FEEDBACK DSM-IV code combinaties Populatie: Beëindigde verblijven in de Minimale Psychiatrische Gegevens 2004 (N= 88551) Sectoren: Psychiatrische ziekenhuizen (PZ) en psychiatrische afdelingen van algemene ziekenhuizen (PAAZ) DSM-IV-codes: Betreffen de in de laatste behandelperiode voor ontslag geregistreerde diagnose-codes De codes van assen I en II worden gegroepeerd volgens de hoofdstukken van de DSM-IV en de codes van as III worden gegroepeerd op de eerste drie digits volgens de hoofdstukken van de ICD-9-CM DSM-IV-code combinaties: De individuele codes worden volgens hun groepscode gecombineerd in de volgorde waarin ze werden geregistreerd op de assen van de DSM-IV. Van de 88551 beëindigde medisch-psychiatrische verblijven zijn er 1365 (1.5%) die geen enkele code ontvingen. Voor 22678 verblijven (25.6%) werd één code ingevuld op as I Voor 1284 verblijven (1.5%) werd één code ingevuld op as II Voor 370 verblijven (0,4%) werd één code ingevuld op as III De overige 62854 verblijven (71%) ontvingen meer dan één code op één of meerdere assen van de DSM-IV. Feedback DSM-IV code combinaties: Tabel COMBI_DSM_n5.htm De feedback betreft de DSM-IV-code combinaties die minstens voor 5 verblijven werden geregistreerd. In totaal betreft dit 1479 DSM-IV-code combinaties voor 41919 beëindigde medisch-psychiatrische verblijven. In bijlage de groepering van de DSM-IV-codes op assen I en II volgens de hoofdstukken van de DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – Fourth Edition) en de groepering van de codes op as III volgens de hoofdstukken van de ICD-9-CM (International Classification of Diseases – 9th Revision). MPG2004 FOD Volksgezondheid Dienst Datamanagement 1 DSM-IV-code groepering Disorders usually First diagnosed in infancy, childhood or Adolescence /*Mental retardation code 2000*/ 317,3180,3181,3182,319 /*Learning disorders code 1011*/ 31500, 3151, 3152, 3159 /*Motor Skills disorder code 1012*/ 3154 /*Communication disorders code 1013*/ 31539,3070,3079,31531 /*Pervasive developmental disorders code 1014*/ 29900,29910,29980 /*Attention-deficit and disruptive behavior disorders code 1015*/ 31400,31401,3149,3128, 31381, 3129 /*Feeding and eating disorders of infancy or early childhood code 1016*/ 30752, 30753, 30759 /*Tic disorders code 1017*/ 30723,30722,30721,30720 /*Elimination disorders code 1018*/ 7876,3077,3076 /*Other disorders of infancy, childhood or adolescence code 1019*/ 30921,31323,31389,3073,3139 Delirium, dementia and amnestic and other cognitive disorders /*Delirium code 1020*/ 2930,78009 /*Dementie code 1021*/ 29010,29011, 29012, 29013, 2900, 2903, 29020, 29021, 29040, 29041, 29042, 29043,2941 /*Amnestic disorders code 1022*/ 2940 /*Other cognitive disorders code 1023*/ 2949,2948 Mental disorders due to a general medical condition not elsewhere classified /*code 1030*/ 3101,2939,29389 Substance-related disorders /*Alcohol Use disorders code 1040*/ 30390, 30500 /*Alcohol-induced disorders code 1041*/ 2910,2911, 2912, 2913,2918,30300, 2919, 2915 /*Amphetamine Use disorders code 1050*/ 30440,30570 /*Cannabis Use disorders code 1051*/ 30430,30520 /*Cocaine Use disorders code 1052*/ 30420,30560 /*Hallucinogen Use disorders code 1053*/ 30450,30530 /*Inhalant Use disorder code 1054*/ 30460 /*Nicotine Use disorder code 1055*/ 30510 /*Opioid Use disorders code 1056*/ 30400,30550 /*Sedative,Hypnotic or Anxiolytic Use disorders code 1057*/ 30410, 30540 /*Polysubstance-related Use disorder code 1058*/ 30480 /*Other Substance Use disorders code 1059*/ 30490,30590 MPG2004 FOD Volksgezondheid Dienst Datamanagement 2 /*Drug/medication induced disorders code 1060*/ 2920,29211,29212,29281, 29282, 29283, 29284,29289,2929 Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders /*code 1070*/ 29510, 29520, 29530, 29590, 29560,29540, 29570, 2971, 2988, 2973, 29381, 29382,2989 Mood disorders /*Depressive Disorders code 1080*/ 29620, 29621, 29622, 29623, 29624, 29625, 29626, 29630, 29631, 29632, 29633, 29634, 29635, 29636, 3004, 311 /*Bipolar Disorders code 1081*/ 29600, 29601, 29602, 29603, 29604, 29605, 29606, 29640, 29641, 29642, 29643, 29644, 29645, 29646, 29650, 29651, 29652, 29653, 29654, 29655, 29656, 29660, 29661, 29662, 29663, 29664, 29665, 29666, 2967, 30113, 29689, 29680, 29690,29383 Anxiety disorders /*code 1090*/ 30000, 30001, 30002, 30021, 30022, 30029, 30023, 3003, 30981, 3083 Somatoform disorders /*code 1100*/ 30011,30780,30789,30081,3007 Factitious disorders /*code 1110*/ 30016, 30019 Dissociative disorders /*code 1120*/ 30012, 30013, 30014, 3006, 30015 Sexual and gender identity disorders /* Sexual desire disorders code 1130*/ 30271,30279,30272 /* Sexual Orgasmic disorders code 1132*/ 30273, 30274, 30275 /* Sexual pain disorders code 1133*/ 30276,30651 /* Sexual dysfunction due to a general medical condition code 1134*/ 60784, 6250,30270,6258,60889 /* Paraphilias code 1136*/ 3022,3023,3024,30281, 30282,30283, 30284,30289 /*Gender identity disorder in adolescents or adults code 1137*/ 30285,3026,3029 Eating disorders /*code 1140*/ 3071, 30751, 30750 Sleep disorders /*Primary sleep disorders code 1150*/ 347, 30745 /*Other sleep disorders code 1151*/ 30742,30744,78059,30747, 30746 /*Sleep disorder due to general medical condition code 1152*/ 78052, 78054 Impulse-control disorders not elsewhere classified /*code 1160*/ 31234, 31232, 31233, 31231, 31239, 31230 Adjustment disorders /*code 1170*/ 3090, 30924, 30928, 3093, 3094, 3099 Personality disorders /*Personality disorders Cluster A code 2010*/ 3010, 30120, 30122 /*Personality disorders Cluster B code 2011*/ 3017, 30183, 30150, 30181 /*Personality disorders Cluster C code 2012*/ 30182, 3016, 3014, 3019 Other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention /*Psychological factors affecting medical condition code 1180*/ 316 MPG2004 FOD Volksgezondheid Dienst Datamanagement 3 /*Medication induced movement disorders code 1181*/ 3321, 33392, 3337, 33399, 33382,3331, 33390 /*Adverse effects of medication code 1182*/ 9952 /*Relational problems code 1183*/ V619,V6120,V618,V6281 /*Problems related to abuse or neglect code 1184*/ V611,V6121,99581,9955 /*Additional conditions as a focus of clinical attention code 1186*/ V1581,V652,V7101,V7102,7809,V6282,V623,V622,V624, 31382,V6289 Additional code /*Unspecified mental disorder code 1190*/ 3009 MPG2004 FOD Volksgezondheid Dienst Datamanagement 4 ICD-9-CM-code groepering Infectious and parasitic diseases 10-18="INFECT. TUBERCULOSIS" 20-41,45-66,71-79="INFECT. BACTERIAL,VIRAL" 42-44="INFECT. HIV" 70="INFECT. HEPATITIS" 90-99="INFECT. VENEREAL" 1-9,80-88,100-139="INFECTIONS OTHER" Neoplasms 150-159,211,230="NEO DIGESTIVE" 174-175,217,233="NEO BREAST" 179-189,218-223="NEO GENITO-URINARY" 140-149,160-173,176,190-210,212-216,224-229,231-232,234-239="NEOPLASMS OTHER" Endocrine, nutritional, metabolic diseases and immunity disorders 240-246="ENDOCRINE THYROIDE" 250-251="ENDOCRINE DIABETES" 272="ENDOCRINE LIPID" 278="ENDOCRINE OBESITY" 252-271,273-277,279="ENDOCRINE OTHER" Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs 280-285="BLOOD ANEMIA" 286-289="BLOOD OTHER" Mental disorders 291,303="MENTAL ALCOHOL" 292,304-305="MENTAL DRUG" 293-302,306-319="MENTAL OTHER" Diseases of the nervous system and sense organs 290,331="NERVOUS ALZHEIMER" 332="NERVOUS PARKINSON" 333="NERVOUS EXTRAPYRAMIDAL" 345="NERVOUS EPILEPSY" 346="NERVOUS MIGRAINE" 350-359="NERVOUS PERIPHERAL" 360-379="DISORDER EYE" 380-389="DISEASES EAR" 320-330,334-344,347-349="NERVOUS OTHER" Diseases of the circulatory system 401-405="CIRCULATORY HYPERTENSIVE" 410-414="CIRCULATORY ISCHEMIC" 426-427="CIRCULATORY CONDUCTION" 430-438="CIRCULATORY CEREBROVASCULAR" 440-448="CIRCULATORY ARTERIES" 451-459="CIRCULATORY VEINS" 390-399,415-425,428-429="CIRCULATORY OTHER" Diseases of the respiratory system 460-478="RESPIRATORY UPPER TRACT" 480-487="RESPIRATORY PNEUMONIA" 490-491="RESPIRATORY CHRONIC BRONCHITIS" 493="RESPIRATORY ASTHMA" 492,494-519="RESPIRATORY OTHER" Diseases of the digestive system 520-529="DIGESTIVE ORAL,TEETH" 530="DIGESTIVE OESOPHAGUS" 531="DIGESTIVE GASTRIC ULCUS" 535="DIGESTIVE GASTRITIS" 564="DIGESTIVE FUNCTIONAL" 570-576="DIGESTIVE LIVER" 577="DIGESTIVE PANCREAS" 532-534,536-562,565-569,578-579="DIGESTIVE OTHER" MPG2004 FOD Volksgezondheid Dienst Datamanagement 5 Diseases of the genitourinary system 580-589="GENITOURINARY NEPHROTIC" 590-599="GENITOURINARY URINARY" 600-608="GENITOURINARY MALE" 610-629="GENITOURINARY FEMALE" Complications of pregnancy,childbirth and the puerperium 630-676="PREGNANCY" Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue 696="SKIN PSORIASIS" 680-695,697-709="SKIN OTHER" Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 710-719="MUSKULOSKELETAL ARTHROPATHIE" 720-724="MUSKULOSKELETAL DORSOPATHIE" 725-729="MUSKULOSKELETAL RHEUMATISME" 733="MUSKULOSKELETAL OSTEOPOROSE" 730-732,734-739="MUSKULOSKELETAL OTHER" Congenital anomalies 740-759="CONGENITAL" Conditions in the perinatal period 760-779="PERINATAL" Symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions 780="SYMPTOMS GENERAL" 781-796="SYMPTOMS OTHER" 797-799="SYMPTOMS MORBIDITY-MORTALITY" Injury and poisoning 800-849="INJURY BONE-JOINTS" 850-854="INJURY HEAD" 870-887,889-897="INJURY WOUND" 940-949="INJURY BURNS" 960-989="INJURY POISONING" 860-869,900-939,950-959,990-999="INJURY OTHER" Supplementary classification of factors influencing health status and contact with health services 898="V-CODES" No ICD-9-CM code 888="00000" MPG2004 FOD Volksgezondheid Dienst Datamanagement 6