Hyperlinks Toy Theatre/Paper Theatre Have lots of fun viewing, reading and listening. Applause! See also: Phoenix Papieren Theater (Utrecht). Hyperlinks/concept: Ab Vissers ©. Contact: [email protected] Canada School of English and Theatre Studies. University of Guelph, Ontario. http://www.canadianshakespeares.ca/multimedia/video/m_v_pyramus.cfm Denmark Lodskovens Miniscene from Ferritslev, Ove Johansen. http://www.modelteater.dk/ Svalegangens Dukketeater from Århus, Per Brink Abrahamsen. http://www.svalegangensdukketeater.dk/ Bentes Papirteater from Risskov, Bente Olesen. http://www.bentespapirteater.dk/ England Robert Poulter’s New Model Theatre from Ramsgate Kent. http://newmodeltheatre.co.uk/ Theatre de Salon, a UK registered charity who designs and Theatre Theatre de Salon, a UK registered charity.e Salon, a UK registered charity who des http://lucyfabre.tripod.com/toytheatrerevisited/ Davy and Kristin McGuire. Very gifted designers, be sure to see ‘The Icebook’. Is this Toy Theatre? Who cares? It is something marvellous and completely new. http://vimeo.com/davyandkristinmcguire More on: http://www.theicebook.com/The_Icebook.html ns and performs plays here and abroad.Theatre de abroad. France Compagnie Garin Trousseboeuf from Savenay, Patrick Conan. http://www.garin-trousseboeuf.com/ Crafty In Motion, Marc Edelmann. http://www.craftyinmotion.com/crafty/home.htm Volpinex, Fred Ladoué from Montpellier. http://www.volpinex.com/index.html Germany Theater Invisius from Berlin, Dorett und Rüdiger Koch. http://www.invisius.de/ Papiertheater Berlin, Regine Mahler. http://www.papiertheater.de/ 1 Römers Privattheater from Wildeshausen, Motoko, Horst, Bärbel und Maria Römer. http://www.roemer-wildeshausen.homepage.t-online.de/ Kölner Kästchentreffen. A group of Toy Theatre performers from Köln, each with their own theatre. http://www.kölner-kästchentreffen.de/ Frank Mindermann from Odernheim am Glan. http://www.lamiak-papiertheater.de/index.html Das Papiertheater, Johannes Volkmann from Nürnberg. www.dasPapiertheater.de Haases Papiertheater unter’m Dach, Martin + Sieglinde Haase from Remscheid. http://www.haases-papiertheater.de/ Das Burgtheater from Solingen, Peter Schauerte-Lüke. http://www.schlossbuch.de/ Pollidor from Preetz, Dirk and Barbara Reimers. http://www.papiertheater-pollidor.de/ PuK http://www.badkreuznach.de/sv_bad_kreuznach/Tourismus,%20Kultur,%20Sport/Museen%20i m%20Rittergut%20Bangert/Museum%20f%C3%BCr%20PuppentheaterKultur%20%28PuK%2 9/ Muenchner Stadtmuseum. http://www.stadtmuseum-online.de/dauerausstellungen/puppentheater.html Theaterfigurenmuseum Lübeck. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theaterfigurenmuseum_L%C3%BCbeck Puppentheatersammlung Dresden. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puppentheatersammlung_%28Dresden%29 Holland Puppetry Museum, Vorchten. Otto van der Mieden (Director-Curator). http://www.poppenspelmuseumbibliotheek.nl/index.html The Toy Theatre at Fishmarket from Harderwijk, Harry and Tineke Oudekerk. www.vischmarktpapierentheater.nl/ Phoenix Papieren Theater from Utrecht, Ab Vissers. http://www.papierentheater.nl/ The Horus Theatre from Bredevoort, Ina Frikken and Ton Vincent.TVincent cent en Ina Frikken http://www.horusbredevoort.nl/papieren%20theater.html Grims Papieren Theater from Deventer, Frits Grimmelikhuizen. Composer and Toy Theatre performer. http://www.grimspapierentheater.eu/ 2 Camera Theatrum from Egmond aan de Hoef, Frits de Nooijer. Painter and Toy Theatre performer. Website in Dutch and German. http://www.fritsdenooijer.nl/papieren-theater.html http://www.fritsdenooijer.blogspot.nl/ Poppentheater Hanneke Kuipers from Blijham, Hanneke and Eildert Kuipers. Puppet and Toy Theatre performances, museum with a fine private collection of puppets and Toy Theatres. Closed! http://www.poppentheater.org/ Literature Puppetry Museum, Vorchten International literature (300 book titles). http://www.poppenspelmuseumbibliotheek.nl/HeadWord-Result.Aspx?HeadWordID=28 Documents Puppetry Museum, Vorchten http://www.poppenspelmuseumbibliotheek.nl/pdf/Doepak03.pdf http://www.poppenspelmuseumbibliotheek.nl/pdf/Doepak18.pdf http://www.poppenspelmuseumbibliotheek.nl/pdf/Doepak61.pdf http://www.poppenspelmuseumbibliotheek.nl/pdf/Doepak133d.pdf http://www.poppenspelmuseumbibliotheek.nl/pdf/Doepak155a.pdf http://www.poppenspelmuseumbibliotheek.nl/index.html http://www.poppenspelmuseumbibliotheek.nl/Poppenkast.html http://www.poppenspelmuseumbibliotheek.nl/Papier.html http://www.poppenspelmuseumbibliotheek.nl/Papier2.html Spain Puppet Museum. TOPIC, Tolosa. http://webwpub1.gipuzkoa.net/WAS/CORP/DITPortalTurismoPublicoWEB/GenerarPDF.do?idi oma=en&codigoFN=D.5.1.12 Switzerland Papiertheater Rehetobel, Hansueli Zuberbühler. http://www.papiertheater.ch/ United States microScope Toy Theater from Southern California. Yulya Dukhovny, creator of microScopeToy Theater. http://www.scopetoytheater.com/default.html Little Blue Moon Theatre from San Francisco Bay, Michael and Valerie Nelson. http://www.magicalmoonshine.org/bluewelcome.htm An online memorial to the late Gigi Sandberg. http://www.bookdoctor.com/gigi.html 3 The Cosmic Bicycle Show from New York, Jonathan Edward Cross. http://www.cosmicbicycle.com/ Collectors Puppetry Museum, Vorchten NL. Collection Otto van der Mieden. http://www.poppenspelmuseumbibliotheek.nl/index.html Teatros de Papel, Collectión Lucia Contreras Flores from Spain. The collection of Lucia Contreras Flores. Theatres from all over the world, very well documented. Website in Spanish and English. A marvellous website! http://www.teatritos.com/ Miniatures in Motion, Arline Smith from Port Hope, Canada. Automata with music and dancing figures, individually made to order. Be sure to download, see and hear the Giselle Theatre in motion. http://www.minisinmo.com/ Collezione Maria Signorelli from Rome, Italy. The puppetry collection of the late Maria Signorelli in Rome. Some Toy Theatres. http://www.collezionemariasignorelli.it/inglese_01_inizio.htm Ohpopup A blog with an incredible collection of pop-up books. Go to ‘Livre Théâtre’ to see the toy theatres. French website. http://ohpopup.canalblog.com/ Museums Puppetry Museum, Vorchten NL. http://www.poppenspelmuseumbibliotheek.nl/index.html Pollock’s Toy Theatre shop and museum in London. http://www.pollockstoytheatres.com/shop.htm Pollock’s Toy Museum Trust. Not a physical shop, not a museum, but what is it? http://www.pollocksmuseum.co.uk/ J. F. Schreiber – Museum in Esslingen, Germany. Printers and publishers of the original J.F.S.i.E sheets. http://www.museen-esslingen.de/index.htm?schreiber/jf.htm The puppetry museum in Kaufbeuren, Germany. The collections of the late Alois Raab and Dr. Hans Purschke. http://www.puppenspielverein.de/html/museum.html Gripes Modellteatermuseum in Nyköping, Sweden. The museum with the collection of the late Harald Gripe. http://www.nykoping.se/Kultur--Fritid/Kultur/Gripes-Modellteatermuseum/ Darmstädter Papiertheatersammlung Walter Röhler in Darmstadt, Germany. The enormous collection of the late Walter Röhler. http://www.nbh-darmstadt.de/Papiertheater.htm 4 Imagerie Pellerin in Epinal, France. Founded in 1796 this printing and publishing firm has its own museum on the premises. http://www.imagerieepinal.com/en/historique.html?PHPSESSID=ea795a71b85fd7c776572cd24 7bf36a6 The Altonaer Museum in Altona, Germany. A reconstruction of the famous Eidophusikon, originally made by Jacques-Philippe de Loutherbourg around 1780. http://www.altonaermuseum.de/altonaer-museum/veranstaltungen/ansicht.html?uniqid=3990 Papiertheater Hanau im Schloß Philipsruhe, in Hanau, Germany. Exhibitions in a wing of the castle, and regular performances. http://www.papiertheater.eu/hanau.htm A panorama of an exhibition on: http://www.hanau.de/tourismus/bilder/pano/004329/index.html The Powerhouse Museum in Sidney, Australia. ‘La Pleine Mer’ (The Open Sea) French toy theatre, 1836. Extensive description of this and some other theatres. http://www.powerhousemuseum.com/collection/database/?irn=20159#ixzz20FcYadcN Stadtgeschichtliches Museum in Leipzig, Germany. Choose Collections-Object Database, enter ‘Papiertheater’ and you will see 330 objects;with photo’s and a good description. Website also in English, Objektdatenbank in German only. http://www.stadtgeschichtliches-museum-leipzig.de/index_en.php Heimatmuseum Preetz in Preetz, Germany. The collection of Dirk and Barbara Reimers on permanent display. http://www.museum-preetz.de/index.html Festivals Papiertheatertreffen in Preetz, Germany. The yearly festival in Preetz, the oldest one (since 1998) in Germany. http://www.preetzer-papiertheatertreffen.de/ Two-yearly festival in Harderwijk, Holland. Hosted and organized bij Harry and Tineke Oudekerk. http://www.papiertheaterfestival.nl/Afsluiting-festival-2011/Splash.html Rencontres internationales de Teatres de Papier. Two-yearly International meeting of Toy Theatres in the north of France. http://www.papiertheater.eu/galerie/epernay09/epernay09.htm Dr. Kurt Pflüger Papiertheater Festival. In memory of the collector and writer Dr. Kurt Pflüger. http://waiblingen.de/sixcms/detail.php?id=11647 Sellers, stores, shops Puppetry Museum, Vorchten NL. Webshop and museum. http://www.poppenspelmuseumbibliotheek.nl/index.html 5 Pollidor, webshop in Preetz, Germany. Webshop run by Dirk Reimers, Toy Theatre performer and for more than 25 years organizer of the Papiertheatertreffen. http://www.pollidor.de/ Joseph Hope-Williams’webshop in Wheathampstead, England. http://www.wheathampstead.net/tinsel/index.shtml Pollock’s Toy Theatre shop, webshop and museum in London. http://www.pollockstoytheatres.com/shop.htm Benjamin Pollock’s toyshop. Pollock’s shop in Covent Garden the market. http://www.pollocks-coventgarden.co.uk/ Peter Schauerte-Lüke’s shop and webshop in Solingen, Germany. http://www.schlossbuch.de/ Fritz Kannik’s webshop. http://www.kannikskorner.com/toytheater/theater.htm Hanne Nelander’s shop and webshop in Copenhagen, Denmark. http://www.priors.dk/ Trevor Griffin’s webshop. http://www.toytheatre.fsnet.co.uk/index.htm Dramatis Personae Bookshop in Sheffield Mass. United States. Online bookshop. Just about anything related to performing arts. http://www.dramatispersonae.com/ Ray and Joan DaSilva’s online bookshop in Gillingham, England. A bookshop specialised in puppetry, with some fine Toy theatre items. http://www.puppetbooks.co.uk/ Blurb. Nigel Peever’s book on the English Toy Theatre. Printed on demand. http://www.blurb.com/books/277503 The Toy Theatre Gallery in Glasgow, Scotland United Kingdom. Reprints of English plays, a theatre and some accessories. http://toytheatregallery.com/index.htm Wilfried Nold’s bookshop and webshop in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Theatre bookshop with some Toy Theatre. http://www.puppenundmasken.de/ Das Traumstadtmuseum, Antiquariat & Buchhandlung Fischer. Bookshop and webshop in Greiz, Germany. Online shop with a wealth of papercraft and some Toy Theatres. http://www.pasttimes.de/epages/61896741.sf/de_DE/?ObjectPath=/Shops/61896741/Categories 6 Lulu. A year by year catalogue, compiled by Harry Oudekerk, of the theatres and plays published by the Danish ‘Illustreret Familie-Journal’. http://www.lulu.com/h_oudekerk01 Oldfux, Sven-Erik Olsen’s shop and webshop in Copenhagen, Denmark. A shop, a webshop, a regular newsletter, a magazine (called Oldfux of course) you can subscribe to, toy theatre news, articles about toy theatre, informations from all over the world website in Danish and English. What more can you want! http://www.oldfux.dk/ Heike Hausmann’s Kreuzhof-Verlag in Neuried, Germany. Some charming Toy Theatres designed by Ingrid Eck. http://www.kreuzhofverlag.de/ English Toy Theatres, the Peever collection. Over 400 pages of toy theatre sheets from the early 1800’s onwards from Nigel Peever’s collection. Print on demand. http://nl.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/277503 Vintage-Reprints. Facsimiles of original American patent applications. Some Toy Theatres. http://vintage-reprints.com/catalog/ Toy Theatre. D.L.Griffin’s webshop in Belper, Derbyshire. http://www.toytheatre.co.uk/957.html Erbe Verlag. A Toy Theatre with decorations, figures and textbooks for several plays. All this on a CD to print as many copies as you want. http://www.erbe-verlag.de/Papiertheater.html Guilds and societies Forum Papiertheater. The German Toy Theatre society. Website, online magazine, printed magazine, forum and much more. German language. http://www.papiertheater.eu/index.htm Dansk Modelteaterforening. The Danish Toy Theatre society. Website, online magazine, printed magazine, downloads, much more. Danish an English language. http://www.dansk-modelteater.dk/ The British Puppetry & Model Theatre Guild. Society for all kinds of puppeteers, special attention to Toy Theatres. http://www.puppetguild.org.uk/index.html 7 Downloads Puppetry Museum, Vorchten NL. Making Toy Theatres. Several charming theatres and pictures. http://www.poppenspelmuseumbibliotheek.nl/pdf/Doepak03.pdf http://www.poppenspelmuseumbibliotheek.nl/pdf/Doepak18.pdf http://www.poppenspelmuseumbibliotheek.nl/pdf/Doepak61.pdf http://www.poppenspelmuseumbibliotheek.nl/pdf/Doepak133d.pdf http://www.poppenspelmuseumbibliotheek.nl/pdf/Doepak155a.pdf Making Toy Theatres by Brian Marshall. Several charming theatres with three complete plays. http://www.ruislip26.freeserve.co.uk/ The Internet Archive. Five Pollock texts fom the library of the University of Toronto. Can be downloaded. http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=Pollock%27s%20Juvenile%20drama%20AND%20m ediatype%3Atexts Tektonten Papercraft. Five different Toy Theatres and a lot of papercraft. http://tektonten.blogspot.nl/ Toy Theatre website by Trevor Griffin. A theatre and a short play; go to ‘Free gifts’. http://www.toytheatre.fsnet.co.uk/index.htm The webite of the Victoria and Albert museum. A theatre, instructions and Cinderella. http://www.vam.ac.uk/collections/theatre_performance/todoonline/make_toy_theatre/index.html Paper Matrix by Lene Schepper from Denmark. A Danish website with a lot of papercraft to download, and a unique Teddy’s Theatre. http://papermatrix.wordpress.com/theatre/ and also http://papermatrix.wordpress.com/category/paper-theatre/ Tarot Girl’s blog. With a reprint of a very rare theatre, originally published by Pellerin in Epinal, France. ‘The boiler of hell’. http://tarot-girl.blogspot.com.br/2012/02/paper-theatre-dont-shove-youll-all-get.html and also the temptation of Saint Anthony. http://tarot-girl.blogspot.nl/2012/01/paper-theatre-give-poor-guy-break.html Pillipat Agence Eureka. There are at this moment 1535 downloadable papercraft items. It takes a weekend to browse them all and the rest of your life to build them. http://www.flickr.com/photos/taffeta/sets/72157601156433867/ 8 ‘Het Geheugen van Nederland’ (The memory of The Netherlands): 423 Toy Theatre items from Dutch public collections. http://www.geheugenvannederland.nl/?/nl/zoekresultaten/pagina/1/Papieren%20theaters/%28cql. serverChoice%20all%20Papieren%20%20AND%20theaters%29/ http://www.geheugenvannederland.nl/?/nl/collecties/komt_dat_zien_poppentheater_in_beeld The Toymaker by Marilyn Scott-Waters from Costa Mesa, California. An American website with a lot of papercraft to download and a theatre: ‘The Amazing Adventures of Florimel the Magnificent’. http://www.thetoymaker.com/ The Powerhouse Museum in Sidney. Some paper toys and a simplified Schreiber theatre. http://play.powerhousemuseum.com/makedo/treasure_box.php Tomlitoo. Paper toys and a simple Easter theatre. http://www.tomlitoo.com/mimprime/theatrepaques/ Movies on YouTube and Vimeo Puppetry Museum, Vorchten NL. Information about a playlist of 1500 international YouTube films in the field of puppet, folk and mainstream puppet theatre and related arts. http://www.poppenspelmuseumbibliotheek.nl/pdf/pamflet133aYouTubeII.pdf http://www.poppenspelmuseumbibliotheek.nl/pdf/Pamflet133d_YouTube.pdf ‘Het kamertoneel van Baron van Slingelandt’. A large miniature theatre, ordered by Hieronymus, Baron van Slingelandt in 1781. The decorations are copies of those in the Stadsschouwburg in Amsterdam. Collection: TIN, the Amsterdam Theatre Museum (closed). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-dfWRWIP4M Opening of an exhibition in the Lanchester Gallery, Coventry University in 2005. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-793966504269065718&q# Benjamin Pollock, working in his shop somewhere around 1920. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=senXvAJWxgw The Grand Little Theater of Puppets. Judith O’Hare presents scenes from Hansel and Gretel. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njD8lXxSZyU&NR=1 The Vischmarkt Festival 2007. The first and only Dutch Toy Theatre Festval in Harderwijk, Holland. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PM4GTGvlC_I&feature=related The Vischmarkt Festival 2009. The second Dutch Toy Theatre Festval in Harderwijk, Holland. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rd8dG-9k1UQ&feature=related 9 The Vischmarkt Festival 2011. The third Dutch Toy Theatre Festval in Harderwijk, Holland. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47noXDqUikQ ‘Jip en Janneke’. A short instructional movie on how to make a Toy Theatre, based on very poular Dutch children’s books. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WYjhRlttN4 Per Brink Abrahamsen, Svalegangens Dukketeater, Aarhus, Denmark. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFr8KomB6qg&hd=1 Pollock’s Toy Theatre iPad App. An app to make and play a Toy Theatre on your I-phone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ew89ThQeqYE&feature=related Rencontre internationales de Théâtre de Papier 2011, France. An impression of the Toy Theatre festival in the north of France; the Champagne region. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-tm6vQUqko&feature=related How To Make A Toy Theatre - Part One. A five part course on making a Toy Theatre. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZqJTfkQuZY&feature=related How To Make A Toy Theatre - Part Two. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDeNHGS3Jco&feature=relmfu How To Make A Toy Theatre - Part Three. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAN0huqMBac&feature=relmfu How To Make A Toy Theatre - Part Four. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7K6iMuMIR8&feature=relmfu How To Make A Toy Theatre - Part Five. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqiIZDCJNJI&feature=relmfu Victorian Christmas - Make Your Own Victorian Toy Theatre. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPkHD7OkEWk&feature=related Toy theatre. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6ett9rQvho&feature=related ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ - Maurice Sendak. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7ZjoSJWoyE&feature=related Papiertheater - Das 3D des 19. Jahrhunderts. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pzHgwnoYTg&feature=related A lecture on ‘Papiertheater’ in German. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=xV8qN_0rd1o&NR=1 10 Ulrich Chmel Papiertheater - Im Palast des großen Zauberers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQf2uuGv1Fk&feature=related ‘Alice In Wonderland’. The Royal Ballet in Covent Garden, London. Especially interesting from 1:40 on. A tapdance in front of a lifesize Pollock Toy Theatre. The complete ballet is available on DVD. Marvellous production! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCizUBpmjYE&feature=related ‘Man bijt hond’. Harry and Tineke Oudekerk from Harderwijk on Dutch TV. http://www.manbijthond.nl/fragmenten/klein-hertenleed Mansarde à Paris Papiertheatre. An attic in Paris. Manipulation: Alain Lecucq - Narguess Majd. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeAFq06XcWM Temporary Toy Theatre Museum. A rather shaky walk through part of the Temporary Toy Theatre Museum at St. Ann’s Warehouse in DUMBO Brooklyn. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDVs8DHVjUQ&feature=related Tophat Toy Theatre David Worobec from San Mateo, Ca. United States. Performance of ‘Younger Than Springtime’ from ‘South Pacific’. Not much movement but some nice singing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=iiwfUJ5HoXk Care for ‘Some enchanted Evening’? Here it is, try to ignore the hand! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=bG9dyDcfwio Sinking Ship Productions. Vertical Response New Deal for Small Business. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fem_TnPZaD4&feature=related ‘Ali Baba & the Forty Thieves’. Digital adaptation of an old english Toy Theatre play. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQInZ2ovj-A&feature=related Nesting by Torry Bend from Durham NC United States. Torry Bend presents her original toy theater piece, ‘Nesting’. http://ondemand.duke.edu/video/26215/torry-bend-presents-toy-theate Also at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ogNjsiPPmM Theatrical Miniatures. A 1933 movie of demonstrating his miniature theatre, that took two years to build. http://www.britishpathe.com/video/theatrical-miniatures Paper Theatre: ‘Les frères Corses’. The classical Toy Theatre play ‘The Corsican Brothers’ by the Wrocław Puppet Theatre; two performers from Poland, spoken in French. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9E66Xc3V_k&feature=related 11 Alex Mitchell: Paper Theater Magic. A quick look behind the scenes of a paper theater created for a music video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfnArI9rze4&feature=related ‘The Dragon And The Bear’. Music Video can be seen on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlquxZkyiY0 Facto Teatro. Mexican performers, doing ‘Don Chico con alas en el Foro del tejedor’. Rather poor image quality. http://vimeo.com/33759571 Rehearsals on: http://vimeo.com/28436609 This one is much better: http://vimeo.com/18066626 Bogusteater. Impression of the 7th International Theatre Festival in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. http://vimeo.com/23456806 Blogs and newsletters Penny Plain, Twopence Coloured. http://pennyplain.blogspot.nl/ Yahoo’s group on Toy Theatre. Lots of information. Joining this group is free. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/toytheatre/ Aufgeschnappt. Newsletter in German, made by Dietger Droese. Very detailed and informative news about the German Toy Theatres and much more. There is no website, but a mail to Dietger Droese will put you on the mailinglist. [email protected] Benjamin Pollock’s Toyshop. Louise Heard’s blog on Pollocks Covent Garden, and Toy Theatres in general. No recent entries. http://pollocks-coventgarden.blogspot.com/ Papirteater. Online catalogue of A. Jacobsen, J.F. Schreiber and Jos. Scholz. Excellent Schreiber and Jos. Scholz catalogues in PDF for downloading. http://www.papirteater.dk/ Teatro de Papel. A facebook page from Mexico. http://www.facebook.com/teatrodepapel Venetian Red. The Play’s the Thing: A History of Toy Theater in Three Acts. http://venetianred.net/2009/06/15/the-plays-the-thing-a-history-of-toy-theater-in-three-acts/ 12 Various links Puppeteers UK. Puppets online. A British website on puppetry in general, with a wealth of information, movies, links and what not. Interesting for Toy Theatre fans too. http://www.puppeteersuk.com/ History Today. Website of the magazine, published in London since 1951. Article on Toy theatre, but you can only read it if you subscribe to the magazine. http://www.historytoday.com/MainArticle.aspx?m=19775&amid=19775 ‘Het oude Kinderboek’ (The old children’s book). An article, with some pictures on the still existing publishing firm of Pellerin in Epinal, France. Text in Dutch. http://www.hetoudekinderboek.nl/Centsprenten/UitgeversInd/Pellerin.htm An alphabetical list of paper toys, in Dutch. Look at ‘Flipposcoop’ and ‘Theater en Ombres Chinoises’. http://www.hetoudekinderboek.nl/PapierenSpeelgoed/LijstPapierenspeelgoed.htm Paper Toy Shop made by Angelika Oeckl. A miniature toyshop, filled to the brim with paper toys, theatres and books. https://picasaweb.google.com/114197593009230300819/PaperToyShop#5716260441579645650 Flickr. An amazing collection of photo’s of the Toy Theatre. http://flickrhivemind.net/Tags/toytheatre/Interesting The Paper Model kiosk by Alexis Xenakis. Webshop, newsletter, blog, a very nice website, not about Toy Theatres but about crèches, or paper nativity scenes. http://www.crechemania.com/php/ Alexis’ blog is here: http://www.papermodelkiosk.com/php/forum/blog.php?1755-Alexis Contact For questions, comments, tips or suggestions, please complete the website form by clicking on Contact on our site, http://www.poppenspelmuseumbibliotheek.nl/index.html. We hope to welcome you in the Puppetry Museum! Yours sincerely, Otto van der Mieden Director-Curator of the Puppetry Museum Ab Vissers ©, Utrecht/OvdM ©, Vorchten 28-12-2013. Poppenspe(e)lmuseum © Musée de Marionnettes et de Guignol Puppentheatermuseum Puppetry Museum Kerkweg 38 8193 KL Vorchten NL T: +31(0)578 - 63 13 29 F: +31(0)578 - 56 06 21 www.poppenspelmuseum.nl www.geheugenvannederland.nl/poppenspel2 www.poppenspelmuseum.nl/onderwijs www.poppenspel.info www.poppenspelmuseumbibliotheek.nl [email protected] 13