter ablatie Veneuze Toegang v. jugularis v. cava subclavia transseptaal transaortaal v. cava inferior epicardiaal Mapping Techniques Epicardial Mapping Contact Mapping NonContact Mapping 3-D ElectroAnatomische Mapping Technieken simultaan sequentieel Multi-Site Mapping Endocardial Mapping Manuele Navigatie Remote Navigatie robotische navigatie magnetische navigatie Nadelen manuele catheter ablatie lange procedure tijd lange blootstelling aan röntgen straling nauwkeurige localisatie catheter tip catheter stabiliteit Remote Catheter Navigation Magnetisch Navigatie Systeem Stereotaxis NIOBE® Robotisch Navigatie Systeem (Sensei Hansen Medical) Remote Catheter Navigation Magnetische Navigatie Systeem Stereotaxis NIOBE® Magnetische Navigatie By courtesy of T. Szili-Torok ˝Floppy˝ Catheter atraumatisch Geen curve Effectief genoeg ? By courtesy of T. Szili-Torok Remote Catheter Navigation Robotische Navigatie Systeem (Sensei Hansen Medical) Robotische Arm Artisan Sheath en Ablatie Catheter outer sheath inner sheath ablation catheter Working Station (Hansen Medical Inc.) * * * EP system * * * * * Fluoroscopic images *Electroanatomical mapping system Ablation catheter (Navx) H CS RVA I aVF V1 RV RA His CS I aVF V1 RV RA His-D His-P CS 9-10 CS 7-8 CS 5-6 CS 4-3 CS 1-2 RV H CS-p CS-d Adenosine testen catheter ablatie van een atrium flutter Karakteristieken van flutter golven 1) trage descenderende component 2) snelle negatieve deflectie 3) scherpe upstroke 4) geringe ‘overshoot’ Counterclockwise Atrial Flutter H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10 CL 250 ms Terminatie van de atrium flutter 245 ms CS 2-1 CS 4-3 CS 6-5 CS 8-7 CS 10-9 635 ms A B C LLR AFL D MA-PV AFL ULR AFL IART 3-D Electro-Anatomische Mapping Systeem M R R M R M M “early” R • • • M - 100 ms R • “late” • M + 95 ms • Sinus Ritme 60 ms SCV -30 ms His TV ICV Diagnose Diagnose 220 ms -203 ms ICV Diagnose catheter ablatie van een atrium fibrilleren Focus als trigger voor AF Pulmonaal Venen Isolatie ECG PVs PV isolation AF CS ‘Fire’ or ‘ICE’ ? Cryothermale energie -80°C LSPV LIPV RSPV 5 minutes/vene By courtesy of Dr. R. Bhagwandien RIPV Radiofrequente Stroom tio 1). More prominent His stal His bundle (HB) catheter RAO distal His bundle (HB) catheter RAO on His His Abl Abl LAO LAO LAO His His Abl Abl HisHis HIS AblAbl HIS HisHis AC AblAbl he AC 11 11 1111 LAO LAO LAO AC Abl Abl V Atrial Atrial Fibrillation Fibrillation Atrial Fibrillation Atrial Fibrillation RAO RAORAO or O]) RAO RAO a undle dle AV junctie ablatie RAO RAO or RAO O]) ation al . The distal o w iwthd raw n n soso t hat iLAO t il ti es across t he superi or or margi n of the i thd raw t hat l i es across t he superi margi n of the t ritcuspi d dannul usus (FiLAO g. g.11-60). velvel y, y,t he catheter ri cuspi annul (Fi 11-60).A lAternati l ternati t he catheter AC LAO LAO Abl Abl HIS His His His His HIS A V A V AblAbl AblAbl HisHis al A:V> 1 HisHis M M MM AV block RF ablation V-pace junctional escape Vragen ?