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Conversation test written

Inspector 1
Inspector 2
*Chrr chrr* This is Alpha 2 for
Bravo 2 , do you copy? Over
Loud and clear, over.
Be on the lookout for a black
Volkswagen Golf, the driver of
this vehicle committed an
offence and need to be found.
Copy that Alpha 2, do you have
the license plate. Over
Yes I do Bravo 2, the license plate
is: BCF-152. Over
Can you also check if this vehicle
is registered in the U.S? Over
Copy that Alpha 2, searching…
Keep the line clear. Over
This vehicle seems to be stolen.
Copy that Bravo 2, can you also
register the owner please. Over
Copy that Alpha 2, …
*Chrr Chrr* This is Bravo 2 for
Alpha 2. Over
Bravo 2 Come in. Over.
There is no registered owner
found. Over
*Chrr Chrr* All patrols, be on the
lookout for a black Volkswagen
Golf, license plate: BCF-152. Over
*30 minutes later*
*Chrr Chrr* This is Bravo 2 for
Alpha 2, just spotted the black
Volkswagen Golf, standby. Over
*Tik Tik Tik* Can you please roll
down the window.
Do you have any idea why I
pulled you over?
No sir, I don’t.
You’ve been charged with
dangerous driving and driving a
stolen vehicle.
For those 2 charges you will need
to pay a fine for 2500 dollars.
This is outrageous!! I
wasn’t driving
dangerously and the car
that I’m driving is my
sisters car and I took it
without her knowing!
That’s all very possible but I will
need to fine you for these 2
charges, you can pay now or we
will send you the bill.
Alright fine, here you go!
*Pays the fine*
Thank you sir, you can get
moving. Have a great day.
Thank you sir, you too.
*Takes off*