Ev er yt hi ngyouneedt oknow aboutCopi l ot —f ul l y c us t omi z abl et oaddr es st heuni queneedsof yourbus i nes s Pl eas ec ons i derl ev er agi ngt heemai l sandc ommuni t ypos t spr ov i dedt os uppor t y ourendus er sast heyonboar dwi t hCopi l otf orMi c r os of t365. Thec ont enti sdes i gnedt obec us t omi z edt os ui ty ouror gani z at i on' sneeds . The pac k agesi nc l udeemai l sandr eady madec ommuni t ypos t st os har ev i ay our i nt er nals oc i alc hannel s . Bas edonobs er v at i onsandf eedbac kf r om ourEar l yAc c es sPr ogr am, we' v ec r eat ed ar ec ommendeds c hedul ef ors har i ngasnewus er sonboar dwi t hCopi l otf or Mi c r os of t365i ny ouror gani z at i on. Wes ugges ts endi ngemai l sonTues daymor ni ng bet ween9AM and12PM whenpeopl ear ef r es handal r eadyi nt ot hei rwor kweek . T os uppl ementy ouremai lc ommuni c at i on, wer ec ommendpos t i ngaboutCopi l ott o y ouri nt er nals oc i alc hannel sl i k eT eamsandVi v aonWednes dayandThur s day mor ni ngsasaf ol l owupt oy ourTues dayemai l s . Thi sc ommuni c at i ons c hedul ei swhatwer ec ommend, butul t i mat el yy ouk now whi c hi nf or mat i ony ourpeopl eneedmos tandt hepac eatwhi c ht heys houl d r ec ei v ei t . Wehopet hes eas s et shel py ouror gani z at i ongett hemos toutoft heCopi l ot ex per i enc e. ©2023Mi c r os of tCor por at i on. Al lr i ght sr es er v ed.