Beleggen in kredietrisico Niets is zeker… Hope for the best, expect the worst! Arnold Gast 9 januari 2009 Balans en Hefboom Activa 100 Passiva Vreemd Vermogen (VV): 92 Eigen Vermogen (EV): 8 8% EV = 12,5x hefboom 2 Balans en Hefboom Activa 95 Passiva Vreemd Vermogen (VV): 92 Eigen Vermogen (EV): 3 Activa -5% = EV -62,5% en hefboom van 12,5x naar 31,7x 3 Analyse balans cruciaal Activa 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Totale volatiliteit? Cyclisch? Correlatie? Hefboom (op hefboom)? Faillissement risico? Marktrisico? Waardering? Liquiditeit? Passiva Vreemd vermogen: 1. Hoeveel hefboom? 2. Looptijd? 3. Vorm? 4. Van wie? 5. Hoe duur? Eigen vermogen: 1. Vereist rendement? 2. Risico budget? 4 Risico’s beleggen in kredietrisico kans marktrisico risico faillissement lage rating hoge rating restwaarde pari 10 - 80% 100% waarde 5 Terugblik 2008: 6 Zeker… 7 Het onderliggende plaatje… Overbuild Falling demand Mortgage Stress Excess inventory Mortgages & CDOs RMBS CDOs Housing Falling prices Higher rates Risk Aversion Search for yield and fees Lower MEW Flat yield curve Weaker Consumer Lower GDP Macro Growth Higher Delinquencies / Defaults Defaults Banks face losses Lax lending standards NINJA Loans HF returns SIV / conduit Carry trade unwind Asset Quality Problems Liquidity Withdrawal Banks sell off CLO vehicles Lower Spend Corporates? Weaker Economy Illiquidity Credit Cards Commercial Property Leveraged Loans Auto Loans 8 US huizenmarkt.. Alan Greenspan: “I do not believe the crisis will come to an end until US house prices stabilize because this is the real contaminant in the market.” “US house prices are unlikely to stabilize until 2009 because of the huge inventory of single family homes for sale in the US.” Source: Deutsche Bank, IMF, John Mauldin 9 Financiële sector zeer winstgevend US nominal GDP vs Non-Financial & Financial Profits: In de afgelopen 10 jaar naar schatting $1,2 triljoen excessieve winst gemaakt door de financiële sector in de US 10 Dankzij grotere hefboom Total Assets / Tangible Equity (Times) Hefboom wereldwijd toegenomen 40 European banks 35 30 Brokers 25 20 US banks 15 10 2001 2003 Source: Citigroup 2005 2007 11 Hefboomwerking op macroniveau US Total debt to GDP ratio: Source: Hoisington Investment Management 12 Enorme groei kort vreemd vermogen Gereguleerd / ongereguleerd: Ratio broker repo en kort geld + CP nietbank financials over bank tegoeden en repos: Ongereguleerde financieringsbron bijna $6.000mrd Alan Greenspan: “The credit crisis will not be resolved by injections of liquidity into the market by Central Banks. It will only come to an end when US house prices stabilize.” 13 Hoe ver zijn we? Crowded positions Hedge funds Technicals EM & commodities Banks Writedowns Off-BS exposures Too much leverage Higher funding costs Too much ST debt Economy Corporates Inflation House prices Current accounts Consumers Funding deficit Falling earnings Rising defaults Progress Source: Citigroup 14 Vooruitzichten huizenprijzen US 15 Hoe laat is het? Debt reduction Credit Equities Corporates The bubble bursts Banks Credit Equities Profits growing faster than debt Credit Equities Debt growing faster than profits Credit Equities Source: Citi. 16 Verdere daling winsten te voorzien Earnings Recessions, Last 100 Years US ISM Suggest a Drop in Profits Real EPS Declines > 20% from Peak by Month US ISM vs Non-Financial Profit Bef. Tax (% YoY) 65 0% US Manufacturing ISM 80% Non-financial Profits (% YoY) -20% 60% 60 CURRENT 40% 55 -40% 1989-92 20% 2000-02 50 -60% 0% 1929-34 45 -20% -80% 40 1916-19 -100% Months 0 6 12 18 24 Source: Citi Investment Research. 30 36 42 48 54 60 -40% 35 -60% 98 99 01 03 05 07 Source: EcoWin, Federal Reserve, Citi. 17 Defaults > 10% 14 12 120 S&P default rate Model estimate Lending Survey 300 BIG Corporate, spread to Treasuries S&P default rate 100 80 10 12 250 10 60 40 8 14 200 8 20 6 0 -20 4 -40 2 4 100 2 -60 0 Mar-90 6 150 -80 Mar-96 Source: S&P, Citi, Federal Reserve. Mar-02 Mar-08 50 1980 0 1985 1990 1996 2001 2007 Source: S&P, Citi. 18 Meer verliezen op komst Source: BNP 19 Kredietrisico aantrekkelijk geprijsd 3000 USD Corporate Bonds 2500 RBS 2003-2007 RBS Average RBS 1999-2003 2000 RBS 1931-1935 1500 1000 500 0 AA Source: Citi, iBoxx. A BBB BB B 20 Vooruitzichten 2009 • 2009 aandelenmarkt hoopvol van start.. • Maar problemen zullen snel opdoemen in 1H09: - afboekingen 2008 - rating downgrades - bedrijfswinsten sterk onder druk - focus verschuift naar leningen aan consumenten en bedrijven - snel oplopende faillissementen - forse stijging werkloosheid • 2H09 mogelijk capitulatie (weg hoop…) en dus kans spreads en aandelen herstel 21