EN informatie eerste gesprek - voor cliënten

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Cel Partnergeweld
Cel Partner violence
1. Wie zijn wij?
1. Who are we?
The Cel Partner Violence is part of the Centrum voor Algemeen Welzijnswerk (CAW) (Centre for General
Wellbeing ) Artevelde and Visserij in Ghent. You can go to a CAW for a wide range of issues: personal problems,
financial troubles, problems in a relationship, a crisis …
The Cel Partner Violence in Ghent consists of three counsellors, who work on violence-related issues with
2. Wie kan bij ons terecht?
2. Who can turn to us?
Couples who are suffering from violence-related issues can turn to the counsellors of the Cel Partner Violence.
People usually are transferred to us by the police, Slachtofferhulp (Aid to victims), Kind en Gezin (Child and
Family) or another service. People can also contact us directly and request counselling.
After registration, we want to make a first appointment as quickly as possible. In this first session, we discuss
whether counselling can be provided by us or a different service, depending on a number of questions:
Is there real partner violence or a threat?
Do you wish to continue with the relationship?
Are there other problems that need to be resolved first?
Are you willing and able to follow counselling together?
3. Wat doen wij?
3. What do we do?
The Cel Partner Violence offers counselling to couples regarding partner violence, so as to stop the violence and
improve the relationship. We prefer to work with both partners jointly. Occasional individual sessions are possible
but rather more exceptional.
Our main focus is on discussing the partner violence and to look at how the violence can be stopped and how to
reduce the risk of the violence returning in future.
We also talk about other problems that may be related to the violence in one way or the other. This may be
related to communication in the relationship, resolving conflicts, your history, sexuality, feelings, plans for the
future, role patterns, your social network, alcohol or drug abuse, financial problems …
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4. Hoe werken wij praktisch?
4. How are we practically organised?
During our sessions, which last between one and one-and-a-half hours, we focus on the partner violence and the
other points previously agreed on.
We offer short-term counselling, which means that we try and conclude the counselling in a period of 6 months.
At that time, together with the counsellor, we will have an evaluation to see whether further counselling is required
and whether the Cel Partner Violence or other service is best equipped for that.
Together with you, we will discuss:
When the sessions will take place
How often the sessions will take place
Whether the sessions will take place at your house and/or at our offices
What you can do between sessions
When the counselling can stop
Whether you need to be transferred to a different service that is more specialised in working on a certain
5. Omgaan met informatie
5. Dealing with information
The employees of the Cel Partner Violence are caregivers (so not police officers or court officers) and are
therefore bound by professional secrecy. As your counsellor works in a team, cases are discussed by the team
as a whole. The colleagues of your counsellor are also bound by professional secrecy, which means that
everything that is discussed will remain in-house. This is called the ‘joint professional secrecy’. If your counsellor
talks to other people about your case, he/she will inform you about it. If possible, he/she will agree with you on
beforehand on what can be discussed. Also, when letters are received or sent by or from this service that are
related to you, we will discuss or review this.
The only exceptions to this professional secrecy are the following:
When you are referred to us by the police, we will send back a fax when we start with the counselling
and when the counselling has finished. This fax only contains this factual information and does not
contain details about your case.
If there is an emergency situation, this qualifies as a legal exception to the professional secrecy. This
means that if the counsellor has the strong suspicion that you will either endanger yourself or someone
else, he/she will discuss this with the team. Following a standard procedure, it may be decided to report
this to the qualified authorities. If your counsellor were to do this, he/she will inform you about it. Facts
from the post past that you tell to your counsellor will not be reported, however.
During an individual session with the counsellor, he/she will discuss how the information from that session will
discussed with your partner.
EN informatie eerste gesprek - voor cliënten
A separate file is drawn up of all counselling cases. It contains notes from your counsellor about the sessions,
letters and faxes, forms for the registration, an overview of arrangements… This file is kept by your counsellor.
More information about this, can be found in the form ‘personal information and your case’. As proof that your
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received this information, we would ask you to sign the document ‘written permit for processing personal
information’. This form will be kept in your file.