PUBLIKATIES Prof.dr. G.F. Smoorenburg
Boer, E. de, Kuyper, P. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1969). Proposed explanation of synchrony of auditory-nerve impulses to combination tones, J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 46, 1579-1581, L.
Plomp, R. and Smoorenburg, G.F., Editors (1970). Frequency Analysis and Periodicity Detection in
Hearing", Sijthoff, Leiden, 1-482.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1970). Pitch of two-tone complexes, in: "Frequency Analysis and Periodicity Detection in Hearing", R. Plomp and G.F. Smoorenburg (Eds.), Sijthoff, Leiden, 267-277.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1970). Pitch perception of two-frequency stimuli, J. Acoust. Soc. Amer, 48, 924942.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1970). Het niet-lineaire gedrag van het gehoororgaan, Nederl. Akoest.
Genootschap, publikatie nr. 17, 38-48.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1971). On the origin of combination tones, Proc. 7th Internat. Congress on Acoustics, Budapest, 3, 357-360 (paper 20 H2).
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1971). Aspects of two-tone perception, Dissertation, State University at Utrecht,
The Netherlands.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1972). Audibility region of combination tones, J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 52, 603-614.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1972). Combination tones and their origin, J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 52, 615-632.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1974). On the mechanisms of combination tone generation and lateral inhibition
in hearing, in: "Psychophysical Models and Physiological Facts in Hearing", E. Zwicker and E.
Terhardt (Eds.), Springer Verlag, Berlin, 332-343.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1975). Het gehoor als meetinstrument, in "Meten van Lawaai in de Industrie",
Kon. Inst. v. Ing., Den Haag.
Smoorenburg, G.F., Gibson, M.M., Kitzes, L.M., Rose, J.E. and Hind, J.E. (1976). Correlates of
combination tones observed in the response of neurons in the antero-ventral cochlear nucleus of the
cat, J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 59, 945-962.
Coninx, F. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1976). Loudness of stimuli with a sweeping frequency, Proc. 1976
Noise Control Conference, Warsaw, 149-152.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1977). Damage risk levels for impulse noise, Proc. 9th Internat. Congress on
Acoustics, Madrid, 1, 377 (paper H53).
Smoorenburg, G.F. and Linschoten, D.H. (1977). A neurophysiological study on auditory frequency
analysis of complex tones, in: "Psychophysics and Physiology in Hearing", E.F. Evans and J.P. Wilson
(Eds.), Academic Press, London, 175-184.
Festen, J.M., Houtgast, T., Plomp, R. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1977). Relations between
interindividual differences of auditory functions, in: "Psychophysics and Physiology in Hearing", E.F.
Evans and J.P. Wilson (Eds.), Academic Press, London, 311-319.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1978). Kans op gehoorschade door vuurwerk, T. Bedrijfsaudiometrie 3, 150-155.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1978). Beoordelingsmethode voor de hinder van schietgeluid, Nederl. Akoest.
Genootschap, publikatie nr. 47, 18-23.
Smoorenburg, G.F. and Heusden, E. van (1979). Effects of acute noise traumata on whole-nerve and
single-unit activity, Arch. Oto-,Laryngol. 224, 117-124.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1979). Voorlopige Evaluatie van de Geluidhinder van Schietinrichtingen,
Interdepartementale Commissie Geluidhinder, publikatie BG-HR-10-01.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1979). Gehoorschade door impulsgeluid, Tijdschr. voor Soc. Geneesk. 57, Suppl.
1, 21-26.
Smoorenburg, G.F., Mimpen, A.M. en Leeuwen, H.A. van (1979). Gehoorbescherming, Tijdschr. voor
Soc. Geneesk. 57, Suppl. 1, 27-31.
Heusden, E. van and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1980). Compound action potential measures of frequency
selectivity, Proc. Internat. Workshop on "Cochlear and Brain-stem Evoked Response Audiometry and
Electrical Stimulation of the VIIth Nerve", Münster 1979, M. Hoke, G. Kaufmann, E. Bappert (Eds.),
Scan. Audiol. Suppl. 11, 73-78.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1980). Schietinrichtingen, Handboek
Lawaaibeheersing, Hoofdstuk 8.7, Fernande & Zonen, IJmuiden.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1980). Hinder door schieten en doofheid door knallen, TNO-Project 8, 120-125.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1980). Effects of temporary threshold shift on combination-tone generation and
on two-tone suppression, Hearing Research 2, 347-355.
Smoorenburg, G.F. and Coninx, F. (1980). Masking of short probe sounds by tone bursts with a
sweeping frequency, Hearing Research 3, 301-316.
Heusden, E. van (1980). Effects of acute noise traumata on cochlear response times in cats, in: "Proc.
5h Int. Symp. on Psychophysical, Physiological and Behavioural Studies in Hearing", Noordwijkerhout, G. v.d. Brink, F. Bilsen (Eds.), University Press, Delft, 162-165.
Heusden, E. van and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1981). Eighth-nerve action potentials evoked by tone bursts
in cats before and after inducement of an acute noise trauma, Hearing Research 5, 1-24.
Heusden, E. van and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1981). Eighth-nerve action- potential tuning-curves evoked
in cats before and after inducement of an acute noise trauma, Hearing Research 5, 25-48.
Smoorenburg, G.F., Laat, J.A.P.M. de and Plomp, R. (1981). The effect of noise-induced hearing loss
on the intelligibility of speech in noise, in: "AGARD Specialists' Meeting on Aural Communication in
Aviation", Soesterberg, 1981, K.E. Money (Ed.), AGARD Cong. Proc. CP-311, Ch. 11, 1-8.
Plomp, R. en Smoorenburg, G.F. (1981). Het verstaan van spraak in lawaai als criterium voor slechthorendheid, in: "Onderzocht en Toegepast", Uitgave van IZF-TNO, 89-98.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1981). Evaluation of impulse noise, in particular shooting noise, with regard to annoyance, Inter-Noise 81, V.M.A. Peutz and A. de Bruijn (Eds.), Netherlands Acoustical Society, Delft,
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1982). Damage risk criteria for impulse noise, in: "New Perspectives on Noise
Induced Hearing Loss", R.P. Hamernik, D. Henderson and R. Salvi (Eds.), Raven Press, New York,
Smoorenburg, G.F. en Plomp, R. (1982). Het oor beluisterd, Intermediair 18, nr. 7, 25-35; tevens in:
"Biofysica, Levende Natuurkunde", Intermediair, Amsterdam, 81-95.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1982). De relatie tussen spraakverstaan en toonaudiogram bij slechthorendheid ten
gevolge van lawaai en de betekenis van deze relatie voor de toelaatbare geluidexpositie, Nederl.
Akoest. Genootschap, publikatie nr. 62, 36-47.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1982). Nieuwe vormen van objectieve audiometrie, in: KNO-cursus "Gehoord de
huisarts", Commissie voor postacademisch onderwijs geneeskunde, Utrecht, 31-34.
Smoorenburg, G.F. and Mimpen, A.M. (1982). Assessment of personal hearing protection in practice,
Scand. Audiol., Suppl. 16, 13-22.
Smoorenburg, G.F., Laat, J.P.A.M. de and Plomp, R. (1982). The effect of noise-induced hearing loss
on the intelligibility of speech in noise, Scand. Audiol., Suppl. 16, 123-133.
Heusden, E. van and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1983). Responses from AVCN units in the cat before and
after inducement of an acute noise trauma, Hearing Research 11, 295-326.
Plomp, R. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1983). The effect of noise-induced hearing loss on the speechreception threshold in noise, in: "Proc. 11th Int. Congr. Acoust.", Paris, Vol. 8, 207-210.
Plomp, R., Duquesnoy, A.J. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1983). Effects of noise and reverberation on the
speech reception threshold of hearing-impaired listeners, in: "Proc. 4th Int. Congr. on Noise as a Public
Health Problem", Torino, G. Rossi (Ed.), Centro Ricerche e Studi Amplifon, Milano, Vol. 1, 489-500.
Vos, J. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1983). Annoyance ratings for impulse and traffic sounds in background noise, in: "Proc. 4th Int. Congr. on Noise as a Public Health Problem", Torino, G. Rossi (Ed.),
Centro Ricerche e Studi Amplifon, Milano, Vol. 2, 1145-1148.
Smoorenburg, G.F., Leibbrandt, C.C. en Huizing, E.H. (1983). De elektrische binnenoorprothese, in:
"Het Medisch Jaar 1984", Hoofdstuk 33, Bohn, Scheltema en Holkema, 398-406.
Smoorenburg, G.F. and Plomp. R. (1983). The audiogram and speech intelligibility in noise, in: "Proc.
XXXIst Int. Congr. of Aviation and Space Medicine", Amsterdam, 132-137.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1984). High-frequency hearing loss; the audiological consequences, Audiology in
practice (Excerpta Medica) 1, 1-3.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1984). De audiomaat; een automatische audiometer voor de bedrijfsaudiometrie,
T. Bedrijfsaudiometrie 9, 4-27.
Ruding, P.R.J.W., Deelen, G.W. van, Veldman, J.E., Smoorenburg, G.F. and Huizing, E.H. (1984).
Experimental membranous hydrops in the inner ear of the guinea pig: a light microscopic and electrocochleographic study, Clin. Otolaryngol. 9, 306-307.
Vos, J. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1985). Penalty for impulse noise, derived from annoyance ratings for
impulse and road-traffic sounds, J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 77, 193-201.
Klis, J.F.L. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1985). Modulation at the guinea pig round window of
summating potentials and compound action potentials by low-frequency sound, Hearing
20, 15-23.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1985). De vergelijkbaarheid van spraakaudiogrammen gebaseerd op verschillende
woordlijsten en verschillende spreeksters, Van Horen Zeggen 26, 91-94.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1985). Schietinrichtingen, Handboek Milieubeheer III, Lawaaibeheersing
(Samsom, Alphen aan de Rijn), Hoofdstuk 8.7, 1-8.
Plomp, R. en Smoorenburg, G.F. (1985). Audiologie, in Toekomstverkenningen op Medisch Gebied,
Jaarboek 1985, Gezondheidsraad, Den Haag, 15-21.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1985). Het spraakaudiogram in relatie tot de gebruikte meetmethode, in "Spraakaudiometrie", Uitgave Ned. Ver. voor Audiologie 1985-2, 27-80.
Vos, J. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1985). Effects of impulse noise on human beings; the laboratory study
in the Netherlands, Onderzoeksprogramma Geluidhinder GA-HR-05-01.
Deelen, G.W. van and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1986). Electrocochleography for different electrode
positions in guinea pig, Acta Oto- Laryngol. (Stockholm) 101, 207-216.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1986). Elementaire aspecten van het spraakverstaan, FIDA Seminar Bundel, SS1SS14.
Huizing, E.H. en Smoorenburg, G.F., Redacteurs (1986). De Elektrische Binnenoorprothese", Uitgave
Ned. Ver. voor Audiologie 1986, 1-63.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1986). Proefstimulatie van het gehoororgaan, in "De Elektrische Binnenoorprothese", Uitgave Ned. Ver. voor Audiologie 1986, 30-38.
Smoorenburg, G.F., del Prado, H.M. en Driesche, I. van (1986). Revalidatieprogramma, in "De
Elektrische Binnenoorprothese", Uitgave Ned. Ver. voor Audiologie 1986, 42-49.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1986). Gehoorschade en geluidhinder, in "Geluidhinder
Arbeidsomstandigheden", Uitgave Nederlandse Stichting Geluidhinder, Delft, 21-25; 38-40.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1986). De toekomst van de binnenoorprothese, Proc. Workshop on Artificial
Hearing Stimulation, Uitgave Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen, Dienst NKO, Dept. Geneeskunde,
Smoorenburg, G.F., Raa, B.H. ten and Mimpen, A.M. (1986). Real- world attenuation of hearing
protectors, Proc. 12th Int. Congr. on Acoustics I, Toronto, B9-6.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1986). Speech perception in indivuals with noise-induced hearing loss and its
implications for hearing-loss criteria, in: "Basic and Applied Aspects of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss",
R. Salvi, D. Henderson, R.P. Hamernik and V. Colletti (Eds.), Plenum Press, New York, 335-344.
Smoorenburg, G.F. and Kloppenburg, B.A.M. (1986). Single-neuron tuning curves measured with
psycho-acoustic masking paradigms, in: "Auditory Frequency Selectivity", B.C.J. Moore and R.D.
Patterson (Eds.), Plenum Press, New York, 179-186.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1987). Discussion of physiological correlates of speech perception, in: "The
Psychophysics of Speech Perception", M.E.H. Schouten (Ed.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht,
393- 402.
Bosman, A. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1987). Differences in listening strategies between normal and
hearing-impaired listeners, in: "The Psychophysics of Speech Perception", M.E.H. Schouten (Ed.),
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, 467-472.
Smoorenburg, G.F. en Plomp, R. (1987). Het Lawaaitrauma, Ned. T. voor Geneeskunde 131, 706-709.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1987). Effects of Impulse Noise, Report of NATO Research Study Group on the
Effects of Impulse Noise, NATO Doc. AC/243 (Panel VIII/RSG-6) D19.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1987). De achteruitgang in het spraakverstaan bij slechthorendheid ten gevolge
van lawaai, Geluid en Omgeving 10, 52-56.
Ruding, P.R.J.W., Veldman, J.E., Deelen, G.W. van, Smoorenburg, G.F. and Huizing, E.H. (1987).
Histopathological study of experimentally induced endolymphatic hydrops with emphasis on
Reissner's membrane, Arch. Otorhinolaryngol. 244, 174-179.
Deelen, G.W. van, Ruding, P.R.J.W., Veldman, J.E., Huizing, E.H. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1987).
Electrocochleographic study of experimentally induced endolymphatic hydrops, Arch. Otorhinolaryngol. 244, 167-173.
Deelen, G.W. van, Ruding, P.R.J.W. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1987). Electrocochleographic study of
experimental endolymphatic hydrops, in: "Immunobiology, Histophysiology, Tumor Immunology in
Otorhinolaryngology", Kügler Publ., Amsterdam/Berkeley, 461-462.
Huizing, E.H., Ruding, P.R.J.W., Albers, F.W.J., Deelen, G.W. van, Vrolijk, J.J.A., Klis, J.F.L.,
Smoorenburg, G.F. and Veldman, J.E. (1987). Morphology and electrophysiology of experimental
hydrops in the guinea pig, in: "Immunobiology, Histophysiology, Tumor Immunology in
Otorhinolaryngology", Kügler Publ., Amsterdam/Berkeley, 101-112.
Rodenburg, M. en Smoorenburg, G.F. (1987). Natuurkundige beginselen in de audiologie, Klinische
Fysica 1987/2, 61-68.
Klis, J.F.L. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1988). Cochlear potentials and their modulation by low-frequency
sound in early endolymphatic hydrops, Hearing Research 32, 175-184.
Deelen, G.W. van, Ruding, P.R.J.W., Smoorenburg, G.F., Veldman, J.E. and Huizing, E.H. (1988).
Electrocochleographic changes in relation to cochlear histopathology in experimental endolymphatic
hydrops, Acta Otolaryngol. (Stockholm) 105, 193-201.
Smoorenburg, G.F. and van Olphen, A.F. (1988). Pre-operative electrostimulation of the auditory
nerve and post-operative results with the House/3M cochlear implant, Proc. Int. Cochlear Implant
Symposium 1987, Rudolf Bermann GmbH, Erkelenz, W.-Germany, 227-230.
Klis, J.F.L., Prijs, V.F., Latour, J.B. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1988). Modulation of cochlear tuning by
low-frequency sound, Hearing Research 36, 163-174.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1988). Een elektronisch oor voor doven, Nederlands Akoestisch Genootschap,
publikatie nr. 89, 29-38.
Bosman, A.J. (1988). Spraakverstaan meten, in: "Ter Sprake", Ed. M.P.R. v.d. Broecke, Floris Publ.,
Dordrecht, 307-313.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1988). Een elektronisch oor voor doven, in: "Speciaal Bezien", symposiumbundel
100-jarig bestaan Effatha, Chr. Instituut voor Doven, Voorburg, 137-143.
Venker van Haagen, A.J., Siemelink, R.J.G. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1989). Auditory brainstem
responses in the normal beagle, The Veterinary Quarterly 11, 129-137.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1989). Spraakverstaan in relatie tot het toonaudiogram bij slechthorenheid ten
gevolge van lawaai, Onderzoekprogramma Interdepartementale Commissie Geluidhinder (ICG), LAHR-08-02, Directoraat Generaal van de Arbeid, S 57-4.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1989). Physical versus perceptual dimensions in cochlear implants, Proc. Symp.
on Models of the Electrically Stimulated Cochlea, Springer Verlag, 105-113.
Klis, J.F.L., Buijs, J. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1990). Quantification of the relation between
electrophysiological and morphological changes in experimental endolymphatic hydrops, Am. Otol.,
Rhinol. & Laryngol. 99, 566-570.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1990). Hearing handicap assessment for speech perception using pure tone
audiometry, in: "Noise as a Public Health Problem, New Advances in Noise Research", Part I, Vol. 4,
Swedish Council for Building Research, Stockholm, Sweden, 245-254.
Smoorenburg, G.F., Editor (1990). Hearing Impairment and Signal-Processing Hearing Aids (The
European Concerted Action Project), Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh), Supplement 469, 1-276.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1990). On the limited information transfer in the region of noise-induced hearing
loss, Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh), Suppl. 469, 38-46.
Bronkhorst, A.W. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1990). Risico's van lawaai bij de taakuitoefening, Militaire
Spectator, 159, 112-117.
Kolston, P.J., de Boer, E., Viergever, M.A. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1990). What type of force does the
cochlear amplifier produce? J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 88, 1794-1801.
Kolston, P.J. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1990). Does the cochlear amplifier produce reactive or resistive
forces?, in: The Mechanics and Biophysics of Hearing (P. Dallos, C.D. Geisler, J.W. Matthews, M.
Ruggero and C.R. Steele, Eds.), Springer Verlag, Berlin, 96-105.
Kolston, P.J. (1990). What do we really know about cochlear mechanics? Comm. Theor. Biology 2, 119.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1990). Richtinghoren met gehoorverlies en gehoorbescherming, J. Nederlands
Akoestisch Genootschap 104, 59-69.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1990). Van Horen en Zeggen, Oratie, Utrecht.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1991). Damage risk for low-frequency impulse noise; the spectral factor in noiseinduced hearing loss, in: Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (A. Dancer, D. Henderson, R.J. Salvi and R.P
Hamernik Eds.), B.C. Decker, Philadelphia, Ch.28, 313-324.
Smoorenburg, G.F. and Bosman, A.J. (1991). Choosing speech materials to assess hearing impairment,
in: Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (A. Dancer, D. Henderson, R.J. Salvi and R.P Hamernik Eds.), B.C.
Decker, Philadelphia, Ch.25, 282-292.
Frowein, H.W., Smoorenburg, G.F., Pijfers, L. and Schinkel, D. (1991). Improved speech recognition
through videotelephony; experiments with the hard of hearing, IEEE Selected Areas in
Communications 9, 611-616.
Huiskamp, T.M.I., Bosman, A.J. en Smoorenburg, G.F. (1991). Spraak van zes post-linguaal doven
subjectief geëvalueerd. Verandert spraak na implantatie?, Logopedie en Foniatrie 63, 140-146.
Velden, J.G. van and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1991). Vowel recognition in noise for male, female and
child voices, ICASSP 91, IEEE Service Center, Piscataway NJ 08854, USA, Vol. 2, 989-992.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1991). Gehoorbeschadiging ten gevolge van lawaai, Horen 19, 6-13.
van den Brink, W.A.C., Houtgast, T. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1992). Signal detection in temporally
modulated and spectrally shaped maskers, J. acoust. Soc. Amer. 91, 267-278.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1992). Speech reception in quiet and in noisy conditions by individuals with
noise-induced hearing loss in relation to their tone audiograms, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 91, 421-437.
Tilanus, C.C., Klis, S.F.L. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1992). Effects of anoxia on the cochlear
summating potential in the guinea pig, Eur. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol 249, 12-15.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1992). On the problem of combining the intersubject variabilities of hearing
protector attenuation and of susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss, Proc. 1992 Hearing
Conservation Conference, OES Publications, Anderson Hall, Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington, Kent.
40506-0046, 61-64.
Smoorenburg, G.F. en Geurtsen, F.W.M. (1992). De invloed van het dragen van gehoor-beschermers
en van gehoorverliezen ten gevolge van lawaai op het richtinghoren, Den Haag: Arbeidsinspectie,
Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid, ISSN 0921-9218; S-57-9, ISBN 90-5307-271-3.
Smoorenburg, G.F. and Bosman, A.J. (1992). Choosing speech materials to assess hearing impairment
/ Effektivität von Sprachverständlichkeitsmessungen, in: Moderne Verfahren der Sprachaudiometrie
(B. Kollmeier, Ed.), Median Verlag von Killisch-Horn GmbH, Heidelberg, 86-105.
Ingels, K.J.A.O., van Strien, H.L.C.J., Graamans, K., Smoorenburg, G.F. and Huizing, E.H. (1992). A
study of the photo-electrical signal from human nasal cilia under several conditions, Acta Otolaryngol
(Stockh) 112, 831-838.
Mülder, H.E., van Olphen, A.F., Bosman, A.J. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1992). Phoneme recognition
by deaf individuals using the multichannel Nucleus cochlear implant, accepted by Acta Otolaryngol
(Stockh) 112, 946-955.
van den Brink, W.A.C., Houtgast, T. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1992). Effectiveness of comodulation
masking release, in: The Auditory Processing of Speech (M. E. H. Schouten, Ed.), Mouton de Gruyter,
Berlin, 193-198.
van Son,N., Bosman, A.J., Lamoré, P.J.J. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1992). Auditory pattern
perception in the profoundly hearing impaired, in: The Auditory Processing of Speech (M. E. H.
Schouten, Ed.), Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, 275-282.
Bosman,A.J., Smoorenburg, G.F. and Bronkhorst, A.W. (1992). Relations between phoneme scores
and syllable scores for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired subjects,accepted, in: The Auditory
Processing of Speech (M. E. H. Schouten, Ed.), Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, 357-362.
Bronkhorst, A.W., Bosman, A.J. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1993), A model for context effects in speech
recognition, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 93, 499-509.
Bosman, A.J. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1993). Speech processing for the profoundly hearing impaired,
in: Rehabilitation Technology, Strategies for the European Union Vol. 9 (E. Ballabio, I. PlacenciaPorrero and R. Puig de la Bellacasa, Eds.), IOS Press Amsterdam, 113-117.
van Son, Bosman, A.J., Lamoré, P.J.J. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1993). The perception of complex
harmonic patterns by profoundly hearing impaired listeners, Audiology 32, 308-327.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1993). Gehoorbescherming op de werkplek, Nederl. Milit. Geneesk. T. 46, 113116.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1993). Risk of noise-induced hearing loss following exposure to chinese
firecrackers, Audiology 33, 333-343.
van Dijk, J.E., van Olphen, A.F. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1993). Pre-operative electrical nerve
stimulation as one of the criteria for selection, Advances in Otorhinolaryngol 48, 103-107.
van Son, N. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1993). Future hearing aids for the profoundly hearing impaired
using advanced digital processing techniques,in Recent Developments in Hearing Instrument
Technology (J. Beilin and G. R. Jensen, Eds.), The Danavox Jubilee Foundation, Taastrup Denmark,
Deelen, G.W. van en Smoorenburg, G.F. (1993). Slechthorendheid door lawaai, Volksgezondheid
Toekomst Verkenning (rivm), Sdu Uitgeverij, Den Haag, 373-374.
Marcus, J.T., Kuipers, A. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1993). Otolith responses in man during parabolic
flight, Exp. Brain Res. 96, 328-334.
Smoorenburg, G.F. and Bosman, A.J. (1993). Hearing Impairment and Signal-Processing Hearing
Aids II. Scand. Audiology 22, Suppl. 38, 1-153.
van Son, N., Bosman, A.J., Lamoré, P.J.J. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1993). Auditory pattern
perception in the profoundly hearing impaired and lipreading of Dutch phonemes, in: Hearing
impairment and signal processing hearing aids II. Scandinavian Audiology 22, Suppl. 38, 111-123.
Hamers, F.P.T., Klis, S.F.L., Gispen, W.H. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1994). Application of a
neuroprotective ACTH(4-9) analog to affect cisplatin ototoxicity: an electrocochleographic study in
guinea pigs, Eur. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol 251, 23-29.
Smoorenburg, Guido F.,Huiskamp, T., Langereis, M. and Bosman, A.J. (1994). Effects of cochlear
implants on voice quality and speech production, Advances in Cochlear Implants (L.J. HochmairDesoyer and E.S. Hochmair, Eds.), Manz, Wien, 374-379.
Klis, J.F.L and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1994). Osmotically induced pressure difference in the cochlea and
its effect on cochlear potentials, Hearing Res. 75, 114-120.
van Benthem, P.P.G., Klis, S.F.L., Albers, F.W.J., de Wildt, D.J., Veldman, J.E., Huizing, E.H., and
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1994). The effect of nimodipine on cochlear potentials and Na+/K+-ATPase
activity in normal and hydropic cochleas of the albino guinea pig, Hearing Res. 77, 9-18.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1994). Audiologisch onderzoek in Nederland, Horen 22, 22-27.
Passchier-Vermeer, W. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1994). Noise and Health, Health Council of the
Netherlands, Committee on Noise and Health, The Hague, 1994/15E, ISBN 90-5549-048-2, 1-101.
van Son, N., Huiskamp, T., Bosman, A.J. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1994). Viseme classifications of
Dutch consonants and vowels, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 96, 1341-1355.
van Benthem, P.P.G., Klis, S.F.L., Albers, F.W.J., de Wildt, D.J., Veldman, J.E., Huizing, H.E. and
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1994). Nimodipine and experimental endolymphatic hydrops, Ménière's Disease:
Perspectives in the '90s, Proc. of the Third Int. Symp. on Ménière's disease, Rome, Italy, Oct 20-23,
1993, (R. Filipo and M. Barbara, Eds.), Kugler Publications, Amsterdam / New York, 183-189.
Klis, J.F.L. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1994). Osmotically induced pressure differences in the cochlea
and its effects on the summating potential, Ménière's Diseases - Pathogenesis, Pathophysiology,
Diagnosis and Treatment, Proc. of the Third Int. Symp.on Ménière's disease, Rome, Italy, Oct 20-23,
1993, (M. Barbara and R. Filipo, Eds.), Kugler Publications, Amsterdam / New York, 267-271.
Killian, M.J.P., Klis, S.F.L. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1994). Adaptation in the compound action
potential response of the guinea pig VIIIth nerve to electric stimulation, Hearing Research 81, 66-82.
van Dijk, J.E., van Olphen, A.F., Mens, L.H.M., Brokx, J.P.L., van den Broek, P. and Smoorenburg,
G.F. (1995). Predictive factors for success with a cochlear implant, Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 104,
Suppl. 166, 196-198.
Langereis, M.C., Bosman, A.J., van Olphen, A.F. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1995). Changes in vowel
quality in adult cochlear implant users, Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 104, Suppl 166, 387-390.
van Olphen, A.F., van Dijk, J.E., Langereis, M.C. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1995). Recognition of
Dutch phonemes by cochlear implant users with the multipeak strategy, Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol
104, Suppl. 166, 365-368.
van Emst, M.G., Klis, S.F.L. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1995). Tetraethylammonium effects on cochlear
potentials in the guinea pig, Hearing Research 88, 27-35.
Bosman, A.J. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1995). Intelligibility of Dutch CVC syllables and sentences for
listeners with normal hearing and with three types of hearing impairment, Audiology 34, 260-284.
Giguère, Chr., Kunov, H, and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1995). Computational modelling of psychoacoustic
combination tones and distortion-product otoacoustic emissions, Proc. 15th Int. Congr. Acoust. Vol III,
Bosman, A.J., and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1995) Audio-visual perception of processed speech in the
profoundly hearing impaired, Proc. Eur. Conf. Audiology, 68-72.
Deeks, J.M., Bosman, A.J., and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1995). Discrimination of spectral envelope 'pitch'
and 'timbre' in formant-like harmonic complexes by profoundly hearing impaired listeners, Proc. Eur.
Conf. Audiology, 108-112.
Dijk, J.E. van, Olphen, A.F. van, Mens, L.H.M, Brokx, J.P.L., Broek, P van den, and Smoorenburg,
G.F. (1995). Evaluation of preoperative data used for the selection of cochlear implant candidates,
Proc. Eur. Conf. Audiology, 113-117.
Son, N. van, Bosman, A.J., and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1995). Processed speech as an acoustic
supplement for profoundly hearing impaired lipreaders, Proc. Eur. Conf. Audiology, 339-344.
Drullman, R., Bosman, A.J., Son, N. van, Smoorenburg, G.F. (1995). Spraakbewerking voor ernstig
slechthorenden, Ned. Akoest. Gen. 128, 3-10.
Smoorenburg, G.F., and Klis, S.F.L. (1995). The cochlear summating potential and endolymphatic
hydrops, Proc. 16th Danavox Symposium, 235-242.
Klis, S.F.L., and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1995). A comparison of several experimental animal models for
Ménière's Disease, Proc. 16th Danavox Symposium, 123-139.
Smoorenburg, G.F. and Killian, M.J.P. (1996). Adaptation of the acoustical nerve during electrical
stimulation , Acustica 82, S125.
Bronkhorst, A.W., and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1996). Assessment of hearing protector performance in
impulsive noise: Update of research activities within the EC-funded IMPRO project, in: Scientific
Basis of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (A. Axelsson et al., Eds.), Thieme Medical Publishers Inc., New
York, Ch 27, 339-346.
Bosman, A.J. (1996). Confusion Analysis in the Assessment of Speech Perception and Hearing Aids,
in: Psychoacoustics, Speech and Hearing Aids (B. Kollmeier, Ed), World Scientific Publ. Co.,
Singapore, 73-81.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1996). Speech Processing Hearing Aids for the Profoundly Hearing Impaired, in:
Psychoacoustics, Speech and Hearing Aids (B. Kollmeier, Ed), World Scientific Publ. Co., Singapore,
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1996). Het geluidmakende oor, in: Tijd en Leven; Biofysica in Nederland, Teylers
Museum, Haarlem, Hfdstk 3, 22-26.
Drullman, R. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1996). Effect of multichannel compression on auditory-visual
speech reception by the profoundly hearing impaired, Proc. Workshop on the Auditory Basis of
Speech Perception, (W. Ainsworth and S. Greenberg, Eds.), Eur. Speech Comm. Ass., Keele
University, 257-260.
Langereis, M.C., van Olphen, A.F., van Dijk, J.E. en Smoorenburg, G.F. (1996). Cochleaire
implantatie en hoortraining, Logopedie en Foniatrie 9, 227-235.
van Emst, M.G., Klis, S.F.L. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1996). 4-Aminopyridine effects on summating
potentials in the guinea pig, Hearing Research 102, 70-80.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1996). Het gehoorfysiologisch onderzoek in audiologisch perspectief, Stichting
Vakopleiding FIDA, Seminar 1996-II, 2-7.
Drullman, R. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1996). Multichannel amplitude compression for the profoundly
hearing impaired, Proc. Int. Sensory Aid Conference, Inst. v. Doven, St. Michielsgestel, Netherlands,
Bosman, A.J. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1997). Speech reading supplemented with auditorily presented
speech elements in the profoundly hearing impaired, Audiology 36, 29-45.
Smoorenburg, G. F. (1997). Timely issues in hearing protectors, Proceedings of the First European
Conference on Protection Against Noise, University College London
Smoorenburg, G. F. (1997). Timely issues in hearing protectors, ENT News 6, 18-21.
de Groot, J.C.M.J., Hamers, F.P.T., Gispen, W.H. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1997). Co-administration
of the neurotrophic ACTH4-9 analogue, ORG 2766, may reduce the cochleotoxic effects of CisPlatin,
Hearing Research 106, 9-19.
Drullman, R. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1997). Audio-visual perception of compressed speech by
profoundly hearing-impaired subjects, Audiology 36, 165-177.
Bosman, A.J. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1997). Evaluation of three pitch tracking algorithms at several
signal-to-noise ratios, Acustica - Acta Acustica 83, 567-571.
Stengs, C.H.M., Klis, S.F.L., Huizing, E.H., and Smoorenburg. G.F. (1997). Cis-platin induced
ototoxicity; electrophysiological evidence of spontaneous recovery in the albino guinea pig, Hearing
Research 111, 103-113.
Langereis, M.C., Bosman, A.J., van Olphen, A.F. and Smoorenburg. G.F. (1997). Changes in vowel
quality in postlingually deafened cochlear implant users, Audiology 36(5), 279-297.
Langereis, M.C., Dejonckere, Ph., van Olphen, A.F. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1997). Effect of
cochlear implantation on nasality in post-lingually deafened adults, Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica
49, 308-314.
Giguère, Chr., Smoorenburg, G.F., and Kunov, H. (1997). Modelling of psychoacoustic combination
tone generation , J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 102, 2821-2830.
Passchier Vermeer, W. en Smoorenburg, G.F. (1997). Slechthorendheid door lawaai, in:
Volksgezondheid Toekomst Verkenning 1997, I De gezondheidstoestand: een actualisering,
voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, Ch. 6.5.3, 414-420.
van Emst, M.G., Klis, S.F.L. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1997). Identification of the nonlinearity
governing even-order distortion products in cochlear potentials, Hearing Research 114, 93-101.
Giguère, Chr., Bosman, A.J. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1997). Automatic speech recognition
experiments with a model of normal and impaired peripheral hearing, Acta Acustica 83/6, 1065-1076
van Emst, M.G., Giguere, Chr., Smoorenburg, G.F. (1998). The generation of DC potentials in a
computational model of the Organ of Corti: Effects of voltage-dependent K+ channels in the
basolateral membrane of the inner hair cell, Hearing Research 115, 184-196.
Bouman, H., Klis, S.F.L., de Groot, J.C.M.J., Huizing, E.H., Smoorenburg, G.F., and Veldman, J.E.
(1998). Induction of endolymphatic hydrops in the guinea pig by perisaccular deposition of sepharose
beads carrying and not carrying immune complexes, Hearing Res. 117, 119-130.
Langereis, M.C., Bosman, A.J., van Olphen, A.F. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1998). Effects of cochlear
implantation on voice fundamental frequency in post-linguistically deafened adults, Audiology 37,
Dijk, J.E van, Olphen, A.F van, and Smoorenburg, G, F. (1998). Predictive factors of cochlear implant
performance, 17th Danavox Symposium on Cochlear Implants with Emphasis on the Pedagogical
Follow-up for Children and Adults, Holmens Trykkeri, Denmark, 175-183.
Stengs, H.M., Klis, S.F.L., Huizing, E.H. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1998). Protective effects of a
neurotrophic ACTH(4-9) analog on cisplatin ototxicity in relation to cisplatin dose; an
electrocochleographic study in albino guinea pigs, Hearing Research 124, 99-107.
Stengs, H.M., Klis, S.F.L., Huizing, E.H. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1998). Cisplatin ototoxicity. An
electrophysiological dose-effect study in albino guinea pigs, Hearing Research 124, 108-117.
Smoorenburg, G.F. and Barrenäs, M-L (1998). Timely issues concerning hearing protectors,
Protection Against Noise Ch 24, 157-163, Whurr Publishers Ltd, London
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1998). Field assessment of hearing protector peak level attenuation in impulse
noise, Protection Against Noise Ch 29, 189-208, Whurr Publishers Ltd, London
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1998). Effects of Impulse Noise on Man, Noise Effects ‘98 (7th International
Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem), Vol 1, 1-10, Noise Effects ‘98, Pty Ltd, Sydney
Langereis, M.C., Bosman, A.J., van Olphen, A.F. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1998). Effect van
cochleaire implantatie op de spraak van postlinguaal dove volwassenen, Stem-, Spraak- en
Taalpathologie 7, 126-142.
Lamoré, P.J.J, Huiskamp, T., van Son, N., Bosman, A.J. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1998). Auditory,
visual and audiovisual perception of segmental speech features by severely hearing-impaired children,
Audiology 37, 396-419.
Smoorenburg, G. F. (1998). Wat kan het onderzoek voor slechthorenden betekenen en wat kan de
NVVS voor het onderzoek betekenen. Verslag Jubileumsymposium Nederlandse Vereniging voor
Slechthorenden, 10-13.
Klis, S.F.L., Hamers, F.P.T., de Groot, J.C.M.J. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1999). Protection against
cisplatin ototoxicity by melanocortins, in: Cochlear Pharmacology and Noise Trauma, D. Prasher and
B. Canlon Eds., Noise Research Network Publications, London, 181-190.
Klis, S.F.L., Veldman, J.E. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1999). Models for Meniere’s
Harris, Ed., Kugler Publications, The Hague/New York, 153-166.
Langereis, M.C., Bosman, A.J., van Olphen, A.F. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1999). Intelligibility of
vowels produced by post-linguistically deafened cochlear implant users, Audiology 38, 206-224.
Heijmen, P.S., Klis, S.F.L., de Groot, J.C.M.J., and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1999). Cisplatin ototoxicity
-melanocyte stimulating hormone, Hearing Research 128, 27-39.
van Dijk, J.E., van Olphen, A.F., Langereis, M.C., Mens, L.H.M., P., Brokx, J.P.L., and Smoorenburg,
G.F. (1999). Predictors of cochlear implant performance, Audiology 38, 109-116.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1999). Lawaai en gezondheid, Ned Tijdschr Keel-, Neus-, Ooorheelkunde 5, 103105.
Giguère, C. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (1999). Computational modeling of outer hair cell damage;
implications for hearing aid signal processing, in: Psychophysics, Physiology and Models of Hearing,
World Scientific Publishers Singapore, 155-164.
Cappaert, N.L.M., Klis, S.F.L., Muijser, H., de Groot, J.C.M.J., Kulig, B.M., Smoorenburg, G.F.
(1999). The ototoxic effects of ethyl benzene in rats, Hearing Research 137, 91-102.
Lohuis, J.F.M., Klis, S.F.L., Klop, W.M.C., van Emst, M.G., and Smoorenburg. G.F. (1999). Signs of
endolymphatic hydrops after perilymphatic perfusion of the guinea pig cochlea with cholera-toxin; a
pharmacological model of acute endolymphatic hydrops, Hearing Research 137, 103-113.
Smoorenburg, G.F., de Groot, J.C.M.J., Hamers, F.P.T, and Klis, S.F.L. (1999). Protection and
spontaneous recovery from cisplatin-induced hearing loss, Ototoxicity, Annals of the New York
Academy of Sciences Vol 884, 192-210.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (1999). What hearing aids can do and cannot do in view of the characteristics of
cochlear disorders, in: Auditory Models and Non-Linear Hearing Instruments (A.N.Rasmussen,
P.O.Osterhammel, T.Andersen, T.Poulsen, Eds.), Holmens Trykkeri, Copenhagen Denmark, 55-61.
Klis, S.F.L., O’Leary, S.J., Hamers, F.P.T., de Groot, J.C.M.J., and Smoorenburg, G.F. (2000).
Reversible cisplatin ototoxicity in the albino guinea pig, NeuroReport 11, 623-626.
Lohuis, P.J.F.M., Börjesson, P.K.E., Klis, S.F.L., and Smoorenburg, G.F. (2000). The rat cochlea in
the absence of circulating adrenal hormones; an electrophysiological and morphological study, Hearing
Res. 143, 189-196.
Cardinaal, R.M., de Groot, J.C.M.J., Huizing, E.H., Veldman, J.E., and Smoorenburg, G.F (2000).
Dose-dependent effect of 8-day cisplatin administration upon the morphology of the albino guinea pig
cochlea, Hearing Res. 144, 135-146.
Cardinaal, R.M., de Groot, J.C.M.J., Huizing, E.H. and Veldman, J.E., Smoorenburg, G.F (2000).
Cisplatin-induced ototoxicity: morphological evidence of spontaneous outer hair cell recovery in
albino guinea pigs?, Hearing Res. 144, 147-156.
Cardinaal, R.M., de Groot, J.C.M.J., Huizing, E.H., Veldman, J.E., and Smoorenburg, G.F (2000).
Histological effects of co-administration of an ACTH(4-9) analogue, ORG 2766, on cisplatin
ototoxicity in the albino guinea pig, Hearing Res. 144, 157-167.
Veldman, J.E., Bouman, H., Klis, S.F.L., de Groot, J.C.M.J., and Smoorenburg, G.F. (2000). Immune
mediated sensorineural hearing loss with or without endolymphatic hydrops. A combined immunohistophysiologic and electrocochleographic approach, in: New Forntiers in Immunobiology
(J.E.Veldman, D. Passali, D.J.Lim,Eds.), Kugler Publ., The Hague, Ch 12, 83-102.
Bouman, H., Klis, S.F.L., Meeuwsen, F., de Groot, J.C.M.J., Smoorenburg, G.F., and Veldman, J.E.
(2000). Experimental auto-immune inner ear disease: an electrocochleographic and histophysiologic
study, Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology 109, 457-466.
Cappaert, N.L.M., Klis, S.F.L., Muijser, H., Kulig, B.M., and Smoorenburg, G.F. (2000). Noiseinduced hearing loss in rats, Noise and Health 3, 23-32.
Cappaert, N.L.M., Klis. S.F.L., Baretta, A.B., Muijser, H., and Smoorenburg, G.F. (2000), Ethyl
benzene-induced ototoxicity in rats: A dose-dependent mid-frequency hearing loss, J. Assoc. Res.
Otolaryngol. 01, 292-299.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (2001). Ein physiologisches Modell der Hoergeraete-Signal-verarbeitung, Referate
des 45.Internationalen Hoergeraete-Akustiker-Kongresses, Median-Verlag GmbH, 14-20.
Smoorenburg, G.F. (2001). A physiological basis for hearing aid processing, , Referate des
45.Internationalen Hoergeraete-Akustiker-Kongresses, Median-Verlag GmbH, 21-27.
O’Leary, S.J., Klis, S.F.L., de Groot, J.C.M.J., Hamers, F.P.T., and Smoorenburg, G.F. (2001).
Perilymphatic application of cisplatin over several days in albino guinea pigs: dose-dependency of
electrophysiological and morphological effects, Hearing Research 154, 135-145.
Cappaert, N.L.M., Klis, S.F.L., Muijser, H. en Smoorenburg, G.F. (2001). Slechthorendheid door
organische oplosmiddelen en lawaai, Vermijdbare gehoorschade, Pharmaceutisch Weekblad 136,
Lohuis, P.J.F.M., Klis, S.F.L., Van Emst, M.G. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (2001). Summating potential
in the guinea pig cochlea after perilymphatic perfusion with arginine-vasopressin. Acta Otolaryngol.
121, 896-901.
Cappaert, N.L.M., Klis, S.F.L., Muijser, H., Kulig, B.M. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (2001)
Simultaneous exposure to ethyl benzene and noise: synergistic effects on outer hair cells. Hear. Res.
162, 67-79.
Smoorenburg, G.F., Cappaert, N.L.M., Klis, S.F.L., Kulig. B.M., and Muijser, H. (2001) . The
effects of simultaneous exposure to ethyl benzene and noise on hearing, in Noise Induced Hearing
Loss: basic mechanisms, Prevention and Control (D. Henderson, D. Prasher, R. Kopke, R. Salvi, R.
Hamernik, Eds.), Noise Research Network Publications, London, 319-327.
Klis, S.F.L., O’Leary, S.J., Wijbenga, J., de Groot, J.C.M.J., Hamers, F.P.T., and Smoorenburg, G.F.
(2002). Partial recovery of cisplatin-induced hearing loss in the albino guinea pig in relatin to
cisplatin dose, Hearing Research 164, 138-146.
Cappaert, N.L.M., Klis, S.F.L., Muijser, H., Kulig, B.M., Ravensberg, L.C. and Smoorenburg, G.F.
(2002). Different susceptibility of rats and guinea pigs to the ototoxic effects of ethyl benzene,
Neurotoxicology and Teratology 24, 503-510.
Wolters, F.L.C., de Vocht, T.F., Klis, S.F.L., Hamers, F.P.T., and Smoorenburg, G.F. (2002). Cotreatment with melanotan II, a potent melanocortin, does not protect against cisplatin ototoxicity,
Hearing Research 172, 110-117.
Smoorenburg, G.F., Willeboer, C and van Dijk, J.E. (2002). Speech perception in Nucleus CI24M
cochlear implant users with processor settings based on electrically evoked compound action potential
thresholds, Audiology & Neuro-Otology 7, 335-347 .
Wolters, F.L.C., Klis, S.F.L., Groot, J.C.M.J. de, Hamers, F.P.T., Prieskorn, D.M., Miller, J.M., and
Smoorenburg, G.F. (2003). Systemic co-treatment with alpha-melanocyte-stimulating-hormone delays
hearing loss caused by local cisplatin aplication in guinea pigs, Hearing Research 179, 53-61.
Smoorenburg, G. F. (2003). Damage risk with impulse noise exposure, Proc. 8th Int. Congr. On
Noise as a Public Health Problem, Foundation ICBEN 2003, Schiedam, The Netherlands, 1-4.
Smoorenburg, G. F. (2003). Reconsideration of the effects of impulse noise, NATO RTO-TR-017
(HFM-022), ISBN 92-837-1105-X
Smoorenburg, G. F. (2003). Gehoorbeschadiging en lawaai, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor
Geneeskunde Studenten Editie 6, 52-54.
Hamers, F.P.T., Wijbenga, J., Wolters, F.L.C., Klis, S.F.L., Sluyter, S. and Smoorenburg, G.F.
(2003). Cisplatin ototoxicity involves organ of Corti, Stria Vascularis and Spiral Ganglion:
Modulation by alpha-MSH and ORG 2766, Audiology and Neuro-Otology 8(6), 305-315.
Sluyter, S., Klis, S.F.L., de Groot, J.C.M.J., and Smoorenburg, G.F. (2003). Alterations in the stria
vascularis in relation to cisplatin ototoxicity and recovery, Hearing Research 185, 49-56.
Cardinaal, R.M., Groot, J.C.M.J. de, Huizing, E.H., Smoorenburg, G.F., and Veldman, J.E. (2004).
Ultrastructural changes in the albino guinea pig cochlea at different survival times following cessation
of 8-day cisplatin administration, Acta Otolaryngol. 124, 144-154.
Wolters, F.L.C., Klis, S.F.L., Hamers, F.P.T., Groot, J.C.M.J. de, and Smoorenburg, G.F. (2004).
Perilymphatic application of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone ameliorates hearing loss caused
by systemic administration of cisplatin. Hearing Research 189, 31-40.
Smoorenburg, G.F., Guest Editor (2004). Candidacy for Implantable Hearing Devices, Audiology and
Neuro-Otology 9-4, 189-256.
Smoorenburg, G. F. (2004). Fitting the cochlear implant processor parametrically using live-voice
stimuli, 8th Int. Cochler Implant Conference, Indianapolis, May 10-13, 2004, Elsevier Int. Congress
Series 1273, 183-186.
Smoorenburg, G. F.; Groot de, J. C.M.C.; Hamers, F. P.T.; Klis, S. F.L. (2004). Protection and
spontaneous recovery from cisplatin ototoxicity. Clinical Otolaryngology & Allied Sciences.
Ruijven, M.W.M. van, Groot, J.C.M.J. de, and Smoorenburg, G.F. (2004). Time sequence of
degeneration pattern in the guinea pig cochlea during cisplatin administration. A quantative histological
study, Hearing Research 197, 44-54.
Cafarelli Dees, D., Dillier, N., Lai, W.K., Wallenberg, E. von, Dijk, B. van, Akdas, F., Aksit, M.,
Batman, C., Beynon, A., Burdo, S., Chanal, J-M., Collet, L., Conway, M., Coudert, C., Craddock, L.,
Cullington, H., Deggouj, N., Fraysse, B., Grabel, S., Kiefer, J., Kiss, J.G., Lenarz, T., Mair, A., Maune,
S., Mueller-Deile, J., Piron, J-P., Razza, S., Tasche, C., Thai-Van, H., Toth, F., Truy, E., Uziel, A.,
Smoorenburg, G.F. (2005) Normative findings of electrically evoked compound action potential
measurements using the neural response telemetry of the Nucleus CI24M cochlear implant system,
Audiology&NeuroOtology 10, 105-116.
Cappaert, N.L.M., Klis, S.F.L., Wijbenga, J., and Smoorenburg, G.F. (2005). Acceleration of cisplatin
ototoxicity by perilymphatic application of 4-methylthiobenzoic acid, Hearing Research 203, 80-87.
Ruijven, M.W.M. van, Groot, J.C.M.J. de, Hendriksen, F. and Smoorenburg, G.F. (2005).
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