Hoofdstuk 1: biology = biologie control group = controlegroep data

Hoofdstuk 1:
biology = biologie
control group = controlegroep
data = data
experiment = experiment
experimental group = experimentele groep (interventiegroep)
homeostasis = homeostase
hypothesis = hypothese
science = wetenschap
scientific method = wetenschappelijke methode
theory = theorie
variable = variabele
Hoofdstuk 2:
acid = zuur
atom = atoom
base = base
catalyst = katalysator
covalent bond = covalente binding
electron = elektron
enzyme = enzyme
hydrogen bond = waterstof-brug
ionic bond = ionbinding
lipid = lipide
molecule = molecule
neutron = neutron
PH scale = pH-schaal
protein = eiwit of proteïne
proton = proton
Hoofdstuk 3:
active transport = actief transport
citric acid cycle = citroenzuurcyclus
cytoskeleton = cytoskelet
diffusion = diffusie
electron transport system = elektronentransportsysteem
endocytosis / exocytosis = endocytose/ exocytose
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) = endoplasmatisch reticulum (ER)
glycolysis = glycolyse
Golgi apparatus = Golgi-apparaat
metabolism = metabolisme
mitochondria = mitochondriën
osmosis = osmose
passive transport = passief transport
plasma membrane = plasmamembraan
ribosome = ribosoom
Sodium-Potassium pump = natrium/kaliumpomp
vesicles = vesikel
Hoofdstuk 4:
basement membrane = basaal membraan
cell junctions = celjuncties
connective tissue = bindweefsel
controlled variable = onafhankelijke variabele
dermis = lederhuid of dermis
endocrine gland = endocriene klier
epidermis = opperhuid
epithelial tissue = epitheelweefsel
exocrine gland = exocriene klier
homeostasis = homeostase
internal environment = interne omgeving
muscle tissue = spierweefsel
negative feedback = negatieve feedback
nervous tissue = zenuwweefsel
neuron = neuron
organ system = orgaansysteem
set point = normwaarde/evenwichtswaarde
Hoofdstuk 5:
appendicular skeleton = appendiculaire skelet
axial skeleton = axiale skelet
bone = bot
cartilage = kraakbeen
central (Haversian) canal = centrale kanaal
chondroblast = chondroblast
compact bone = compact been
growth plate = groeischijf
intervertebral disk = tussenwervelschijf
joint = gewricht
ligament = ligament
osteoblast = osteoblast
osteocyte = osteocyt
osteon = osteon
osteoporosis = osteoporose
spongy bone = spongiosa
tendon = pees
Hoofdstuk 6:
actin = actine
all-or-none principle = alles-of-niets principe
fatigue = vermoeidheid
motor neuron = motorneuron
motor unit = motorische eenheid
myosin = myosine
neurotransmitter = neurotransmitter
oxygen debt = zuurstoftekort
recruitment = recrutering
sarcomere = sarcomeer
sarcoplasmic reticulum = sarcoplasmatisch reticulum
sliding filament mechanism = spierspoeltjes
summation = som/optelling
twitch = samentrekking
Hoofdstuk 7:
anemia = bloedarmoede
blood type = bloedgroep
erythrocyte (RBC) = rode bloedcel
erythropoietin = erytropoëtine
fibrin = fibrine
hematocrit = hematocriet
hemoglobin = hemoglobine
hemostasis = hemostase
leukocyte (WBC) = witte bloedcel
phagocytosis = fagocytose
plasma = plasma
plasma proteins = plasmaproteïnen
platelet = bloedplaatje
Rh factor = Rh-factor
Stem cell = stamcel
Hoofdstuk 8:
artery = slagader
atrium = atrium
atrioventricular (AV) valves = artrioventriculaire kleppen
capillary = haarvat
diastole = diastole
myocardium = myocardium
precapillary sphincter = precapillaire sfincter
pulmonary circuit = kleine bloedsomloop
semilunar valves = halvemaanvormige kleppen
sinoatrial (SA) node = sinusknoop
systemic circuit = grote bloedsomloop
systole = systole
vein = ader
ventricle = ventrikel
Hoofdstuk 9:
active immunization = actieve immunisatie
AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) = AIDS
antibiotics = antibiotica
antibody = immunhoglobuline/antistof/antilichaam
antibody-mediated immunity = humorale afweer/humorale immuniteit
antigen = antigeen
bacteria = bacteriën
B cell = C-cell (?)
cell-mediated immunity = cellulaire immuniteit
cytokines = cytokines
HIV (human immuno-deficiency virus) = HIV (menselijk
immune response = afweer (immuniteit)
inflammation = ontsteking
monoclonal antibodies = monoklonale antistoffen
passive immunization = passieve immunisatie
pathogen = pathogeen
prion = prion
T cell = T-cel
vaccine = vaccin
virus = virus
Hoofdstuk 10:
alveoli = longblaasjes
asthma = astma
bronchi = luchtpijpvertakkingen (of bronchi)
bronchioles = bronchioli
bronchitis = bronchitis
carbaminohemoglobin = carbaminohemoglobine
diaphragm = diafragma
emphysema = emfyseem
epiglottis = epiglottis
glottis = glottis
larynx = strottenhoofd
oxyhemoglobin = oxyhemoglobine
partial pressure = partiële druk
pharynx = slokdarm
pleural membranes = pleurale ruimte of pleuraholte
respiratory center = ademcentrum/ademhalingscentrum
tidal volume = longvolume
trachea = luchtpijp
tuberculosis = tuberculose
ventilation = ventilatie
vital capacity = vitale capaciteit
vocal cords = stembanden
Hoofdstuk 13:
adrenal glands = bijnieren
aldosterone = aldosteron
calcitonin = calcitonine
cortex = cortex of nierschors
cortisol = cortisol
endocrine gland = endocriene klier
epinephrine = adrenaline
glucagon = glucagon
hormone = hormoon
hypothalamus = hypothalamus
insulin = insuline
medulla = ruggenmerg
neuroendocrine cells = neuro-endocriene cellen
nonsteroid hormone = niet-steroïdhormoon
norepinephrine = noradrenaline
parathyroid gland = bijschildklier
parathyroid hormone = parathormoon
pineal gland = pijnappelklier
second messenger = second messenger
steroid hormone = steroïdhormoon
target cell = target-cel
thymus gland = thymusklier
thyroid gland = schildklier
thyroxine = thyroxine
Hoofdstuk 14:
anorexia nervosa = anorexia nervosa
basal metabolic rate (BMR) = basal metabolic rate
bile = gal
bulemia = boulimie
Calorie = calorie
cholecystokinin (CCK) = cholecystokinine
chyme = chymus
colon = dikke darm
complete protein = complete eiwitten/proteïnen
esophagus = slokdarm
essential amino acids = essentiële aminozuren
gallbladder = galblaas
gastrin = gastrine
gastrointestinal (GI) tract = maag-darmstelsel
hepatic portal system = leverpoortsysteem
hepatitis = hepatitis of leverontsteking
large intestine = dikke darm
mucosa = mucosa of slijmvlies
muscularis = muscularis
nutrient = nutriënt of voedingsstof
pancreas = alvleesklier
pepsin = pepsine
peptic ulcer = maagzweer
peristalsis = peristaltiek
Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) = Aanbevolen Dagelijkse
salivary gland = speekselklier
secretin = secretine
segmentation = segmentatie
serosa = serosa
submucosa = submucosa
villus = vlok
vitamin = vitamine
Hoofdstuk 15:
antidiuretic hormone (ADH) = antidiuretisch hormoon (ADH)
collecting duct = collecting duct
countercurrent exchange mechanism = tegenstroomprincipe
dialysis = dialyse
distal tubule = distale tubulus
glomerular capsule = glomerulaire capsule
glomerular filtration = glomerulaire filtratie
glomerulus = glomerulus
loop of Henle = lus van Henle
nephron = nefron
peritubular capillary = peritubulair haarvat
proximal tubule = proximale tubulus
renin = renine
tubular reabsorption = tubulaire reabsorptie
tubular secretion = tubulaire secretie
urea = ureum
ureter = urineleider
urethra = uninebuis
vasa recta = vasa recta
Hoofdstuk 16:
cervix = baarmoederhals
clitoris = clitoris
corpus luteum = corpus luteum
ductus (vas) deferens = zaadleider
egg = ei
endometrium = endometrium of baarmoederslijmvlies
epididymis = bijbal of epididymis
erection = erectie
estrogen = oestrogeen
follicle = folikel
gametes = gameet
menstrual cycle = menstruatiecyclus
menstruation = menstruatie
orgasm = orgasme
ovarian cycle = eierstokcyclus
ovary = eierstok of ovarium
oviduct = eileider
ovulation = ovulatie of eisprong
penis = penis
progesterone = progesteron
semen = zaad
sperm = sperma
testes = teelbal
testosterone = testosteron
uterine cycle = baarmoedercyclus
uterus = baarmoeder
vagina = vagina
Hoofdstuk 17:
anaphase = anafase
cell cycle = celcyclus
chromosome = chromosoom
codon = genetische code
cytokinesis = cytokinese
differentiation = differentiatie
diploid = diploïde
gene = gen
haploid = haploïde
homologous chromosomes =homologe chromosomen
interphase = interfase
metaphase = metafase
mitosis = mitose
mutation = mutatie
prophase = profase
replication = replicatie
ribosomal RNA (rRNA) = ribosomaal RNA (rRNA)
ribosome = ribosoom
telophase = telofase
transcription = transcriptie
transfer RNA (tRNA) = transfer RNA (tRNA)
translation = translatie
Hoofdstuk 18:
cancer = kanker
carcinogen = carcinogeen of kankerverwekkend
chemotherapy = chemotherapie
dysplasia = dysplasie
hyperplasia = hyperplasie
immunotherapy = immunotherapie
leukemia = leukemie
lymphoma = lymfoon
malignant tumor = kwaadaardige tumor
melanoma = melanoom
metastasis = metastasen of uitzaaiingen
mutator gene = mutatiegen
oncogene = oncogen
proto-oncogene = proto-oncogen
tumor = tumor
tumor suppressor gene = tumorsuppressorgen