Overgangsregelingen Masteropleiding SGPL 2017 - UU

Overgangsregelingen Masteropleiding SGPL 2017 - 2018
Master Economische Geografie – will be master Human Geography
Cursussen Economische Geografie 20162017
GEO4-3207 Multinationale Ondernemingen
GEO4-3208 Ondernemerschap in de regio
GEO4-3210 Ruimtelijk economisch beleid Europa
GEO4-3030 Advanced M&T
GEO4-3212 Stage
GEO4-3213 masterthesis
Replaced by the courses of Human
Geography 2017-2018
GEO4-3910 Geographies of multinationals
and the city
Additional assignment, because course is 5
ec - in consultation master coordinator
Human Geography
GEO4-3909 Spatial entrepreneurial
conditions effects and strategies
Additional assignment, because course is 5
ec - in consultation master coordinator
Human Geography
GEO4-3911 Regions in European policy
Additional assignment, because course is 5
ec - in consultation master coordinator
Human Geography
GEO4-3902 Advanced M&T
Additional assignment, because course is 5
ec - in consultation master coordinator
Human Geography
Stay – is individual in consultation master
coordinator Human Geography
Stay – is individual in consultation with
master coordinator Human Geography
Deeltijdstudent die per of voor 1 september 2016 gestart zijn met de master Economische
Geografie wordt in overleg met de mastercoördinator Human Geography gekeken welke cursus
voor hem/haar haalbaar is. Aangezien de master Economische Geografie Nederlandstalig was,
mogen deze studenten in de Engelstalige cursussen het tentamen, opdrachten in het Nederlands
Part-time student who started per of for 1 September 2016 with the master Economic Geography
will be in contact with the master coordinator Human Geography to look which program is for
him/her the most suitable. The master Economic Geography was a Dutch master. When the
student follow the new English course they may have do their assignments (written exam and/or
paper assignment) in Dutch.
Master Geocommunicatie – komt te vervallen
Cursussen Geocommunicatie 2016-2017
GEO4-3707 Beeldvorming, geografie en
GEO4-3708 Landschap als arena
GEO4-3702 Atelier educatief ontwerpen
GEO4-3713 Onderzoek en onderzoeksmethoden
GEO4-3705 Stage
GEO4-3706 masterthesis
Worden vervangen door de cursussen:
Op maat programma bieden in overleg met
mastercoördinator Geocommunicatie –
goedkeuring examencommissie
Op maat programma bieden in overleg met
mastercoördinator Geocommunicatie –
goedkeuring examencommissie
Blijft bestaan voor GEEM
Op maat programma bieden in overleg met
mastercoördinator Geocommunicatie –
goedkeuring examencommissie
Blijft staan – is individueel in overleg
mastercoördinator Geocommunicatie
Blijft staan – is individueel in overleg met
mastercoördinator Geocommunicatie
Master Urban Geography – will be master Human Geography
Courses Urban Geography 2016 – 2017
GEO4-3306 Advanced Urban Geography
GEO4-3030 Advanced M&T
GEO4-3310 Urban reflection in practice A
GEO4-3312 Urban reflection in practice B
GEO4-3314 Urban Daily Life
GEO4-3315 Living in the city
GEO4-3309 Internship
GEO4-3313 master thesis
Replaced by the courses Human
Geography 2017 - 2018
GEO4-3903 Advanced Urban Geography
GEO4-3902 Advanced M&T
Additional assignment, because course is 5
ec - in consultation master coordinator
Human Geography
GEO4-3913 International field trip
Additional assignment, because course is 5
ec - in consultation master coordinator
Human Geography
GEO4-3913 International field trip
Additional assignment, because course is 5
ec - in consultation master coordinator
Human Geography
GEO4-3908 Public space and consumption or
GEO4-3907 Mobilities, travel & networks
Additional assignment, because course is 5
ec - in consultation master coordinator
Human Geography
GEO4-3906 Diverse cities and urban
inequality or
GEO4-3905 Residential mobility & segration
Additional assignment, because course is 5
ec - in consultation master coordinator
Human Geography
Stay – is individual in consultation master
coordinator Human Geography
Stay – is individual in consultation master
coordinator Human Geography
Deeltijdstudent die per of voor 1 september 2016 gestart zijn met de master Urban Geography
wordt in overleg met de mastercoördinator Human Geography gekeken welke cursus voor hen
haalbaar is.
Part-time student who started per of for 1 September 2016 with the master Urban Geography will
be in contact with the master coordinator Human Geography to look which program is for him/her
the most suitable.
Master Spatial Planning
Courses Spatial Planning 2016 – 2017
GEO4-3030 Advanced M&T
GEO4-3112 Smart Urban Governance
GEO4-3116 Literatuurstudie
Replaced by the courses Spatial
Planning 2017-2018
GEO4-3120 Planning Methods
Additional assignment, because course is 5
ec - in consultation master coordinator
Spatial Planning
GEO4-3119 Smart Urban Governance
Additional assignment, because course is 5
ec - in consultation master coordinator
Spatial Planning
GEO4-3117 Planning for sustainable cities
Part-time student who started per of for 1 September 2016 with the master Spatial Planning will
be in contact with the master coordinator Spatial Planning to look which program is for him/her
the most suitable.
Master IDS
Courses IDS 2016 – 2017
GEO4-3515 Development Practices
Replaced by the courses IDS 2017 2018
GEO4-3519 Migration, mobilities &
sustainable futures
Part-time student who started per of for 1 September 2016 with the master IDS will be in contact
with the master coordinator IDS to look which program is for him/her the most suitable.