I-TALENT I-TALENT Seminarie: <<Accenture>> Datum – startuur - einduur: 8.30 tot 12u Contactpersoon : Tom Ghelen Topics: Big Bang Disruption and Accenture Technology Vision 2016 Omschrijving: Big Bang Disruption elegantly and simply identifies why innovation happens in some new companies and how you can embrace and harness this new way of thinking. The Accenture Technology Vision 2016 investigates five trends behind a ‘people-first’ approach: Intelligent automation, liquid workforces, the platform economy, predictable disruption and digital trust. The end goal? Integrating change into your organizational DNA through the most effective means possible. Voor welke groep studenten? AON / SWM / SNB Aantal toegelaten studenten? 25 Extra benodigdheden / voorbereiding: Locatie: @PXL Opm: Beamer en WiFi is aanwezig @PXL