NL RAAD VAN DE EUROPESE UNIE Brussel, 29 mei 2009 10502/09 (Presse 160) (OR. en) Vervanging van de Griekse permanente vertegenwoordiger bij de Europese Unie De Raad van de Europese Unie is in kennis gesteld van de benoeming door de Griekse regering van ambassadeur Theodoros N. Sotiropoulos tot permanent vertegenwoordiger van de Helleense Republiek bij de Europese Unie. Ambassadeur SOTIROPOULOS is op 29 mei 2009 in functie getreden. (Curriculum vitae in bijlage). PERS Wetstraat 175 B – 1048 BRUSSEL Tel.: +32 (0)2 281 6319 Fax: +32 (0)2 281 8026 [email protected] 10502/09 (Presse 160) 1 NL BIJLAGE CURRICULUM VITAE Theodoros N. Sotiropoulos 1949 Born in Athens Law Degree, Athens University 1977 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1978 - 1980 Cabinet of Foreign Affairs Minister 1980 - 1984 Embassy of Greece, Sofia, Bulgaria 1984 - 1989 Ministry of F.A., First Political Division / Balkan Section 1989 - 1993 Toronto, Canada / Consul General 1993 - 1997 Embassy of Greece, Bonn, Germany 1997 - 2003 Athens, Head of the Diplomatic Office of the Prime Minister 2003 - 2007 Vienna, Ambassador to Austria and Permanent Representative to the International Organizations in Vienna 2007 - 2009 Ministry of F.A. / Director General of E.U. Affairs 2009 Permanent Representative of Greece to the E.U. Married to Ekaterini Nassika, two daughters Languages: English, French, German 10502/09 (Presse 160) 2 NL 10502/09 (Presse 160) 3 NL