Recent and Selected Publications

Recent and Selected Publications
1. Basu S, Sladecek S, Pemble H, Wittmann T, Slotman JA, van Cappellen W, Brenner HR, Galjart
N.Acetylcholine receptor (AChR) clustering is regulated both by glycogen synthase kinase 3β
(GSK3β)-dependent phosphorylation and the level of CLIP-associating protein 2 (CLASP2) mediating
the capture of microtubule plus-ends.
J Biol Chem. 2014 [Epub ahead of print]
2. Van Royen ME, van Cappellen WA, Geverts B, Schmidt T, Houtsmuller AB*, Schaaf MJ*. Androgen
receptor complexes probe DNA for recognition sequences by short random interactions.
J Cell Sci. 2014 127:1406-16.
3. Groeneweg FL*, van Royen ME*, Fenz S, Keizer VI, Geverts B, Prins J, de Kloet ER, Houtsmuller
AB, Schmidt TS, Schaaf MJ. Quantitation of glucocorticoid receptor DNA-binding dynamics by singlemolecule microscopy and FRAP.
PLoS One. 2014 9(3)
4. Hessenkemper W, Roediger J, Bartsch S, Houtsmuller AB, van Royen ME, Petersen I, Grimm MO,
Baniahmad A. A Natural Androgen Receptor Antagonist Induces Cellular Senescence in Prostate
Cancer Cells.
Mol Endocrinol. 2014 Sep 9:me20141170. [Epub ahead of print]
5. Christoffel Dinant, Giannis Ampatziadis-Michailidis, Hannes Lans, Maria Tresini, Anna Lagarou,
Malgorzata Grosbart,1 Arjan F. Theil,1 Wiggert A. van Cappellen,2 Hiroshi Kimura, Jiri Bartek, Maria
Fousteri, Adriaan B. Houtsmuller*, Wim Vermeulen*, and Jurgen A. Marteijn*. Enhanced Chromatin
Dynamics by FACT Promotes Transcriptional Restart after UV-Induced DNA Damage.
Mol Cell, 2013 51:469-79.
6. Poulsen SL, Hansen RK, Wagner SA, van Cuijk L, van Belle GJ, Streicher W, Wikström M,
Choudhary C, Houtsmuller AB, Marteijn JA, Bekker-Jensen S, Mailand N. RNF111/Arkadia is a SUMOtargeted ubiquitin ligase that facilitates the DNA damage response.
J Cell Biol. 2013 201:797-807.
7. Ghamari A, van de Corput MP, Thongjuea S, van Cappellen WA, van Ijcken W, van Haren J, Soler
E, Eick D, Lenhard B, Grosveld FG. In vivo live imaging of RNA polymerase II transcription factories in
primary cells.
Genes Dev. 2013 27:767-77
8. van Royen ME, van de Wijngaart DJ, Cunha SM, Trapman J, Houtsmuller AB. A multi-parameter
imaging assay identifies different stages of ligand-induced androgen receptor activation.
Cytometry A. 2013 83:806-17
9. Manzoor AA, Lindner LH, Landon CD, Park JY, Simnick AJ, Dreher MR, Das S, Hanna G, Park W,
Chilkoti A, Koning GA, ten Hagen TL, Needham D, Dewhirst MW. Overcoming limitations in
nanoparticle drug delivery: triggered, intravascular release to improve drug penetration into tumors.
Cancer Res. 2012 72:5566-75.
10. Bergink S, Toussaint W, Luijsterburg MS, Dinant C, Alekseev S, Hoeijmakers JH, Dantuma NP,
Houtsmuller AB, Vermeulen W. Recognition of DNA damage by XPC coincides with disruption of the
XPC-RAD23 complex.
J Cell Biol. 2012 196:681-8.
11. Boisset JC, Andrieu-Soler C, van Cappellen WA, Clapes T, Robin C. Ex vivo time-lapse confocal
imaging of the mouse embryo aorta.
Nat Protoc. 2011 6:1792-805.
12. Boisset JC, van Cappellen W, Andrieu-Soler C, Galjart N, Dzierzak E, Robin C. In vivo imaging of
haematopoietic cells emerging from the mouse aortic endothelium.
Nature. 2010 464:116-20.